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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. What bones does SIX throw KIC or ever?
  2. We can all agree CP was a better experience in the Kinzel era.
  3. Intamin got the trains right over 20 years ago. We had floppy disk back then lmao
  4. What enthusiasts are vlogging from playland? We have no idea how it running
  5. Trains built for the 2003 season handled the stress but trains designed 21 years later can't. LMAO @ zamperla.
  6. Your friend is correct. Iron gwazi is crazy compared to SV. Don't get me wrong sv is good just does not have any intensity or the pacing like IG.
  7. A dive is all about the slow crawl then the drop. A mini dive does nothing imo.
  8. It's not like ki has resorts to book up or anything. There really no incentive to invest lots of capital when there are 25 parks or so now
  9. Intamin, mack, vekoma all make better products with better trains and capacity. Cedar Fair went cheap route and this is premiers largest scale product to date.
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