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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. Not enough. Terp -- who would rather have all his digits than a 7 digit recovery.
  2. Given she's been gone at least 10 years, yep. Lucy White. Fine lady she was.
  3. I've ridden that thing. It's thrilling. At least with a 70+ year old woman in the seat with ya'.
  4. We are? ALL? Terp, who despises over-generalizations...
  5. So Kings Island now allows guest photography from moving trains? When did that start? Terp -- who likes to ask questions.
  6. It means in person at the park. If you mean to avoid the fee.
  7. "You have to spend money to make money." Terp, cross threadin'
  8. Renewals before the park closes get the best price. There are no 4 people or more discounts. And it's important it's processed as a renewal, NOT a new pass. New passes then get ONE visit during 2016. Period. IF it's like years past.
  9. Quite possibly. Processing is less apt to cause future problems if done at the park where purchased.
  10. It's also important to realize that the park's teasing is not solely a Don effort. His staff, other departments, are also involved. It'd be correct to say it's a collaborative effort. Maybe he'd be more comfortable with "Kings Island, throw us a bone." At the end of the day, it's about marketing the park, not marketing Don. See also Jeff Seibert.
  11. It likely will be. Very few things in law go quickly. "The wheels of justice grind slow but they grind exceedingly fine."
  12. I don't think you have anything to worry about there. Now, had Apollo Global gotten its mitts on Cedar Fair...
  13. There is a small portion of the plans that are labeled work area. The rest could be faked to throw enthusiasts off. Rumors were those weren't the real plans to start with if I remember correctly. With all due respect, this has to be about the silliest, most inane thing I've read here this week. Parks comply with the law. They don't do silly things that would not be legal to mess with "enthusiasts." Even when teasing a new attraction, so called "enthusiasts" are not a major factor. Attitudes like that expressed above are why so many in the industry find enthusiasts a bother that must be dealt with, not an asset.
  14. I seem to remember there are those who believe KI is constructing a major attraction for 2017. 2014. 2009. Falling behind? Huh? Compare the CBS years...
  15. Why would plans be filed in an office if there were no plans to do that which is allegedly planned? Aren't the primary purposes of required filings to allow governmental inspections, ensure taxation and give required public notice? Why would any filer unnecessarily subject themselves to all that? Are some posters here actually thinking a park would file plans it had no intention of executing? Really? Terp, who: * Likes to ask questions. * Learns the darnest things here.
  16. There is a place for levity in this business. Especially in what should be a friendly forum. Terp -- whose posts can sometimes be interpreted in many ways.
  17. The calm before the storm? Thursday is coming. A day of reckoning? Or just another delay before the matter is ultimately resolved? Someday?
  18. A. It's Carowinds. B. The South is booming. Cedar Fair has no other parks in the American South with no nearby strong competition. Building up Carowinds is a smart strategy. See also California's Great America...
  19. Very prescient. And for gold pass holders, things have gotten better. Far better.
  20. It was marketed. And many of the customers were adults. It was better than: * Awake: imitation frozen concentrated orange juice. Very imitation. * Astronaut Ice Cream: Bland, pale, cardboard. Never on ANY space flight. * Fizzies: Disgusting tablets that allegedly turned a glass of water into a carbonated soft drink. Like many kids, mine saw only a mouth, no water. Early big Pop Rocks. Still bad. * Bomino "Turkish" "Taffy": Weird hard candy bar slammed on a table before opening. Artificial. Weird colors. Weird taste. Gone. For good reason. Some fools tried to bring it back. Why?
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