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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. ^ Ha... so you upload a huge picture that's clearly a dial up nighmare of Jungle Jim's and don't even include the monorail? You've gotten soft.
  2. Outside and maintained is very different than outside and left to it's own accords. I agree. Even from a distance you can see that KC's track doesn't look like it's in great shape. Under normal circumstances it could probably be restored, but I'd guess that it would be more viable to manufacture a new coaster rather than to refurb and reconstruct KC at another park.
  3. The stupidity of this thread has dropped below PKIC standards. Closed...
  4. Generally words don't have numbers in the middle of them.
  5. Congrats! As much as I love hanging out in the park with people like you guys, there's nothing like taking a newb on rides like DZ, Tomb Raider, or The Beast! Getting free tickets is always fun to do.
  6. Agreed. As far as we're concerned, it's not the offseason quite yet, so we'll start eagerly anticipating 06 in January.
  7. Plus with the exception of the initial move from Coney, when have you known PKI to get a 2nd hand ride?
  8. I doubt there's much truth behind that. In fact, my guess is that within the next few years, April and May will have several sellout days similar to September. It seems as though that's a good way to get people into the park during a dead season.
  9. Allthough RCDB's info is usually pretty accurate, they do have odd tendancies to remove and add coasters from the site. I'm not entirely certain why. Also, from what I've heard, KC's track was more "cut apart" than dismantled. From what I've heard, they cut through the bolts instead of unscrewing each one. Likely because the coaster would be unusable to anyone due to it's metal fatigue. I'm not certain on that one, but that's what I've heard.
  10. I wrote him a thank you email as soon as I found out, thanking him on behalf of the members of PKIC. I'm sure he'd want to hear from you guys too, although I doubt he'll have time to respond.
  11. PKI Trivia would be awesome! Unfortunately, only a few of us would be able to answer most of the questions, and if they dumbed it down, it wouldn't be too fun.
  12. No, it should AT LEASET be available through Winterfest. My guess is it will be available during the 06 season as well.
  13. Maureen just e-mailed me with some very interesting news! A new product will be available in PKI stores this weeked. We're talking about Kings Island-opoly! It features silver game tokens which are a carousel horse, coaster car, star, director's clipboard, boomerang, and much more! This retails for the every day low price of $30! Make sure to check it out on your next visit to Winterfest! This is definitely something for any PKI fanatic!
  14. Nah, people come and go. It just seems like a big year because of Jeff.
  15. You're probably right, but in that case, it would be cheapter to rent the equipment for 10 years than to purchase it.
  16. I think they were in there when we were up there taking WF construction photos a couple of days before media day but I'm not certain.
  17. ^ Ha.. I have NO idea what you're getting at man. I will however point out that Bill said that they rented their Fearfest stuff the first year too. Must be PKI's way of taking the safe route with these new projects.
  18. As much as I would love to see more rides open, I think you know as well as I do that if they opened Tomb Raider, there would be a 3 hour wait for it... in the freezing cold. Just go an enjoy the food and shows... worry about the rides in April!
  19. I went to Holiday Fest two years ago and they did the same thing, but the slide wasn't frozen over. You'd just take a dry run down one of hte slides in a sled. I bet that's how they're doing it this time too. It was uber-lame.
  20. I do hope they have discounts after Christmas. That's when I'll have the most time to go. I saw the thing about Santa returning to the North Pole. I thought that was kind of funny. I had worried how they would handle that after Christmas. I wonder if they'll pull Santa from the parade too.... I mean, Santa appears in a lot of things, so I doubt they'll pull him everywhere, but if you recall, they put Santa on a break to join the parade, so they clearly think that children will be able to see the correlation between the two characters.
  21. They really just have to draw the line somewhere. From what I understand, Scooby has independent copywrites, so PKI is just protecting themselves. Plus there's always that small chance that you could drop your camera under the ride and cause damage to it.
  22. I would like to see pictures of theming if it would be possible to POV it Unlikely. It's probably still illegal to POV on it.
  23. Just save up some cash and make it a big night out. If you walk into any place with the notion of getting your money's worth you'll always be disappointed. Just try to enjoy the spectacle and the shows and I guarentee you'll have a good time.
  24. The unofficial word that I just got from the park was that they still plan to retheme Scooby.
  25. They were working up there for a VERY long time... Much longer than you'd think just to remove the curtain and replace it with the backdrop. Hopefully this will be an implication of a revamp for next year... Also, I think they said at the press announcement that Santa's Toy Factory was a ravamp of the previous show.
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