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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Perhaps it is just me, but I find it incredibly ironic that a plane with an advertisment for auto insurance is flying above highways of fast moving vehicles with the sole intent of taking the driver's eyes off the road.
  2. ^ That is incorrect. In a nutshell: http://www.expertlaw...ad.php?t=104826 Another Wiki: http://wiki.answers....tion_to_dismiss and: http://www.ncids.org/Def%20Manual%20Info/Defender_Manual_Vol%202/DefenderManual_CH32.pdf There are truckloads more. We have reached the point of moving on about 10 posts ago....
  3. Coming from a member that uses a name for a ride that no longer exists is rather funny.
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! That song is quickly becoming for enthusiasts what "It's a Small World" is to those currently riding it at Disney. Even Jim Rome uses it now too!
  5. i think i read about it being removed shortly after posting that. to the disney duplications: just using parks in the US. How many Tower of Terrors are there?: Two, and they're approximately 2500 miles apart on opposite coasts. Space Mountains: two. Small World: two. How many WindSeekers are there east of the Mississippi? Five. Dinosaurs Alive attractions east of the Mississippi: five. Vekoma Flying Dutchman Coasters cincinnati and east: three. That list goes on. Outside of Dinosaur's Alive- none of them are themed at all. Though Dinosaur's Alive is an intriguing attraction, I've been through it once and can't see myself paying the upcharge to do it again. Disney only has those two choices.Also- Disney is one of the most desired family vacation destinations in the World. Amusement parks draw guests from a much smaller distance radius.
  6. ^ No. Nothing to do with you. Just a general forum rant.
  7. Beast: SoB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thJFQcfwsYo
  8. Nice TR & pics! How long do you estimate Beast line was?
  9. That is funny! I get a kick out of those that need to stand up, wave their hand, and tell us all "I told you so" when there were only two choices. Congrats! Please tell us how you don't want to say "I told you so" and in the same sentence, and then say "I told you so". What's next, saying you are going to give the silent treatment, by telling them? I love forums...... Have a nice day!
  10. ^ Hopefully you are lucky, but it's not a good bet. Since the holiday falls in the middle of the week, CP is the LAST place I would want to be for the next 2 weeks. Many companies are scheduling their shutdown next week or the week after. I anticipate crowds for the next 2 weeks to rival a good weather Halloweekends Saturday. Just remember: A bad day at the park is better than a good day at work!
  11. This whole thread is like a Seinfeld episode.
  12. In any lawsuit, sufficient evidence is necessary to even get close to a jury trial, and all evidence needs to be presented to the defense prior to said trial. Any defense attorney will file a motion to dismiss due to insufficient evidence, and at the motion hearing (only in front of a judge) if there is insufficient evidence presented, the lawsuit will be quickly thrown out without the defense having to "defend" itself. If motion hearings did not happen for these types of things, out judicial system would be backed up 100x worse than it presently is.
  13. ^That sounds great on paper, but never happens in reality. A typical injury attorney only gets paid if the plaintiff receives a settlement/ judgement. Given that this particular incident is anything but typical, the attorney willing to take the case is the worst of the bottom feeders as they are, in fact, encouraging the frivolous lawsuit. Also, evidence is most certainly necessary. Simply filing an injury lawsuit does zilch without something backing it up. If there is zero evidence, the paperwork used to file the lawsuit is worth less than the paper you use to clean your backside and will quickly be thrown out. That said, is there a particular lawsuit where a business settled without being presented with evidence that you are referring to? I'm anxious to hear about it! KI and other like businesses have lawsuits filed against them almost non-stop. We hear only a small handful, if that. If each business paid just because they were presented with a list of allegations, and no evidence, none would be in business today.
  14. Ask Brian5475E. He keeps Don's feet warm at night.
  15. Many words surround the Fair Board."Cents" is one. "Sense" is not.
  16. The longer time passes, the less likely anything happens. The Kochs pulling out speaks volumes. Ed Hart barely speaking (as opposed to before the Koch's pull out) speaks even louder. Instead of when, the bigger question is actually who, as I cannot imagine a first time amusement proprietor jumping in at KK given the baggage it comes with.
  17. ^^CF has attorneys on retainer as well as in-house (since CP is self-insured) for this type of thing, but what you are failing to understand is the attorney making the claim also has to make an income as well. While It could get expensive for CP if it actually goes to trial, the initial costs fall on the accusing attorney. If his time is spent on frivolous lawsuits like the one being discussed, I seriously doubt he has much capital to take on this type of lawsuit. Evidence is needed to make the claim, but most importantly, it is needed before it ever heads to trial. The accusing attorney had to present enough evidence that KI is responsible for the injury (physical evidence & witnesses) and a large part of obtaining evidence for this type of case is to pay for it as well as hire someone to investigate other similar cases.
  18. ^ The high in Sandusky will be 95, but at CP, since the Lake Erie water temp is about 75, it will be cooler.
  19. I'm glad you like to hear yourself talk, repeatedly. The rider safety guide was linked only for to your "defensive riding" comment. Yes, lawyers can sue for anything, and will attempt to. But in this particular case, a lawyer could sue, but for what? A bloody nose caused due to someone not riding properly? Good luck, especially if this is the best case an attorney can use their time for. Ever consider who wrote the rider guide, and the reasoning for how things are defined & termed? Think about it....
  20. Per KI Safety Guide: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/images/uploads/file/2011_Riders_Safety_Guide.pdf
  21. ^^I don't believe he is saying that, but the rider did not have his head back, facing forward, and holding onto lap bar
  22. Another apples & oranges comparison? First Universal & KI, now SoB & Beast?
  23. List of productions filmed back-to-back from Wiki, so take it for what it is worth (although I have have heard of most): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_produced_back-to-back My understanding is Rowling wanted final refusal rights on all aspects. Disney refused; quite possibly due to knowing Avatar was available with 2 movies in the works while the HP movies would be ending in 2011.
  24. Vinnie Testacles played for the Jets, not the Giants.
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