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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. ...and the world would be a lot better place if you also lost the master tapes for this "song".
  2. When you get old, you sometimes forget what it was like your first time...it's nice to be reminded! Thanks for the trip report.
  3. A VERY nice trip report...lots of fun to read. The group shot was cool to see...especially with people mentioning who they are.
  4. My family & I also gambled and went on Friday...hoping to beat the weekend crowds a bit. We arrived around 1 o'clock and got quite a bit done...but yeah, when the rains hit that was depressing. (Personally some of my FAVORITE memories are of riding both The Beast & Delirium in the pouring rain.)
  5. It sounds like you had a great time...thanks for sharing your pictures!
  6. Thanks for the trip report...I think your pictures turned out fine! Actually, he may be the ultimate ride warrior...because, judging by how bored he looks Diamondback was obviously not up to his own personal high standard of what a thrill ride should be!
  7. It's just that certain "glow"...or maybe you have to have "KICdar"...or you could just look at Photo Trip Reports, avatars & personal photos!
  8. To demonstrate how it is not always possible to rely on the park itself for a uniform answer, I JUST got off the phone with Guest Relations...I was told that they WEREN'T planning on sending out confirmation e-mails...and they couldn't verify my reservation.
  9. Maybe he was part of an elaborate prank...maybe Sacha Cohen was working on his next movie!
  10. Alan, Thanks for the trip report! 29 rides on The Beast...wow! I have not been to the park this year yet...so I can not answer your Adventure Express question...but I have been reading lately that some of the effects aren't working...that bugs me too! See ya, J.D.
  11. auge.dog, There are SO many good lines in your report I wouldn't know where to begin to say which is my favorite quote! It sounds like some great memories for all of you. (If I were you, I would print out this TR so that you & your kids can read it in the years to come...it is better than photos!)
  12. Nice Trip Report. Thanks!
  13. It sounds like you "guys" had a fun evening. Nice Trip report!
  14. After all of the topics of discussion on this event I don't think I have ever seen this question answered...can we expect an e-mail confirmation? I hate the uncertainty of not knowing if something is going to go wrong the morning of the event. Can anyone on the inside PLEASE get an answer for us? Also...to anyone on the "inside" can we realistically expect anymore details than we already have about meals...I would like to pre-pay at the Backyard BBQ...but I don't want to do that if there is going to be something connected with the event.
  15. I did the same thing...the FIRST time I registered I unchecked the box because I was not a Platinum Card Holder...then after I registered I began to think...maybe they meant either a Kings Island Pass Holder or a Platinum Card Holder...so I re-registered a few minutes later and kept the box checked. I don't feel quite as "stupid" now!
  16. ^As The Interpreter said, there is CERTAINLY no need to apologize...your trip report was a lot of fun to read...you have a good sense of humor! (Even without the pictures I would have enjoyed it...which says a lot.) Thanks for taking the time to do it! By the way...have they sped up the bumper cars since last year?
  17. Zach, Thanks for another great trip report...the pictures are great...and your shot of the tower is "postcard perfect"...I really like that one! See ya, J.D.
  18. As proof that you can't please everyone all the time...I think I know the stretch that you are talking about...and I have always liked that it was dark!
  19. NOTE: This post is not directed at any one person in particular…really. I feel really bad for LMHConcepts…he does not deserve some of the negative comments that I have seen. It is not his “fault” that his design won…it was picked by the majority. If you do not like the design that is your right…but other than hurting someone’s feelings what good does knocking it do? Although winning the prize money was a nice perk, I would guess that if you divided how many hours he spent on his design the $150.00 prize didn‘t really pay for his time…I am sure this was a labor of love…he obviously loves both this site & the park. Congratulations LMHConcepts!
  20. I stay at The Kings Island Resort pretty much every time I come to the park...it is not fancy, but I think it is nice. As for the shuttle...as of last year the park no longer allows it to drop you off near the entrance, you are now dropped off/picked up in the "public" drop-off area near the marque. It is not a bad walk, but it used to be so much nicer the old way...especially for families with small children. I still hold a grudge against the park for making it's paying customers "suffer" a little bit just because a certain other hotel is the "official" park hotel...some people can not afford/rationalize a high price hotel...especially if they don't plan on being there much...they plan on being at the park spending their money. (End of rant.) Back to the Resort's shuttle service...unless they make an exception for Coaster Warriors...something that I haven't seen them do in the past for any "special events"...the shuttle only runs within' a window of a half hour before and after the park's NORMAL hours...this means that you will have to either walk or drive too and from the park if you plan on doing the ERT activities. I have done it fairly often...I do not consider it a bad walk...but I just thought you might like to have that info.
  21. kjkjkj, Thanks for the assist! My family and I are (finally) now registered!
  22. Looking at these photos it is obvious that you guys are having the time of your life…it is great seeing that much enthusiasm! These photos should be of great comfort to you in the future when you are old & decrepit and sitting in a nursing home reliving the “good ole‘ days“. (How’s that for a mood swing compliment?!)
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