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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Interestingly, the "southwest leg" is in the south west area of the actual ufo and flashing lights occurred there when Mr Christopher was being electrocuted on the fiber optics connector just before the lights went out and KDs version is layed out in the same manner.
  2. Appears to be a holiday special to buy a single day ticket for any day during the season and get a free Fast Lane. Nice stocking stuffer...but I'd rather have the season long pass, Santa.
  3. It looks like it will be a single attraction in the plaza, so I don't expect super long lines. Probably will cost $15 to ride...kind of like an attraction in Vegas.
  4. Jerry Goldsmith - Poltergeist - Soundtrack Music : There were also clips of Jerry Goldsmith's Poltergeist music.
  5. I shopped there many years ago. I believe the shop popped up during the first incarnation of Winterfest. I believe there are still signs along the road headed towards the shop. It had a lot of really neat collectables. I was looking at the time for Christopher Radko ornaments. nor sure if they sell them or not (these are collectable/limited addition ornaments that are numbered)...The story of how Radko revived the European types of ornaments is fascinating and if you have the time, research some of his story. I have exactly one ornament that is kept safe and secure as it is "one in thirty" that were made. Every holiday season I open the box once to view it and put it away for another season. If I recall correctly, the store had a few there, not for certain as it's been a loooooong time ago that I visted. I plan on going back to the Christmas shop sometime soon, very cool and unique items....kind of in the mood to do that this year.
  6. Wow must have missed that....Something for everyone in the kids area!
  7. He's gone? And they're still cooking bacon? I'd be leery of the type of "bacon" you're a eatin down there.....bwahahaha! ;-)
  8. Mt Washington has become a bad neighborhood, but move on out further into Anderson Township and things are better, more like strip mall paradise, but easily accessible to rt 275. Try Loveland and Montgomery too those are nicer areas, and closer to KI. Also Milford is a reasonable area as well.
  9. Loved that video!!!! One of the coolest pre-shows of any attraction ever made (next to Tomb Raider and Haunted Mansion.)
  10. If you are willing to drive 45 minutes to an hour away, you could find many reasonable rentals. I live an hour away and worked weekends in the 80's....much younger then ... worked 13 hour days....made lots of great friends and had good times!!! Go for it!!!
  11. A sports tournament? A game?If it's a midway game, why trademark it? Maybe it has something to do with the refurb of the picnic groves.
  12. Why not propane warming stations throughout the event? I think the entire event would be about making childhood memories. Visits with Santa and Mrs. C, family sing-alongs. merry music and funny characters. KI has plenty of indoor space to get warm. I believe the train cars could have clear vinyl drop panels added. (they have them on the trams at Universal Hollywood to prevent riders from getting wet and cold on bad weather days). I really liked the show that they had on the train the year they brought back Winterfest..."Home for the Holidays." I believe they had carriage rides at one time...that would be fun to do through decorated areas.
  13. I think a holiday version of Charlie Brown's Christmas would be an excellent idea for the dinner theatre in the Festhaus. I still like the idea of inviting high school and church choirs to perform in the regular indoor theatre when you first enter the park. This could be offered earlier in the afternoon to attract large crowds to the park ($$$) wanting to see their choir group perform. Maybe local guy Nick Lachey could be the host like he has been on the television show, I think it was called Clash of the Choirs. Remember we were a host city recently for the Choir Games which was an international event for choirs and was so popular they want to bring it back to Cincinnati. Cirque Imagine then could have a few night shows in the same theatre possibly. It would be neat if the La Rosas on International Street could move above the main entrance to the restaurant that use to be open when I was a kid. They could offer some other dishes besides pizza like spaghetti dinners and it would offer a great view of the lights on International Street. Having Winterfest open in limited areas of the park with a good balance of indoor and outdoor activities, while attracting large groups to come to the park should make it a very profitable event for the park. Plus the new larger Starbucks is an added bonus that would make big amounts of $$$ on winter days and evenings. Now that you mention it, why not have a nightly sing along Holiday Cantata or a living Christmas Tree with projected lyrics on a screen. People really dig this stuff, I know... What about lighting up Tower Gardens (of course that would take cleanup prior to use)
  14. Yes...and everyone who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart....right? LOL
  15. I could see black light cut outs like Rockin Rollercoaster depicting holiday scenes through out the ride. Something like cartoon people jumping out of the way or flying up a chimney or maybe cork screwing through piles of wrapped gifts. Maybe string lights throughout the structure...safely of course. Temporarily name the ride "Holiday Rush." Heck the inside of the building is kind of like a snow globe shape if you think about it.
  16. Hey, as popular as the Spirit concerts are, they could add a special concert series at KI during a new version of Wintersfest. That would pack the park for sure. Maybe even a symphony series in Fest House. I'd like to see a North Pole maze to Santa's house. Roving characters like gingerbread boys and girls, snowmen, and ornaments. How about a live holiday version of Charlie Brown's Christmas.
  17. Hey. Found this tidbit that gives the initial Uhura speech and you can hear some of the alien speech.
  18. Anything is possible. They could even hire a profession team to set up over night if they start small. My question is how are other parks that are seasonal, transitioning between Halloween and Christmas in the same time frame? How much lighting is permanently strung on structures (not trees... that kills trees if left on them all year) but unseen by the average visitor during the summer? How easy would it be to switch to from non traditional string lighting to something similar to what is around the tower base and perhaps changing the textured lighting lenses used this year from Halloween to Christmas? I do have to agree that it is currently a technical, logistic and staffing issue for certain...but there is always a way if planned appropriately. Heck they could even do something similar to HH by creating reusable structures that are ready and waiting for a Winterfest event.....kind of like flipping a switch from Halloween to Winterfest. Never say never....just not now or so fast. Also keep in mind that The Beach had a winter event and no rides were operating...(thank goodness) except for a paddle boat ride that someone has an interesting story about....(have to giggle a little) and they are having a winter event this year too.
  19. I remember the Start Trekish Lieutenant Uhura voice announcement : "Please secure loose articles. Loose articles are not permitted. You may hand articles to an attendant but we are not responsible for them. Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and remain seated with your head against the headrest, facing forwards throughout your journey. Thank you." edit: there were other announcements from an alien something like: (if anyone knows the correct statement...please correct...) "you offered to travel to the distant realm to experience freedom so kindly remind us why you are the ones locked in your seats?" plus others in rotation
  20. They could sell a Winterfest seasons pass earlier in the season to gauge the size of the crowds to anticipate, have free parking and a slimmed down admission price, partner with local artisans and vendors for the event, add many indoor events and shows, make it a shopping destination for the season (toys, clothing, ornaments), they could use Dinosaurs Alive as a lighted walking trail, I would imagine that maybe FOF could operate, why not have an indoor holiday maze someplace in the park, definitely use the train ride and Boo Blasters (maybe Elf it up in some way), operate nearly all of Planet Snoopy ....start small and expand to a regional event...heck it could be done if they really wanted to do it. Or they could just lose out on capitalizing on one of the top rated holidays.
  21. Paramount brought it back specifically to showcase the park for selling it. Kinzel only wanted the parks and nothing else. The unfortunate fact was we had a very bad winter in the events first year and Paramount stacked the cards against itself by requiring scheduling for the event and meals....very bad decision. The event needed to startout small and expand year to year....just like the original. Im willing to bet that it would be around today if a ) Kinzel would have allowed it remain b ) Paramount would not have left a bad taste by setting so many restrictions c ) weather would cooperate The event was doomed from the beginning.
  22. But nothing beats the Three Point Challenge Basketball game. Plus we get the benefit of all of the endless bouncing balls on the midway and in ride lines....(sarc)
  23. Holy crap! That's a lot of toilet paper.
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