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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Oooh perfect place to have Amazon sponsor
  2. Double helix on The Beast Twisted hill on Orion Orion drop (specifically in the back) The quick turn into the first helix on BLSC, I've always loved that since 2015, the first time I remember going to KI
  3. Hahahaha KI won't be treated like Valleyfair, Dorney, and WoF in terms of large investments! Right? Right....?
  4. Well, the definition could be in what Six Flags Mexico is getting. If that ends up being a new super boomerang, I'll be pretty excited for 2026, if it ends up being a family boomerang... Eek. I'm not totally against another family-thrill coaster, but KI's lineup is full of them, and we just got SSBR. Which, imo, is more kiddie-family.
  5. Personally 1. I 305 (I just can't bring myself to call it anything else) 2. Orion 3. Fury 4. Millie 5. Leviathan I got my first rides on I 305 in the pitch black of night this past summer. That was something else. I think I ended up getting 15 rides in over 1 day and a night. At most 4 rides in a row before I felt I would pass out.
  6. Orion's drop feels more powerful. The whole ride feels more powerful imo. Completely agree, I think if they made the helix tighter it would be better than Orion
  7. Whining and expressing a very slight annoyance are different things.
  8. While I don't disagree, Orion is a giga, it's still annoying that it's not 300 feet tall.
  9. Yes you would totally feel those 13 extra feet at 90mph
  10. Banshee having it's greatest operating season so far.
  11. 315ish feet is not THAT crazy of a height.
  12. I believe Tron Lightcycle Run is sponsored by Enterprise car rentals
  13. Yeah kinda figured. Fun to speculate though.
  14. Why would the casket not be buried if SoB has been dead for 15ish years. Little odd....
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