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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. Would I sign up for it, yes. Do I think this is necessary, no. I frequent this site because I expect to get ALL of the KI info that the mods know...I don't see the need to hold things back for a newsletter. I do appreciate that you are striving to come up with new ideas though...really. (I also like RailRider's idea though.)
  2. This afternoon (I like the shadows that Diamondback gives off.)
  3. I lost my wallet with credit cards, season pass & cash. In today's world I didn't have much faith that anyone would turn it in...at least with the cash still in it...I was totally shocked when I went to Customer Service at the end of the day and it was there, cash included. My mood shifted from depressed to ecstatic in seconds. It was nice to find that not only were there still honest people left in the world...but I was fortunate enough that it was one of them that had found my wallet...what were the odds?
  4. Just wanted to say thanks to Don for sharing another great opening day shot...these are the kind of photos that need to be displayed in Wings...also thanks to violakat03 for sharing those slide shots...I love seeing the early train theming.
  5. Don, Thank you for sharing that incredible photo...the park looked amazing back then.
  6. ^By digging up this old topic you got me good. I saw that it only had 4 replies...and you were the last one, so I figured it was new...after reading Chef's question I thought to myself, why would anyone need to know when BAFD this far in advance?!
  7. In case the kids out there want to know what you're referencing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQBvCkvwHD4&NR=1 (It pays to have a wide range of musical tastes.)
  8. Since The Interpreter is not on line at the moment, I will post an answer he would be sure to give if he were... Yes
  9. It seems like you are already seeing the humor of it...so by next year you will probably be laughing hysterically when you tell the story...and so will anyone that you tell it too! (When I first read about the events at Holiday Fest I couldn't believe it when I saw the paddle boats listed...I thought to myself, what if someone gets wet...I guess I now know.) P.S. If this is how your luck runs, please stay away from me at the KIC Blues Party!
  10. I will be there alone...but I don't care. (I also added numbers so that anyone else doesn't have to count the names...I assume Dane is coming?!) 1.Captain Nemo 2.Boddah1994 3.gigacoaster2k 4.Gordon Bombay 5.Mr. 3000 6.beastfan26 7.flightoffear4thtrain 8.Raptor66 9.CoastersRZ 10.violakat03 11.cincyboy79 12.-15.Brian5475E +3 16.Cory Butcher 17.coasterguy15 18.-20.iChase (+mom)(+friend) 21.Beast man 22.&23.Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom 24.IBEW_Sparky 25.KIFan73 26.pkiboy 27.windshawne 28.keiko_coaster 29.PhantomTheater 30.Rollercoast19 31.Dropthegloves97 32.&33.touchdown62 and 1 friend 34.Ogrmac + 1 35.XGatorHead 8904 36.adventure2007 37.Kawana & Elina 38.standbyme
  11. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I'm glad you had a good time. This shot reminds me that when the campground was still there, you could barely see Top Gun because of all the trees...not quite the case anymore.
  12. Personally I don't care if there is even any food...the tours are plenty for me...with that said, just snacks like maybe cookies, cake or maybe cold sandwiches. (I would say that Skyline would be my least favorite choice...I eat hotdogs about 4-5 times a week...and I still dislike theirs!) Maybe you should start a poll. P.S. Nice to see you're coming iChase!
  13. It speaks volumes how geeky we all must be that we are thrilled to walk through a park that's closed to see a ride that is still being built! (I can't wait!!!)
  14. So am I...if it's anywhere as cold there as it is here in Illinois they are more of a man than I am!
  15. That's why Wikipedia was invented...so that anything can become "fact"!
  16. Same here...the 2 year comment had me searching my memory for a connection. (Maybe he's trying to Gaslight us!)
  17. Jesse, I'm sorry that I haven't replied to your amazing trip report before now...but to be honest I didn't know where to begin with my comments! You completely overwhelmed me with everything! Your TR was so much fun to read...I do feel like you took us all along with you. The bonus of your report was not only was it fun to read, but helpful...you can't get tips like this from anyone but someone like you who has so much experience with Disney...thankyou for taking the time and trouble to do this! See ya, J.D. P.S. I thought it was great that you included a little of the family "problems"...it makes it seem real...and that everyone has them.
  18. I saw the subject was Chuck E Cheese and I thought BORING...I wasn't even going to bother opening it...then I saw all of the replies and my curiosity was peaked. Great trip report! Like others have mentioned, the POV's were hilarious.
  19. Same here...hope everyone has a VERY nice Thanksgiving!
  20. I don't think that having the rides themed to shows is that important...but I DO think that it IS important to have popular characters running around...my Nephew's eyes really light up whenever he sees a Nick character...he couldn't care less about HB characters, let alone Snoopy. If the park is trying to save money they might as well drag out Felix The Cat or Betty Boop because the end result would be the same as The Peanuts and probably even cheaper than they pay for that license.
  21. Sorry for the late reply...but thanks for sharing your pictures. You took quite a few good ones...this one is my favorite though: It turned out very good...it is nice and sharp & the exposure seems just right. (I did see you at the event fairly often...I just never got around to introducing myself.)
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