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Everything posted by westcoaster

  1. http://www.sanduskyregister.com/news/griffing-airport-re-locating still no word who bought the land, but my guess a public beach coming to sandusky by metro parks. this article was in june.
  2. wow this could be an incredible good thing if Cedar Point bought this!
  3. http://www.thrillnetwork.com/content.php?r=3224-Dolly-Parton-s-water-and-snow-park-in-Nashville-on-hold
  4. Kids attraction would not be to bad at all, to keep up with the #1 kids park.
  5. Saturday to me is the worse during labor day, Monday has been better in the past.
  6. Great coaster , great theme, great video good for the Silver Dollar City.
  7. agreed that Snoopy will not go anywhere, hopefully KI will retain its top spot for kids land, keep adding rides, and good over all theme. Whats everyone feel about a snoopy dark ride, maybe the great pumpkin christmas and easter beagle section in the park, Holiday snoopy then maybe a summer surf dog beach scenes? I think this would be great!
  8. Americas' Team the NFL loud, proud incredible Dallas Cowboys!
  9. Could it be the year of the longest tallest, fastest water coaster in Soak City?
  10. The Beast at night, and any new ride opening at KI. Not much else I would wait for.
  11. Seems to be a wooden maybe I'm wrong since the texas giant and the voyage what is wooden?
  12. Agreed would still have a world calss park in the back yard. Who knows what the park will be like in the future or who will own it.
  13. Winterfest could work and should return, for 2012/ 2013 at the very latest, it brings money in for the park, and great for dayton, and northern cincinnati, now that beach does not have anything! Who says if KI waits that the beach won't return Winter beach fest or something?
  14. I feel as much as I hate pay for attractions in parks the cars will be there for a while, as it makes extra income. Love the thoughts of a timberwolf used for a show! Also need flying eagles back, I feel even rivertown and Action Zone could use family rides.
  15. Great pictures of The Bat, and yes flight deck to me is great!
  16. Nice thought I just dont see 2013 love the thought of expansion of Oktoberfest area. The coaster seems it would work with the station etc. Nice thought.
  17. Loved it with loop better, but rode in both forms of SOB, it was a great ride, just glad they made the decision!
  18. Thanks for the incredible Adventure Express coaster video thanks a bunch!
  19. I feel Cedar Fair/ki would not add another wooden in that spot.
  20. what about Action Zone, and oktoberfest combine one land more rides add a couple flats. All themed to one area.
  21. Now can we get a piece of the legendary, ground breaking, incredible looping coaster
  22. 2 sad stories in todays news Comair and SOB, sob i experienced, loved it , and sorry its going but time moves on , as does the next step for KI and sob .
  23. Thats just one wheel company the other one will have for sure some coasters, Vegas goes in and out in the family cycle. Plus 2 water parks are started in Vegas.
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