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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. So what would YOU have named it? Tidal Wave Bay seems fine to me.
  2. You all overpaid! I went in there right towards the end of the night, and told them all I wanted was one of the 30th anniversary maps, and they said "If that's all you want then just take one and leave. You can have it for free" I was so excited haha. I was fully prepared to wait in the HUGE line to pay for one, and I got it for free!
  3. I remember when it transitioned from Tomb Raider to The Crypt, and I seriously asked them how much it would be for me to get one of those monkey statues lol. They never replied
  4. Thanks for posting the pictures Vortex! The crypt would have never lived up to when it was Tomb Raider. It's probably for the best it's gone
  5. I miss the atmosphere the most. Nothing beats walking around Kings Island on a warm sunny day, with the smell of food mingling in with hot cracked pavement, with the sounds of rollercoasters, screams, and laughter echoing through the park.
  6. As much as I love haunt, I wish they would quit turning rides into haunts. Son of Beast's station...Half of Action Theater,... The Crypt. The one that annoys me the most is Action Theater. I don't like that we lost half of the ride, to where it became an upcharge, and the other half as a Haunt
  7. Interesting! Sounds like the menu at Kings Island's dining locations is finally being revamped! It sounds like they are focusing on quality!
  8. Because Kings Island posted that after answering Son of Beast questions. They way they worded it, made it sounds like Son of Beast
  9. I miss all the trees in Rivertown. They should just remove The Crypt and put a pond back in, and a log flume
  10. I guess we will find out here pretty soon when people start going up to get their passes renewed and employees start training.
  11. I mean I like the feel of how it actually looked like a street, with the lamps and the seperate "sidewalk" by the front of the shops, but to be honest it looks terrible without the large shade trees.
  12. I would kill someone if they slowly removed all the trees on I-Street. Why did they even have to remove it.
  13. I'd hardly say the ride waits are 3X longer. They are about the same if you ask me. Also, I don't really see the big deal about a handicapped person having to wait ten minutes. Shouldn't they have to wait like everyone else?
  14. until a child comes out of one tube, and a 260 lb man comes out of the other, one might be going faster than the other
  15. The Crypt is also absent from the rider height and safety guide...
  16. On Kings Island's website under the 2012 Gold Pass VIP Perks, it says that Gold Pass members will have special sneak preview days for the waterpark! It's under the Exclusive Soak City Access heading. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/goldpass/benefits.cfm
  17. I just discovered this topic about a week ago. With college and stuff, I haven't really had the time to get on the forums all that much. Although I came into this topic pretty late, I really did enjoy looking back at all the other pages and seeing the comparison from 1974 to 2011. Thanks for posting all these, they are awesome!
  18. Yeah, I completely know what you are talking about. It is very hard to reset when there is a constant line of people. The only thing that kind of annoyed me, was that a lot of the scareactors resorted to the old, "stand there and stare at people to try and freak them out". This is okay when one or two people do it, but it was like 6 people in a row lol.
  19. The weather has been crazy! One day it is freezing cold, getting down to like 40 or 35. Then the next day or two it is 75 and sunny! Thanks! As in, we liked the ones people have been giving bad reviews to? (for whatever reason) or are they just typed weird? As in, the ones I love you thought were O.K. and the ones that I thought were terrible you thought were good. hah. Like I said in my original post. All the ones I rated low were usually high up on my list last year. This past Saturday they were very lacking, in terms of what I am used to. Also, like Interpreter said. Your experience in a haunt could be completely different each time you enter it.
  20. As in, we liked the ones people have been giving bad reviews to? (for whatever reason) or are they just typed weird?
  21. LOL I edited it to add them Standbyme!
  22. This is going to be pretty short and to the point! Slaughter House- Usually one of my favorite haunts, seemed to be lacking this past saturday. It was probably because they were letting in huge conga lines. Still good though! The Bat creature at the end was awesome looking! (6/10) Wolf Pack- Definitely an improvement over last year!! Had a couple good scares in here. The sets in this one are really cool, especially the one long "tree" hallway. (7.5/10) Massacre Manor- Really disappointed by this one, this year. Normally it is one of the best haunts, but it seemed understaffed. And the scareactors that were in there, it seemed like they weren't trying very hard. (5/10) Holiday Horror- Best maze we went through so far this year! The concept was unique compared to the other haunts! We had the most scares in this one out of any haunt we went through! Thanksgiving section caught EVERYONE off guard! I love Holiday Horror (10/10) Tombstone Terror-tory-- This one is usually hit and miss each year. Sometimes it is awesome, others....it isn't. Thankfully last night it was great! They had the fog on full blast in the covered bridge pathway. The scareactors were doing a great job, and we had plenty of good scares! I would recommend waiting to be the last group to get off the train. Then when you get sent in, hang back from the group infront of you and wait and go through in your own little group. It gives the scareactors plenty of time to reset, and completely changes the atmosphere of the trail! (9/10) We also rode The Beast and Adventure Express! some pictures Me and Ashley being zombies Trying to be scary but failing lol Me being possessed hahah. Can you tell I used to work at Haunt? Ashley (Ashers) and my mom Ashley and her boyfriend, Dave
  23. That's probably because labtops don't exist. Now, if you were having difficulties watching it on a laptop, then it would be a problem.
  24. Last year I didn't work there because I wanted to GO to haunt instead of work there. I thought about working there again this year, but my other job and college prevent me from doing that. I do want to go back at some point though. Working at Haunt is awesome
  25. Well for Trail of Terror in '09, on one of the orientation days we went out and walked the trail. as we went through each section our supervisor would say " alright I need 3 people for this section" and then people would volunteer to be put in that section. You aren't guaranteed to stay in that section though, once Haunt starts, or once rehearsals start your supervisor may feel you would do better in another section. They have the power to move people around. And, in my experience, they don't really tell you what to say. It's up to you to come up with how you are going to scare people, and what your "lines" will be. It's up to you to come up with something unique to say and to scare people. For example, in Trail of Terror I became really good friends with all the people in my section of the trail (I know so many people who make great friends through haunt) and we would all work together to scare. First you would come up a hill and ronny would jump out from behind a tree and scare people. Then, Hannah would run down the path dragging a heavy metal pole and run right up to the guests scaring them! then they would get to Lauren, she would normally be hiding in the woods, or laying right next to the trail and would move suddenly and get people everytime. Then they came to me. I would stand up against a tree that had a random chain hanging from it. I would contort my body, and pull one of my arms inside my shirt so that I looked like a prop with only one arm. People would think I was just a prop, then right when they got close to me I would jump up and scare the crap out of them. One time there was a hold up on the trail, and a group stopped right infront of where I was pretending to be fake. I stood and stood, not moving a muscle. The group was joking and saying "wouldn't that be hilarous if that thing was real" they pointed to me. I waited like 10 seconds longer, then slowly started moving toward them then creepily said" I am real" right in the one girl's ear. They had the funniest reaction ever. First they all screamed in shock. then they rolled onto the ground. Then they just kept saying :I can't believe he was real, I can't believe he was real!" Then they were laughing at themselves at how much I scared them. Then after my little part, they moved on to the port-o-potty and got shot by water, then Amanda would be hunched over a dead body shaking a bone at them saying something along the lines of "why don't you stay for dinner?? mwuahahah" People always told us they loved our whole section, and how enthusiastic we were.
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