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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Beast is running fantastic this year and Racer is so-so. In any business, there is an order of importance since not everything can addressed at the same time. Beast received love for 2012. 2013 could be the love year for Racer.
  2. The fall sale will continue to be a drastically discounted price due to being "free revenue". What I mean by that is: we buy our season passes 6 months before we can use them. In turn, CF holds onto that money for 6+ months before any return to the customer is necessary and does what they please with it during the slow season (probably invests a large portion of it). As a customer, we need to determine if the discounted cost of the pass is worth it for that money not being in our account. I have no problem with a 13 year old being on their own at the park as 13 is generally considered a "legal" babysitting age. Younger than 13- absolutely not. Now that does not mean a 13 year old is mature enough to be alone in the park, but there needs to be an unsubjective standard. As far as the cost goes, I am happy with where it is at.
  3. I believe a more stable economy compared to the past few years has much to do with it as well.
  4. I'm sure it is.But a $20 million impact? That number seems a bit exaggerated.
  5. It's too bad history repeated itself as opposed to being learned from. Imagine where KI would be today.....
  6. A notoriously rough coaster that has been modified and has a history of lawsuits is being shut down? I've heard this story somewhere........
  7. Some already have..... I can't say for sure, but I highly doubt it.With all the time that has passed, there is no way someone would not have snapped a pic of people walking SoB's track.
  8. More credible claims than: "I talked to a suit", "My uncle knows this guy", "I live at KI", "I have green flourescent hair, did you see me?", "I'm so close to Don, I know when he does not clip his toenails", go a long way.In a nutshell- don't come off as bogus.
  9. Not sure, but I'll put money on Vortex steel being worth more than KC steel.
  10. Emphasis added http://www.sun-sentinel.com/travel/vacation-starter/attractions/universal-orlando/os-universal-orlando-new-hotel-20120709,0,6195386.story
  11. I'm gonna have to invest in 'KI Central Cliffs Notes' for the essay!
  12. I am wondering what how much one spends in the park has anything to do with any discussion?
  13. Get rid of Wolfpac?Say it ain't so!
  14. What a creepy coincidence that the Anonymous Raw G.M. Returned tonight.
  15. Just like it wouldn't kill you to use the search feature or use proper spelling/ grammar.If you come off not putting effort or respect into your posts, we will treat you the same. A little effort goes a long way. -Just trying to help.
  16. ^^ You may want to explore Webster's as well as KIC's handy search feature. It will help with your time here. Welcome to KIC!
  17. I have now replied to your topic. Have a nice day!
  18. ^I think it is hard to please everybody....
  19. In honor of our new G.M.- intro music:
  20. Where's your proof? Name your source. If not I will believe it is an ACER computer. Ever watch Monday Night Raw?
  21. The so-called harassment machine just went into overdrive. Ok- it's true!
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