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Everything posted by upstop

  1. OH NO ...they're dismantling the Screaming Mimi? http://www.thefifiorganization.net/history/paulsbasement/california-part-2/ ...Although a racing RMC coaster would be a first.
  2. The following incidents happened on the same day....I was sitting on the wall near Invertigo eating ice cream and I thought "This may not be a good spot to sit.". As I was standing up a cell phone smacked the gravel behind me and shattered into the crowd through the chain link fence, luckily no one was hurt. Later on I was waiting in the north side loading area of Delirium and I thought "hope no one loses a cell phone". When the ride was at it's peak coming from the south a cell phone flew out and slammed the metal platform spewing cell phone parts. The sound was so loud that it sounded like the ride was malfunctioning. The riders instantly went quiet and the ride was ended. When the riders got off the ride, one rider was so scared that they left a medical clean up in their seat...it was that loud and that scary. With such a "need" to be connected to a "phone/computer" all the time, maybe the wrist smart phones are not such a bad idea after all. Hey...they could even add your pass, meals and incidentals to your wrist phone! (sarc)
  3. Crown Plaza near Busch Gardens Williamsburg is practically in the parking lot of the park. You can often get fantastic deals on Hotels.com for better motels. It just depends on if you are including weekends and weekend rates (usually higher rates at that time).
  4. Interesting how WCPO had to add "This is not the first time that a Kings Island ride malfunctioned and raised concerns." and S.O.B to the news story to add filler to their report.
  5. Hmmm....based on some of the "captains logs" I'm beginning to think it might be a river raft adventure ride.
  6. I haven't tried Chicken Shack yet. I can't get past the $14.99 price and the nauseating burnt oil smell near the building....yuck.
  7. That statement is true. In the early days, during and after a rain, the skid breaks with grease on them were pretty much usless. The trains would fly incredibly fast along the track. I remember once sliding through the break shed and into the second tunnel at full speed. It felt like we would upend over the edged of the track at every turn. Amazingly fun ride!
  8. I remember FOF (Outer Limits Flight of Fear...as it will always be in my mind) breaking down a lot at first. I might have spent more time in the hanger than outside in the queue. Therefore I memorized my favorite part of the film.... From rote memory... "Imagine a world where the imperfections of human existence are a thing of the past... Where hunger and poverty are unknown....where we can shape your existence to anything your imagination can conceive... This then is our invitation...come with us....enter our vessel...follow our path across the cosmos and discover that which lies beyond this mortal sphere... You are about to experience the awe and mystery that reaches from the deepest inner mind to....the Outer Limits....." Zap...lights out...screaming....reboot...start over.
  9. I had read something somewhere that Gringott's has drop track involved too, but I'm taking that with a grain of salt since it's virtually a mystery ride right now....Wouldn't it be cool if the Tan Box was converted into a mysterious Mummy type ride maybe ala the Gaurdian?
  10. ^^ So true. Guests were supposed to get lost in the theme and take their times to wander and enjoy. Now it's the opposite. Now guests must plan their time down to the minute, and be at the Magic Castle before their LaneHopper ticket time expires and then run over to Mr. Bunnies Totally Awesome Hop Thingy to get a new LaneHopper before they're gone. Then they have to make it to the Inter Park River Transit before the dock closes to go to the Animals Only Park because they have a scheduled lunch reservation at the Shady Knoll Terrace, and they are required to be 15 minutes early. (It's almost like someone with ADHD was in charge of these new planning systems.) BTW, FUNTV? I've already tuned them out as a distraction.
  11. I waited for over 5 hours for Outer Limits Flight of Fear when it opened. The queue started at about where the Dinosaurs Alive entrance is and went into a completely full plaza in front of the building. When we almost got to the ramp of the UFO, someone pointed to the back and saw what appeared to be more line....People freaked out and actually left the line....I looked too and considered leaving, until I realized that I was staring back at myself...hehehehe....(those of you who know understand what I'm saying). The longest I've ever waited was for nearly 7 hours for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the forbidden eye. Problem here was the unusual process for the queue at that time. We got in line somewhere near the center hub of the park and there were long waits and then sudden moves. I found out later that once the line was in Adventureland, it criss crossed the midway and there were employees raising temporary rope queues in intervals allowing guests to move forward. After a certain amount of guests moved forwards, they would drop the ropes to allow guests not in line to pass....problem was, guests who knew what was happening from prior experience were jumping into line each time the ropes were dropped. The employees were frustrated with it too, but with the massive crowds it was bound to happen.
  12. ^^ If you pay attention as you ascend the first hill, you can sometimes feel it swaying....To me, just adds to the butterflies before the big drop.
  13. Just for fun, go to Disney's website and play like you are a family of four to see what the total cost is to stay at a "value" resort...don't forget to upgrade all of your tickets. Example: The four of us are going for a week in October (two adults and two children over ten years old): 7 nights: Value room = $2649 including 8 days of park hopper tickets for all. Add the Memory Maker option so we don't have to carry a camera. Subtotal = $2798.10 We want the dining plan so we can get meals and snacks at over 50 locations. So we choose the quick service plan. subtotal = $3973.82 We have to get there too, so we book a flight. Sub total = $6085.82 and we get ground transportation for free...WOO HOO! Our sub total is now $6085.82 before taxes! That's nearly half of a used car and this is the bargain basement deal for a family of four. People go there still, so they are either cruising on high interest credit cards or getting the money for free from somewhere, because no family that I know can dish out that kind of cash for a weeks vacation. Want to see what a high end Disney vacation costs same dates, and group except the best of everything? Contemporary Resort (Parking Lot view) 8 nights and 8 park hopper days = $11796.42 add memory maker Subtotal = $11918.14 add Disney Platinum Plan includes meal services, Richard Petty experience and other shows Sub total = $19030.14 add flight for four Subtotal = $21,142.14 free ground transportation. Subtotal before taxes $21,142.14 it's all about the money now. Sounds reasonable eh?
  14. Yes Fast Pass can stay there. Unfortunately, Disney released that genie on the world, and the dollar signs popped up in every theme park CEO's eyes. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before it hits the original theme park. But it will probably be worse...my guess it will be a pay to play plan like our little park.
  15. Bumping forward....again with the increases.... http://www.stableytimes.com/news/disneyland-ticket-price-increase-2014-annualseasonalsocal-plans/16761/
  16. ^^Quebec, Canada. During the production that I saw, I don't believe there were skateboarders or juggling acts. I wonder if the show will change up occasionally for entertainment value?
  17. Saw and heard the following on Saturday this week....When at the park I was standing near the main line entrance of Banshee opposite side of the line nearest the rollercoaster looking at the full queue line. "Why didn't they wait for us?" "I don't know." "Well we are going to catch up to them. Where are they?" "They are way back there." "OK, let's go." This caught my attention. So I looked at what they were wearing and the fact that it was neon colored they stood out and were easy to identify. I looked in the line and a couple of queues from the stairs were others in the same neon. The couple entered the regular queue and "excuse me'd" their way through the line. I watched as they zig zagged through the queue and people willingly stepped aside. The next thing they were going under the queues and excusing themselves again. When they got to near the stairs, their group was nearing the top of the stairs... and people just stepped aside and let them pass to the top of the stairs. What took regular guests two hours to wait, these two skipped in less than 5 five minutes....no one did anything. Question is what can you do when some people are perfectly OK with letting people pass by right to the point of the station?
  18. Germs are everywhere. You can't avoid them unless you are in a plastic bubble. Just take the necessary precautions to prevent your own contact. Don't touch your eyes, face, mouth or privates without pre-sanitation with sanitizer. Be courteous of others as well. Cover your mouth when sneezing and for gosh sakes don't spit anywhere...at all...or as I saw yesterday...dont blow your nose....directly onto the ground...uber gross.
  19. I plan on going down there soon...Yay...I'm excited!
  20. Actually, you can play/dig with real back hoes and drive real equipment through a course like a turn pike. There is a video in the article showing some of the attractions. some of it is corny but I guess it could be fun in some way.
  21. This is a totally weird concept... http://www.equipmentworld.com/diggerland-usa-preview/
  22. ^^ That's the key....small local restaurants. Look what KI did for Larosa's and Skyline.
  23. My best guess is that it will someday be repurposed into a fantastic, immersive queue line for new dark ride ala Dark Castle. All that would need to be created is a soundstage size building to actually house the ride itself. Although I would love to see a Mack water coaster in it's place.
  24. ...with roller skating car hops and juke box machines at each table? Maybe it could include a small stage for a doo whop band? Personally, I'd like to see a Barbecue (rib, steak, chicken) restaurant in Rivertown.
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