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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'm pretty sure sure that Rollercoast19 nailed it. KI has a good neighbor policy with the Lodge and it helps them promote their winter activities in the offseason. Additionally, you'll see advertisements for Mason's holiday festival at KI, but this is not to be mistaken for a teaser for Winterfest coming back, because it's not.
  2. Anything that makes money for KI is a good thing, but even I (the eternal Kings Island optimist) duck out when they try to take my photo.
  3. The hill is COMPLETE!! See More in the KICentral Photo Gallery!!!
  4. This is my fav so far... I mean... look at that hill!
  5. Don't forget that Kinzel mentioned that the reason why CF was at $62m was because they cancelled the CGA project. They would have been millions higher if they hadn't hit that speed bump.
  6. The latest from Don Helbig: See more in the KICentral Photo Gallery!
  7. Final number for the season 42 visits + going while the park is closed for KIC purposes.
  8. Major Diamondback construction update! KICentral Main Page
  9. From the ground! From the air! Diamondback construction is well under way and only KICentral can bring you such a unique view of this 230’ steel beast’s construction! to see KICentral's video tribute to 2008! From the ground – see the construction up close and personal as it unfolds before your very eyes! See the track pieces scattered throughout the now-vacant midways as this incredible structure begins to take shape. From the air – only on KICentral can you see the construction of Diamondback from up above… WAY up above! Check out a bird’s eye view of the Diamondback construction as the mess of steel track progresses toward its final destination – being the tallest, fastest and meanest coaster in the park! Click here to see the latest Diamondback construction photos! Looking for a great gift idea? Why not give the gift of a summer of fun at Kings Island!? Kings Island’s holiday sale is now under way and right now you can purchase a 2009 season pass and pay nothing until April of 2009! Still not enough? Every season pass gets a FREE Gold Pass upgrade which includes special VIP benefits such as daily early rides on Diamondback, a special Gold Pass parking section and FREE parking for the entire 2009 season – a $39.99 value! Click here for information about Kings Island’s 2009 season passes! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  10. I'd have to say Screachin' Eagle at LeSourdsville Lake. Not torn down, but SBNO for 5 years. Moving to "Other Parks and Industry News." This topic is more appropriate there.
  11. I think CF lifted the designated areas rule, but I'm not positive about that. Alcoholic beverages are still not allowed in line for rides.
  12. Yep, you'll enter where the Red Beard's building once stood and exit through the old "Photos in Minutes" building, which will be converted into a gift shop.
  13. Word from under the illustrious Black Hat is that the Red Beard's building is in fact gone now...
  14. Looks like the construction is working its way to The Beast... See the latest in the KICentral Photo Gallery!!
  15. I for one, will be alternating depending on my moods, alignment of the planets, tide level, etc... I love a night ride on The Beast, but something tells me a nighter on Diamondback will be exceptional too. The full time staff at Kings Island have been ranting about how excited they around about D'back's night rides since the announcement. Hopefully they're right!
  16. Yes -- a Platinum Pass from any other CF park is as good as a Gold Pass from Kings Island at Kings Island.
  17. As reported in the Diamondback Construction Thread, a very special Gold Pass perk will be given to ALL Gold Pass holders in 2009 in which EVERYONE with a Kings Island Gold Season Pass will be able to ride Diamondback before the public opens to the public... every day! Details on Kings Island's official web site VisitKingsIsland.com!
  18. Kings Island did have a live band the last year of Fearfest (before converting to Haunt). It didn't draw a crowd and didn't come back. What works at one park doesn't necessarily work at another.
  19. Welcome aboard! I hope you find your experience here on KICentral both informative and stimulating.
  20. Peanut is a lot of fun to watch dance at the different shows. I see her more often than not. She's a very talented young lady. I'd have come up to you and introduced myself but I wasn't sure who you were!
  21. I'm not looking forward to moderating the topic about this concert when it comes up in 2009... ...but I will be at the concert.
  22. Ok, here's the lowdown... The entrance area where the trees were cut down will be the exact location of the final helix for Diamondback. You will not be walking under D'back to get to The Beast in that area. The entrance will be to the left of where it is now, parallel to the exit. I'm not sure how much of the station will stay and how much will go, but we do know that it'll look a lot different in 2009!
  23. What a season 2008 was! From death-defying motorcycle jumps to an all new level of world class entertainment to something old becoming new again, if you didn’t visit Kings Island in 2008 you certainly missed a lot! If you think the momentum is going to stop in 2009, you’re sorely mistaken. In April of 2009, Kings Island will unleash its tallest, fastest meanest coaster, Diamondback! Diamondback will stand 230’ and will feature ten vertical drops, an innovative open air train design and an incredible splashdown finale! Diamondback construction is already well under way and you can see the latest construction photos by clicking here! If Diamondback’s venomous bite already has you excited about the 2009 season, then you can skip the lines in the Spring by purchasing your 2009 season pass online! A 2009 season pass allows you to visit Kings Island on any day that the park is open to the public. You can also upgrade to a Gold Season Pass and get special VIP benefits. Don’t forget that season pass holders will be among the first to have the opportunity to experience Diamondback! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
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