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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. A season-long parking permit vehicle sticker will be issued for each Individual Season-Long Parking Pass purchased. This parking permit is valid at Paramount's Kings Island only for the 2007 season.
  2. http://www3.paramountparks.com/kingsdomini...season_pass.cfm Has the parking sticker news been posted?
  3. Then why does pki say Winter Soar can't be held at International Restuarant?
  4. What roller coaster in your opinion had its best year ever? Vortex What thrill ride in your opinion had its best year ever? Drop Zone What was the best thing that happened this year at Kings Island? Beast Bash & Beast Buzz What restaurant had the best food? Festhaus What crew/area was best? Beast What show in 2006 was the best in your opinion? School Of Rock What change from 2005 to 2006 was the best? Train getting music speakers
  5. Those paddle boats were a peice of crap. Our boat was spraying water at us threw the Cup Holders! And our stearing thing didn't work.
  6. Speaking of ribs, I do believe the Bulwinkles in Miamisburg has the best ribs around. Montgomery Inn is fabulous, but there is just something special about Bulwinkles. Yes - I go there a lot (hince it's down the street)
  7. The only good things of Wings are the Potato wedges and there lemonade (only $2.00).
  8. http://photos.pkicentral.com/displayimage....cat=0&pos=5 Wonder where the trailers went?
  9. So has King Cobra been removed from behind fof? http://photos.pkicentral.com/displayimage....at=0&pos=25 The Tiques behind Delirium have been moved. http://photos.pkicentral.com/displayimage....at=0&pos=31
  10. OMG KING COBRA POV!! http://web.archive.org/web/19960101000000-...i.com/i/559.mov
  11. They should do somthing with the King Cobra loop too.
  12. It's becoming Fridays. Winter Soar probaly will not be held there because of this.
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