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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. You do not PAY EXTRA for ERT. It's included with a GOLD Pass, or Platiumim pass, not even just KI Plantium passes. Wow! technically you do pay for the ert (from the viewpoint rotag's using), when you buy a platinum or gold pass you pay more than you do for a regular pass. after doing so you get free parking, free admission, and any "vip" perks including ert.
  2. i don't think someone 48 feet tall could even fit on WindSeeker.
  3. ...and if you cup your hands just right, that Banshee will have more of a mantis sound to it.
  4. i spy no lift hill, i do however agree with the part under The Racer. my vote, if even something for the everyday guest, is for a new area of the park.
  5. well, i still feel that my scenario in post 64 is something that could become a reality if osha decides to prevent all in water contact with the orcas, what happened last year was an accident. last i checked we were still allowed to drive even though many have had wreaks and passed on.
  6. Will SeaWorld hearing be closed to the public? i hope the trainers are able to get back in the water, i don't think osha understands the attention these animals want and need to stay healthy.
  7. i went in the middle of the summer in 2009 last, i can say that the lines weren't very bad at all. everything was walk on for us at every park we participated in the extra magic hours at, except for test track, but that's only because it kept breaking down. the crowds weren't that bad either, once the people who didn't stay on property left that is.
  8. ^they could do like disney does with their extra magic hours. you just have to show an employee your gold pass before getting in line for what ever attraction after closing, no gold pass, no ride.
  9. exactly how many pay to play attractions has Cedar Fair added at Kings Island since 2006?
  10. ^^i call "Son of Beast 2," Son of Beast with an iron horse treatment.
  11. did anyone by any chance save the video, that was posted in this thread, showing off some of the paint job? that user removed the video, and i'd like to see it. thanks for any help.
  12. that's not a flag, it's an old english font dot. it looks kind of like this symbol ~
  13. maybe it's just me, but brick pavers doesn't seem like it would fit the theme of a secret government training ground and hanger. i'd be fine if they just repainted what looked like a runway.
  14. great update! my favorite time to see pictures of the park is when everything is covered in snow and/or in rehab. *thought i'd add, in the picture of shake, rattle, and roll, you said it was the monster. EDIT: that has since been fixed, see post #9 thanks, robbie
  15. i'm guessing Son of Beast is making it's long awaited (by me at least) return.
  16. i had a dream not long before the end of the season where i was in Action Zone. in my dream Action Zone set high up on a three level hill, on the lower level was where the rest of the park connected to the area, then you walked up a hill where Drop Tower was, which in my dream had started it's winter rehab (get this, a few of the ride's restraints had been removed, along with the fencing around the ride area, which had been replaced with a painted line. it was still running too). next you walked up a very steep path where Son of Beast was located, the whole part of Action Zone had been closed since Son of Beast was closed (all of the gift shops/restrooms, after all that's all that was there besides the ride). the funny part was this area was opened even with Son of Beast being closed for the season, all the gift shops were open and where they all referred to Son of Beast in their names, Cedar Fair had had Kings Island place pieces of plywood over the words "Son of Beast." this had to have been on of the weirdest dreams i've ever had.
  17. funny that no one has complained to disney about this. it amazes me that people like him have no set in stone evidence that their "theory" of how we came to be is true, yet they feel the need to bash all others who have opposing viewpoints.
  18. ^if you're not britney, and did it again, does that mean you're lindsay?
  19. ^i remember the trains being stacked and me laying in the hot sun just last year.
  20. ^yea, looking at this picture: http://rcdb.com/9097.htm?p=32492 the track gauge looks like it's about the same as a b&m mega coaster like Diamondback.
  21. ^if you could, and have time, would you be willing to take a couple pictures? if yes, could you also take a couple pictures of Son of Beast as well, to put the tarp rumor up as truth, or fiction?
  22. well, it apparently takes a while, they've been working on the international street web-cam since this time last year.
  23. i look at it this way, the creation museum has done very well so far, why wouldn't something that has forked from it be any different? plus, kentucky kingdom has failed multiple times, it's land locked, and the fair board has crazy beliefs for it (the fifty year lease for example). if you have money off to the side, would you give it to someone who has the potential to do good with it and flourish, or give it to someone who is trying to revive something that has failed?
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