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Everything posted by SOB_TOM

  1. The system has been around for a couple of years, just not used.
  2. That bowling game had so many problems that many of us in maintenance were happy to see it gone. It has been gone all season. And yes, it will be interesting to see if the origonal plans are going to be stuck with.
  3. Its more of an effect. Like the line for Dueling Dragons, the theming in the lines adds to the ride. Especially short rides.
  4. I think Six Flags executives have forgotten to breathe in the past.....
  5. Yeah I didnt go because I was too busy watching them from my house on my porch. My personal favorite parts were the superman symbols, the WEBN spellout, and the hearts during "Enter Sandman". Whoever decided that last one had an interesting interpretation of that song.
  6. But Peanuts is not current anymore. Ever since Shutz died, no new episodes have been released. Even though we remember these characters, the younger generation does not relate to them, and thats where the characters need to relate. Outside opinion, I think not having the Nick gang at the park actually might hurt the park itself.
  7. I could possibly see them fighting, especially if this tax specifically hits PKI. However, if this is an overall tax on all amusement venues, then it will be a lot harder to fight. Basically if GWL is taxed this fee along with PKI, then it will be a lot harder to fight.
  8. Its because some people get on the boards for the sole reason of antagonizing others while somehow playing inside the rules of the TOS. Just look at some of the posts Sparky has made in the past, and you can see where I come from. And BTW Sparky, I wasnt put in charge of mikes this year. Van was. So if you have any complaints about that one, talk to the village idiot. He seems to be very adapt at building crap.
  9. Go back to pushing your buttons. What someone gets paid does not determine your posistion. All I know is that your little ride op-ing ass is overpaid to sit there and press a button once ever what, 4 minutes?
  10. Can we say that Landscaping cant spray down a midway without damaging something?
  11. Ok, believe what you want. I dont know anything about how the electrical lines run to the brakes. Just ignore the guy in maintenance.
  12. Thats sad. However I have a great idea to make Snoopy on Ice more of a fan favorite: Give all kids who enter the theatre a slingshot with 5 pellets. Then, have Snoopy go around with a target on his back. Whoever hits a bulls-eye gets a toy!
  13. And New York is loosely based on........ Chinatown.
  14. I think those people who do the wooden coaster polls are on crack anyway. I never believe em. You might want to look around other theme parks for their concert venues. Timberwolf is one of the larger ones. Plus, with limited concerts, you can spend more to make those one or two concerts a little better in some areas.
  15. By varying the amount of electricity is sent to each brake, you control how much pull you have on the train. What I meant is speed range. Sorry for the mistake.
  16. Hasnt it been proven that children watching educational cartoons growing up tend to be smarter or something? I have no problem with preteens watching that garbage. However, the way I was raised is that you have about 1 hr to watch tv a night that you pick. You can watch with the family, but you personally have 1 hr. I know that back then, there would be no way in hell I would pick Spongebob. The way kids are growing up now is that mommy and daddy are too busy doing "other things" to watch what their kids are watching on tv. So they sue the government whenever they dont feel that what is on tv is "family." I guarantee you that over half of those who have sued have spent more time on the internet or talking on the phone or playing a game than with their kids. Welcome to America.
  17. The animators probaibly just wanted a quick little logo and made a snake. No big deal honestly.
  18. Actually they ADDED control features. Even if you ride The Beast with only four people, the computer controlling the brakes will always put the train at the same speed, no matter the weight in the car.
  19. Sane? Seriously man, if you want to stay sane, thats what beer is for. As for my sanity, I lost it a long time ago, and dont feel like looking for it. Just goes to show you that raising kids at the age of 13 (No there not mine, long story short my sister had 3 and the father ran off) really doesnt pay off in the long run.
  20. But you also have to realize that Express is "loosely" based on Indiana Jones. But so is the Tomb Raider series.
  21. I say just go with the PKIC logo on a t-shirt. Put the trip on the back, with an outline of Ohio in the backdrop. That way, it wont cost that much, and would drive down cost.
  22. So glad I hate lifting. Running is ok, but I cant stand lifting. Would rather play football or baseball, or even Synchronized Swimming.
  23. They will get over it. To be completely honest, I dont know why parents let their kids watch those two shows. Spongebob is the epipheny of stupidity (Lets take a sponge, make him act like the dumbest Burger King worker out there), and Patrick has the mentality of my 6 month old nephew. As for Scooby, its a nerd, a football jock, a cheerleader, a stoner and his equally stoned dog. To be honest, Im not letting my kids grow up on that garbage. At least the old HB characters had some intelligence (hell even Bugs Bunny knew enough to trick the hunter)
  24. 1) Ban the name Van from ever working at the park 2) Destroy any evidence of their ever being a Van in Tech Services 3) Larger budget to Animation and Creative servicesto upkeep theming 4) Destroy Spongebob and Scooby Doo (but thats just me. Death the the Sponge and the Stoned-Dog!)
  25. $5 bucks says the curse of Madden strikes the Eagles this season.
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