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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. KI Keepsakes Is closed on Friday Nights.....It's Located on the right side Of I.Street next to Starbucks.
  2. Haven't they have that boat in the pond there in years past? But closer to Viking Fury.
  3. http://www.wonderlandhistory.net/wf.php http://www.wonderlandhistory.net/zodiac/ http://www.wonderlandhistory.net/sss/ ???
  4. I don't have my 1982 map scanned but there it is. What do you need it for?
  5. IGQtpZk6tNU Dog House can be viewed on this video at 4:35 Yes, I know it's a weird video...
  6. We stopped and saw them sing the song "Welcome to our Nightmare" on our way to Red Beards Revenge. I thought it was very good but I only saw a very short part of the entire show.
  7. The park really dies down around 11:30 I found this Friday.
  8. yeBBaYQ6N20 Death Row cZTMHVPz4Q Cementary txd8BTTBclA Trail Of Terror Line AvitC5qQFQ4 TombStone-Terror-Tory
  9. I wish Kings Island would do something similar to this, on lets say maby Saturday Nights. This video is at Six Flags Great Adventure of there "Fright Fest" and it looks amazing compared to Halloween Haunt. So how do you feel if Kings Island would do something similar to this? 8BOD149-h7k
  10. Elvira is alot better than Fun House IMO
  11. The Cemetary - I found this fearzone to be very lame and boring.....no one even tried to scare us..2/10 Worksite - This was the best Fear Zone, there were many scare-actors doing a great job..8/10 Trail Of Terror - Good Haunt not as good as last year though and they made us go threw the tunnel...7/10 Tombstone Terror-Tory - this haunt was very good until the first bridge on the wwc exit then it sucked big time...no one was there! overall I give this attraction 5/10 Death Row- My 2nd Least haunted house at Kings Island... way to many storbes and sirens = headache...2/10 Red Beard's Revenge - Very good attraction I just wish the people had more than just masks on...I jumped the most on this haunt. The outside portion of this maze is the best. 8/10 CornStalkers- Alright FearZone..It's just lacking something, were are the wagons that were in the middle of the path? 6/10 Massacre Manor - One of my all time fav. haunted house's.... if I had to wait in line for a Haunt this would be it 8/10 Club Blood - Very different but overall I liked it, not very scary though. 9/10 Carn Evil - A classic and very fun....the element of surprise is great in this house....9/10 Elvira's Superstition - Can't go wrong with Elvira 8/10
  12. Hey, are you in Tombstone-terror?

  13. Happy Birthday!

  14. But it would be nice for The Beast to return to trains without headrests.
  15. This topic is dead...why did you bring it back?
  16. So we have 2 Villain trains 2 RWB trains 2 King Cobra trains 2or3 SOB trains ? FOF trains wow
  17. I though you might have been dumb..... But, on Saturday's the park is open from Noon to 1am
  18. http://www3.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/visi...it_calendar.cfm
  19. Why do you always have to be a smart @$$ ?
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