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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. agree....reptar and beastie is a 44 inch min. However IJST is considered a family coaster and is 48 inches. I think you guys are missing the point of the "family coaster" concept. It's not so much a ride that elderly people and kids in strollers can ride, but rather a ride that can be enjoyed by both younger kids and adults. Therefore it's built on neutral ground. It's not too tall, not too fast, and doesn't have inversions.
  2. I'd say the only downside to the product itself is that you can really do it all in a few hours when the park isn't really busy. If they added maybe two new attractions next year and perhaps added nightly fireworks, it would be a much more well-rounded event.
  3. Jason's Extreme Cuts 2 didn't even exist as far as I'm concerned.
  4. I think it would be a hard debate as to which show was better, School of Rock or Santa's Toy factory. Regardless, this is clearly the best year that entertainment has seen in a very long time and these awesome shows have been at the pinnacle of it.
  5. I'm willing to go as far as saying that they wouldn't even have to move the entrance. There's more than enough room where they were.
  6. The scrawny blonde kid with socks up to his knees has been so kind as to share his photo of the Elephant Walk with us. Click here to see this exclusive historical photo.
  7. Right now PKI-Opoly is only available in the retailers within the park. Don't worry though, the season is just a couple of months away!
  8. You probably weren't around for this, but when they announced that the Eagles were moving to Carowinds there was a pretty big uproar on here... yeah, we were ****ed.
  9. In the spirit of having these few months between Winterfest and actually seeing noteable attraction construction, we have decided to dedicate this front page article to the one thing that will help most of us make it through these offseason blues, a good wholesome game of Kings Island Opoly! In this wacky adventure of Paramount proportions, you and your friends challenge each other to buy out all of the rides and attractions of Paramount's Kings Island and charge your friends some pretty heafty fines to step foot on your property! While all of this realestate exchange is going on, you make money by braving Son of Beast, or loose all of your change on The Vortex, or even get sent directly to security for line jumping! Click here to see some special photos of Kings Island Opoly! Ryan PKICentral.com -- "Advance your token to your favorite PKI fan site, if the site is not PKICentral.com, pay all of your money to the other players, grab your coat, leave, and never ever come back... EVER."
  10. Do you just got in and ask the manager if you can have them?
  11. POVs can be done with permission from the park. They take special percautions to make sure that everyone and everything is safe. To answer your question, I don't know of any.
  12. There is an actual meaning behind the star on top of the Christmas tree, so I can see how some people might be offended by Paramount using it as advertising. Personally, since Winterfest clearly was about the cultural side of Christmas instead of the religous side, I think it was a very interesting touch.
  13. I don't think it's fair to say that ACErs are known for making poor decisions. I will however admit that I see them as a counter-culture in which main stream is considered a bad thing (with the exception of the almighty Cedar Point). It's kind of like how true punk rockers like bands until they're finally on the radio, then they have "sold out."
  14. My guestimation: 2007: Another themed coaster, either that or a AE retro-fit. 2008: Area expansion near The Racers 2009: Flat ride 2010: Another Nickelodeon expansion.
  15. From the Coasterbuzz newsletter:
  16. I agree that they priced themselves out of the market this year. At least they know their bounds. I think $15 is a fair base price, but I think they should offer reservation and web discounts too. I think that the $10 to $15 range is extremely fair. On the other hand, I think the product was superb. I couldn't ask for anything else from Santa's Toy Factory, it was nothing short of the level of brilliance that we've come to expect out of the entertainment department at PKI. I'm not going to say any more about that. Holiday Illuminations was great. I liked it better the first time than the 2nd. I guess it was because the first time I watched it from up on the pathway and the 2nd time I watched it from in front of the lake. You may have noticed that a lot of the beginning of the show starts with the spotlights on the ground that would be to your back. Other than that, I loved the show. I wish they'd do something like that with the Fireworks Spectacular. Maybe do a tower show kind of like what they're doing now. The parade was amazing too. I always wished they had stops kind of like the Nick Parade does, but that's asking a lot of some of the performers who are usually cold and wet long before the show even starts. I thought it was a cool mix of old and new Christmas concepts. The Scrooge thing was funny. They pushed the limits with it, but still made it family-friendly. The Winterfesthaus was really well done too. The live performers were a lot of fun and really added to the spirit. The "walk around" performers were great. We saw a magician the other day who did a great show and was really funny. White Christmas Express was a great idea. I don't think there was enough to it, but I really think they laid a really great foundation for next year.
  17. "You get caught POVing on The Beast at Beastbuzz 2004, go directly to security." Snap. "You buy a copy of the Unofficial Guidebook to Paramount's Kings Island and spend five hours wandering around looking for Waterworks. Lose a turn." Sorry Charles...
  18. In the spirit of the whole, "You might be a PKI addict if..." thread that we've had, I think it would be fun to come up with some funny PKI-Opoly cards. I'll start: "You manage to squeeze five people into a flume on Wild Thornburry's for a wet and wild ride. Pay $60 for a new cell phone."
  19. I think they should have a colorful light show on the tower that correlates with the Fireworks Spectacular every night.
  20. Actually, I'm guessing that they're only obligated to pay taxes in the state in which their mailing address is.
  21. In the end, PKI puts as much or more money into new attractions as CP does, they just don't feel as though it is necessary to advertise it.
  22. I agree with that entirely, but I'm sure that they make up for all of that in food services.
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