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Everything posted by upstop

  1. upstop

    Haunt show

    These guys would be perfect!
  2. 2016 will probably be a Soak City addition....plus other stuff.
  3. The new ride will be fun, but it's not the same. Our flyers had a HUGE amount of history behind them. First they were from the park that produced Kings Island. Second they were an original model of the ride. I believe it was the losing of the history that was more important at the time. Now KI only has a few of the original rides from Coney Island in it's lineup. Time marches onward.....
  4. Steel studs....remodeling project.....Coca-Cola Marketplace?
  5. In the beginning....oh lets say about 1972....the performances were very, very polished. As I recall ( I could be wrong so please don't flame), they had A, B and C teams. The early day performances were the best dancers and singers (A Team) and the least polished were the late afternoon (C team) players. The performances were broadway-esque, stylish and nearly perfect in nature. I'm sorry to say that the performances today tend to seem mostly unfinished. I'm from the old school in that I believe that if you look like you are having fun and enjoying what you are doing on stage, the excitement will flow into the audience. A lot of the performers don't look like they really want to perform.
  6. Wow....Now I have to meet you so I can be six degrees from Kevin Bacon!
  7. When I was much, much younger (during the Water Works days)...I had a dream that there was a roller coaster over a pool where the coaster was like The Bat and the riders held onto gymnastic rings suspended from the cars chassis. As the roller coaster progressed its route, the weakest riders were flung into the water pools below. The remaining riders as the ride returned to the break run still holding on won a prize. I was always flung off the rings just before the breakrun...ending in a surprise wake up from falling...(no water or pee was involved...just the fright from falling.... )
  8. I want an inverted, launching, racing coaster with at least 6 loops, with four tunnels in the darkness of the woods....oh and it has to have 9 air time hills...is that asking for too much?....I know, I know....I can't have it cause I'd "shoot my eye out".
  9. I have to agree... sounds like our local grocery store when there is a misprint in their sales paper..."oops our printer goofed".
  10. Woo hoo! Luxury section 8 housing...if I were going to pay that much for housing, it certainly wouldn't be on the right berm of the freeway.
  11. I'd wager that the bacteria doesn't spread as far as someone not washing their hands at all....which occurs more often than not...
  12. Layoffs? Not good. This effects all of their parks...not just SeaWorld.
  13. Sid and Marty Kroft were puppeteers that designed the Hanna Barbera's Banana Splits characters and thus their puppet show was incorporated into Coney Island along with the Hanna Barbera characters. The Firestone inflatable theater had marionettes, but I can't recall if they were associated with H/B. Edit....Apparently it was S&M Kroft theater. http://quasi-interestingparaphernaliainc.blogspot.com/2012/06/kings-island-brochure-1976.html
  14. Well, what do you know!.... Here is one for sale in Florida.... http://usedrides.com/ViewAd.aspx?Ad=23551&view=I and there is still plenty of room in Octoberfest for one...
  15. The Flintstones was an early evening show geared towards adults. It was also a cartoon parody of the sitcom, The Honeymooners. It was sort of like the Simpsons of the '60s, therefore it had better scripting and was more off the wall in it's commentary.
  16. Well! I guess we will all have to watch Fresh Horses just to see our resident movie star! Homebodies is corny but fun to watch and you are right about the dadisms (gotta like that word!)
  17. For a real Cincinnati movie treat, look up the movie Homebodies. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071617/ It was an independent movie filmed in downtown Cincinnati during the OTR renaissance. I was about halfway through the movie before I discovered that the station wagon in the movie was speeding down Central Parkway to the viaduct to drop a "body" over the side to a train below. Had to rewind and watch it again to see other sites around town. However, no KI in the movie....
  18. I guess that would only work if the wealthy don't buy up the cheaper all resort pass before anyone else does.
  19. Never was a Molly Ringworm fan, myself.... but the KI photos are nice. Also, the original post says Wild Horses...I believe it's Fresh Horses.
  20. Um...vertical drop...when they leave the station and slide over the edge to drop vertically, if they go airborne in the slightest, they will crack their heads hard when they slam into the pullout...dumb dumb dumb...if they are riding inside a device inside the tube, there might be some cushion but still....Why is it important to loop in a waterslide? Who wants to drown inside a tube?
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