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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. WCPO has a long record of less than favorable Kings Island coverage.
  2. And people entering the South Exit while entrants are trying to cross it and those trying to leave the park are just trying to get out? That temporary, too?
  3. And some of us have Ed Hart try to keep us outside of his park, even though we had wallet in hand, ready to spend.
  4. The miltary didn't charge you $18 and then make you park your car, walk to an office, get a refund, and leave.
  5. A bump for our new members. And a tribute to trees...
  6. Good design takes into account what people will likely do.
  7. a Sometimes it is best to remain silent and let people think you are a fool than to start posting utter nonsense and remove all doubt. b. Some are pure trolls, trying to elicit a reaction by whatever means necessary. Probably best to ignore them, however hard that may be. c. That which is occurring in the park will intensify as the answer clearly reveals itself--some will be in utter shock and surprise--others will not. And the park will be pleased. At least it hopes so.
  8. Vekoma? Smoother? Ninja! Six Flags Over Georgia. Smoother? No. Not at all. 1989 build date (for a NJ pier). One of my least favorite coasters.
  9. Putz's is sounding better and better....
  10. Water parks draw from much smaller areas. People in Louisville don't drive to Mason, Ohio just to go to Soak City or The Beach.
  11. I was there opening day and had a great bowl of chili and good service (the hamburger I will not speak of). Of course, it was at 11 AM....
  12. And political discussions are off limits here...
  13. Did you know the mods here decide? Did you know the First Amendment has to do with only Government restrictions on speech, not forum owners? Again, thanks.
  14. Big Bad Wolf was removed for other reasons. Terp, who knows more than he can or will tell. Parts had NOTHING to do with it.
  15. This is a family forum. Please delete the profanity. And (method deleted) to add it? Not cool. EDIT: Thank you.
  16. My number 1. But only in row 1. Other rows? "Is that all there is?"
  17. Arrow parts are readily available, plus the park can make its own....
  18. Hmmm. Falling Trees? Doesn't sound like ignoring to me...
  19. Are we supposed to believe Holiday World attendance is more than 1.4 million? Because KK had "nearly" 600,000 last year... (and the year before...)
  20. And the floor below station level was largely removed, as was the public access to it.
  21. The aircraft themeing is essentially gone. Black coasters are now identified with the chain that numbers its flags. Especially when named Bat, Man. Cedar Fair wisely saw no reason to pick that battle.
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