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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. BavarianBeatle, I think this shot is great. (Right place, right time!)
  2. Thanks for taking the time to share all of these great photos! This has been a very interesting trip report.
  3. I was just kidding you...all in fun. I agreed with both your t-shirt topic and your comment in this thread.
  4. Oh the irony that it is you defending the park and their t-shirts!
  5. I think it's a nice gesture on the park's part...after all, it's not like they have to do this to get people to show up that day.
  6. Like most things in life, nothing is B&W. I haven't been to Cocoa Beach in a few years...but I went 3 years in a row in the mid 90's...we stayed at 4 different areas of the beach. There ARE very nice areas...and bad. (The condo area we rented had a very nice large beach...and soft white sand.)
  7. goofywdw...if I could reach through the computer screen and slap you I would...I don't think you left out one comment that could have made me feel any older! This is the character that you don't know...it's Captain Caveman you little whippersnapper. Thanks for the fun pictures. I will leave you with one of my favorite slogans I read on a t-shirt once: "Friends don't let friends wear neon".
  8. haussie, Thanks SO much for putting this video up...I have been waiting YEARS to see some shots of the tower being built. That's cool! I was in awe when I was watching them....they make any of us park "thrill seekers" seem like real wusses!
  9. It's nice to see someone who has pride in their hometown...something that is almost impossible to find in mine...but if you saw where I live you would understand! Anyway, thanks for the interesting photos. I was in Indy about 2 weeks ago...I drove by The Chase building a few times at night...I thought it looked cool and wondered what it was...thanks for enlightening me!
  10. Is this a date yourself quiz...if so I will...Snaglepuss.
  11. Or you can leave it intact, baby and all and roll it up the handicapped ramp...we have done this a few times with a sleeping baby.
  12. goofywdw, Thank you for the video...it was fun to watch. There hasn't been too much to talk about for the last day or so...so your video came at a great time. Also, thank you for even having the desire to do this...after all, you really don't know most of us posters personally...so it is nice that you still care enough to do this. Interpreter, thank you for posting this...I don't think most people would have had the courage...including myself.
  13. Brent, Thanks for the link. Even though I never win these things I still registered...there has to be a first time some time!
  14. You can add me to the naive list...I wouldn't have guessed THAT many different people riding Diamondback before it officially opened...thanks for the info!
  15. (Just like the demographic of this site.) I completely disagree. This is one of the very few enthusiast websites I have joined that does not treat someone differently because they are female. If I had noticed such a thing, I would have been gone a long time ago. I think you misunderstood my comment. I was just pointing out that the majority of coaster fanatics appear to be male...and if this site is any indication it is a big majority. If you check out the overall top 100 posters and look at their (supposed) gender you will find that there are 75 males, 24 "not specified" (and the majority of them that I am familiar with are guys) and 1 whole female...and you wanna guess who that is?! (Just go look in a mirror!) I first noticed that this seemed to be more of a "guy thing" at the KIC get-togethers. Also, don't get me wrong, I think it's great when girls/women are coaster fanatics. (My mom was one...my dad hates them...if it weren't for her I wouldn't have ridden coasters so early in my life.) When I made my comment it was just a light-hearted observation that the way you see Kings Island's t-shirt selection for being mainly dominated by guys is also the way I see this site...I did not mean to imply that you girls were treated as inferiors either here or at the park...sorry if I offended you...I hope you are this passionate about the park your whole life!
  16. (Just like the demographic of this site.) The problem is all inside your head she said to me the answer is easy if you take it logically...just start packing on the pounds and you will have a whole new world of t-shirt choices!
  17. Don, thanks for the photo...the splash effect is even better than I had hoped!
  18. ^I really think that is good that you can do this...but I do not have the type of personality that usually just starts talking to someone I don't know...I never want to risk bothering someone...I have had that happen to myself at places and I never want to be one of those "Boy was he annoying" people. (Although I am sure I fail sometimes!) I really don't mind being AT a show alone, because I never really want to talk during the music...it's the drive to the show and after that I don't like. There is something about being able to review the show with someone instantly that makes it fun for me...I like the "OH, did you see that"..."Can you believe they DIDN'T do that song" conversation! As a reference...I (obviously) love Kings Island...but going to the park "alone" is not the same as being with someone. I went to the first KIC Day "alone" because I just had to do the special events. On that trip I only talked to one person for about 30 seconds...it was the worst trip I have ever taken to the park. (I have never wanted to leave the park so fast...I didn't even hang around for the ERT.) Now, like you, I would not hesitate going to a KIC event "alone" because I do not feel like I am going alone...which I still find both amazing...and scary...I keep wondering if I have become too involved with this site. (But like Linus says in It's The Great Pumpkin..."Please don't tell me, I don't wanna know".) (Also, sorry Zach that your trip report has been derailed so bad.)
  19. Riddle me this...when is KIC's Newest Member, not a member...
  20. Zach, nice trip report. I would like to see more show/concert reports on here. (My show days are pretty much over...you will find as you get older it becomes harder and harder to find one of your friends who has stayed "current" with new music...then you have to find one who is even able to go because thay are either married or working...enjoy your youth!) Anyway, the report was a lot of fun to read...and interesting. I work in an independent record store...one of the last of a dieing breed...and the line-up would be out of order if that tour played our area. Around here Buckcherry blows Avenged Sevenfold off the map...I can't believe they were one of the opening bands...it's also weird to see Papa Roach so far down on the list...they don't sell like they used to, but it's hard to believe that they don't mind opening for an opening band. (Saving Abel sell decent around here also.) It is great that you crowd surfed...when I used to go to the shows, if I didn't like a paticular group, I could be just as easily entertained by the crowd. Keep the trip reports coming!
  21. Geez...I can't even fathom that many people all signed up for one event. The first park event I went to, they seemed thrilled that 300 people showed up. And not that it matters, because I have already "commited" to go...but I was wondering...with that size of a crowd how many rides can a person expect during an evening's ERT? On the events I am used to, with only 100-200 people it seems like you get about 10 rides....so what does that mean with 3,000-4,000 people?
  22. I have never been to that...so what I kind of numbers are you talking...300?
  23. Huh... Well then; end of discussion. Just curious, shouldn't a mod have removed or changed the "Just a topic about the Action Theater closing." line from the title of this thread yet since Ryan has posted that Spongebob isn't going anywhere this year.
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