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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. Thanks for posting this article...there aren't too many "famous" people I would like to have met but Walt Disney is one of them.
  2. Is there anything worse than being "corrected" by The Interpreter. (And this coming from someone who has had 3-4 root canals.)
  3. I agree with what you are saying...and I have held my tongue this long...but I might as well say that the reason I finally chose not to go was NOT because of the scheduled events or the cost...I thought the price was great, and I ALWAYS enjoy the sign shop tour...I chose not to go due to the fact that it does not appear that it is going to be much of an actual KIC event. I could live with just being mixed in with another group of enthusiasts, what I couldn't live was the appearingly complete lack of enthusiam on the part of the mods...the way I looked at it, if they are not that excited why should I be. I hope this is not considered to actually be the "Fourthcoming" because I would hate to say I missed an official event. I know that people have been complaining about people complaining...so I am sorry if this offends anyone.
  4. Wow...I hope you are right...I miss riding them. (By the way...nice new avatar!)
  5. I was not aware of that...but any idea how often it is claimed...I swear some of the change at The Thonberrys looks like it's been rotting there for years.
  6. That's the way I feel...I don't want to ride it so much that I get bored with it...God knows it will be quite awhile before Kings Island gets another "big one".
  7. That's how I feel about people throwing change into The Wild Thornberry's water...I just don't get it.
  8. I was curious and Googled whether a penny/coin WOULD kill anyone if dropped from that height...according to this ABC News test the answer is no...in fact it would only feel "like a bug hitting you"...it has to do with the aerodynamics of the coin's shape. (They did say something more streamlined like a pen could be dangerous.) http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=3131332&page=1 It actually makes me feel a little better knowing that a coin is not as dangerous as I would have suspected.
  9. I saw your avatar before you changed it...in my opinion there is always a place for "constructive criticism"...but I found your avatar rude...kind of like going over to someone's house and knocking their decor. I always try and remember 2 things...Number 1: This is not my site so I don't make the rules...and Number 2: No one is forcing me to come here if I don't like it. I don't intend this post as mean...i'm just trying to give some "constructive" criticism.
  10. Yeah, the park no longer allows them to do that... but don't get me started on that rant again!
  11. It never ceases to amaze me how sleazy some people can be. I always stay at the resort and I feel like the little added cost is worth it BECAUSE of the shuttle service...it honestly upsets me that some people do not see a problem basically stealing from them. I hope that the resort catches on to this. Do unto others...
  12. Nice report...those lines are insane...except for special events I never go to the park on weekends...but my sympathys to anyone who doesn't have a choice.
  13. Thanks for the Trip Report...it was fun to read. (Congrats on winning the prize also!)
  14. The only thing that I have (permanently) lost is also my hat on Adventure Express...the stupid thing is that I took it off and sat on it so that I WOULDN'T lose it...after the ride I forgot about it and got up and left it...I went back a little later but it never turned up. Ironically my friend also lost his hat on Adventure Express...we watched it rot on one of the tunnel rooftops for 2 seasons before it either blew off or was removed. SO, Adventure Express may get knocked as not much of a coaster but obviously it knows how to eat hats!
  15. I'm not saying I agree with it...I was just giving you my guess...I figured you might not know about the other thread since it was only called "Ok fess up".
  16. My guess it was pulled because the photo/event was already being discussed here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18810 (But that's just my guess.)
  17. VERY good trip report...I would love to see Marvin The Martian running around in KI! As for the parachute ride...yeah, i'm old enough to remember when those rides were considered exciting. (Back in the day when I was in line to ride it Helen Reddy cut in front of me...now you can go look up who Helen Reddy is!)
  18. DBru, maybe the park could build an ad campaign around your theory.
  19. ^This time it was I who held my fingers!
  20. Yes...I read over that little "fact"...but on the other hand, the park back then hyped that the height was 112 feet high for Rick's walk, not 60...so what will the 262 foot height REALLY be?
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