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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. I am not certain about SC, but the local indoor waterpark does use a " dummy" to train & keep the lifeguards on duty on their toes. I can only hope the same goes for what you observed. If not, that is one sick person & a cruel joke.
  2. Since Disney lost out to Universal for HP (and IoA attendance going through the roof), I can see Avatar going in big at Disney.
  3. Funding questions resurface for San Francisco 49ers stadium after board yanks $30 million but should not halt construction. http://www.mercuryne...-after?tw_p=twt
  4. I forgot all about that!Well done!
  5. I can see why (I am not saying it is true) the park could be less focused on KIC due to reaching more KI fans through FB & Twitter.
  6. Gauges are, well, gauges. Plugs are what bald people use to not be bald. Tunnels are what cars drive through. Stretchers are what medical people use to carry injured people.
  7. What? Why? I seem to be having trouble posting with my phone today, that wasn't my intended post. There are not six cellphone towers over mid-america. Is that anything like "middle earth"?
  8. That is rather conservative.... Imagine all the: "terrible decision, I'm never going to KI again" on their FB page.
  9. Are you that brain dead? I was asking about the announcement, not what they are going to do with SOB. Might want to process what you read just a tad longer before making a comment.
  10. In all seriousness: typos & occasional mistakes are one thing. Complete disregard for even trying to grammatically correct is another. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Their_vs_There
  11. Recent article on increased tattoo removal: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/29/tattoo-removal-rises_n_1553125.html People having tattoos have long complained about not being hired by employers due to tattoos because "it is a free country", "freedom of speech", and (my particular favorite) "discrimination of tattoos".
  12. ^ Actually, the last two sentences are correct.
  13. So, rust now causes steel to warp. I learn new stuff everyday!
  14. If the # 2 worst complaint you can find is seeking out glue runnIng down PVC, which is not uncommon, SC is doing rather well! And more for your enjoyment! 3. The AR was clogged today, and they still put in more tubes! 4. The water sprays were messed up to where they would not spray properly 5. Many repainted structures are chipping off, like the Didge erm water thingys are chipping. Paint chipping?Wow.... I had NO idea..... It is simply amazing on what can be found if you look long enough. Thanks for spending your money at KI! As a patron, I am glad to have people like you spend so much of their day looking for glue & chipped paint instead of in line for rides!.
  15. There is no reason to mention the fog, as there is no way to accurately inspect anything from such a great distance. Rust does not cause wood to warp. Again, there is zero way to accurately diagnose anything from such a great distance, that said, I am anxious to see the pictures that will be posted that you took with the good zoom to compare to the 2000 pics.
  16. ^ You did not mention where you can accurately diagnose the warping from.
  17. What part of the track looks warped, and where did you see it from?
  18. If the # 2 worst complaint you can find is seeking out glue runnIng down PVC, which is not uncommon, SC is doing rather well!
  19. Of the trains being on the track.-Brown- who likes pointing out the obvious.
  20. I talked to a guy in a suit, and he told me it's gonna take much more than a Fast Pass line or a tarp being visible for SoB to run again. How about we agree that trains being placed on the track is a sure sign.
  21. Dogs that bite repeatedly are put down.
  22. I misplaced my car keys once @ KI, but I don't think we are discussing that type of thing.
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