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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. The blog yes but the article clearly states: Regardless, did you read the math I gave? It was NOT about how many different riders it would see, it was how many rides Diamondback has the potential to give. As it stands, if everything goes absolutely flawlessly by the end of the year it might barely reach 2 million. Personally I think not. Of course, who's really going to question the blog if they say that they hit 2 million. I don't question the math, but you're right about the blog..if Helbig says the coaster gave 2M rides, you'd have to ask him how they calculated that..by hourly rider counts? Not sure he'd tell you but if we have a KIC day, I propose that we ask him the question during the Q and A
  2. As I recall, the price was just raised to 84.99 from 79.99 this past season (well, to be techical, in years past (last few seaons anyway) it was 79.99 with a 'free' upgrade to gold. This past year it was still 79.99 for the basic pass with an upgrade to gold available for 5.00 more), so I wouldn't expect an increase. I also wouldn't expect a decrease. If past years hold true, I would expect the 84.99 price to hold for 2010 renewals. But, be aware, this renewal price is only good for current gold pass holders. I don't believe it applies to first time pass buyers. The free parking perk has traditonally gone away after the end of the season, but I know that it was carried over to the spring this year, so as long as we're still in a recession, I would guess that the free parking gets carried over to the spring of 2010 as well.
  3. If you noticed, the articles, as well as the DB blog itself, mentions that the coaster has given close to 1M RIDES, not RIDERS. Given that distinction, it is entirely possible for the coaster to give 2M plus rides by the time the season ends on oct 31.
  4. I guess it depends on the ROI the park gets in exchange for its investment. I know that Nick wins golden ticket awards almost every year and that many families come specifically for the NIck stuff, so the park may see it as a good investment...however, there will be an amount above which CF will not go..time will tell. ps--great comment about the pigs! so true..
  5. Gabe

    Weekend Trip

    Well on Saturdays the park is open till midnight now, so in those cases, most folks with families tend to be gone right after the fireworks at 10. I always say that if youre there at 10 am and want to have short lines, go ride Invertigo, Flight of Fear and Firehawk first, since those are slow moving lines otherwise. as stated, Diamondback's line moves pretty quickly and if you get lucky with the single rider line, you can get on more quickly. if the srl is down to the bottom of the stairs, it could be 25-30 min before you get on.
  6. to be honest, the discounts on food are nice (though nothing to write home about) when ive used them, but the ert is only 30 min during the week, which, on a busy day, usually only nets you 1-2 rides on DB. Beast is usually empty during ert, so there is a chance for a reride. IMO, the free parking is the best perk, which is why i always renew in the fall when prices are lowest. look for presales of 2010 gold passes around Haunt time.
  7. I'd assume these were the City of Mason fireworks. They started about 10:30pm and were at a park only about a mile and a half from KI. They were the Mason fireworks, which I witnessed in person since I was there attending the Huey Lewis show. The show was amazing..far better than any show ive seen at KI, and in my mind only surpassed by new year's eve fireworks at Disney and the Labor Day fireworks in cincy on the river...go Rozzi!
  8. while waiting for the srl line to open sometimes, i've been told by ride ops that there are other rides to go on and that maybe i should try those..i reply by saying i'm quite happy here right now and that i'd rather not wait in any slow moving lines at the moment. I laugh it off and reply in a sarcastic tone so my answer usually disarms whatever hint of rudeness might have been left in their tone.
  9. I second that thought as I too was with coaster kid at DB on Friday and talked to him at length about his attempt. NOt once did I get the impression that he was lying. In fact, I think I heard him say he was going after Helbig's Racer record next (well, not in one day, but you know..lol!) records were made to be broken so Don better watch out!
  10. Or they can dispense with such nonsense and just do what Disney does--almost all of their ques are designed for people in wheelchairs to go through like everyone else.
  11. If you are on Taz Typhoon, look to your right..there is a large grassy area that can be easily developed into another slide..KI owns this land. Otherwise, they could always tear out one of the older slides and replace it with something new. DUT and SRR are I believe 2 of the orig slides left from the WaterWorks days.
  12. If you find that annoying, try working at Disney and being asked constantly what time the 4:00 parade is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. This past Friday at the park, I heard a really funny spiel from a ride op at FH. He was basically comparing FH to a romantic ride. While loading, he went over the way to secure your harness and the guy sitting next to me obviously didn't know what he was doing, so the ride op sarcastically commented that the person hadn't heard a word he said! I don't recall his name, other than he was African American.
  14. Ang, when are you heading out there again? I haven't been yet this season to BB, so I'd be up for going...I plan to be there parts of the day on the 2nd and 3rd. i'm avoiding going on the 4th since I Know from experience it will be mobbed. PM or IM me if you want to join up.
  15. what's worse is that they run the ride with the door open so that those waiting in line can see (somewhat) what was going on...the best part of TR/Crypt 1.0 was when that door would lift and you had no idea what was in store for you on the ride.
  16. At Disney, most rides assign seats. I understand how some people might find such practices useless at a place like KI but it does make sense. It's the same reason they limit the SRL to about the bottom of the stairs..whats the point of having a SRL that extends under the lift hill? I hate it esp at Vortex and Beast where a huge blob of people gather at the middle and you have to squirm your way to get to either the front or back.
  17. seats are assigned on Delirium to make sure the correct amount of people fill the ring, thus avoiding a situation where people are let through, only to find no seat and thus have to get back to the front of the line, which takes time and slows things down. A lot of flats feature the ride op with a clicker, so that he/she lets the correct amount of people through per cycle. BLSC used to assign seats the first couple of seasons, but no longer.
  18. I have attened nights of fire in the past..while an upgrade over the usual fireworks display, it really isn't anything to get too worked up over. Basically they shoot some fireworks off the Eiffel Tower and enhance the lighting on it a bit...If I recall, the show is maybe an extra 15 min long synchronized to patriotic music. I'll be at the Mason festivities on the 3rd seeing Huey Lewis for free! (I'm dating myself now, but Sports was a tape I owned and played over and over until I wore it out!). I will be at KI for parts of the 2nd and 3rd, but will prob avoid the 4th since it will be very crowded I'm sure.
  19. well, early renewal for KI gold pass is 89 and that includes parking. a plat pass gets you into every CF park, whereas HW is just one. I'm not knocking the park (in fact I'm dying to go, as I"ve never been), I'm just a little perplexed over how much they charge for a season pass. 4.00 off admission is good, but you can do much better. Still, I'm glad you guys had fun. I really enjoy hanging out with you gals at KI and hope to do so again soon! I disagree. HW offers free parking, free sunscreen, and free drinks. Their food prices are very low. On the back of my season pass, it states that you can get 10% off your food and merchandise purchases all season when you present your pass. You also get to bring up to 4 guests and save $4 on each guest's admission.. that makes your friend's 1 day admission ticket to HW $31.95 (very reasonable, if you ask me). A CF platinum pass is now $160, and people still buy them. CP's season pass is $109.95 now. KI's regular season pass is $99, but doesn't include parking, so there is an extra $40 for the parking pass.. there's $139.98 right there. Neither KI nor CP's regular season pass offers any of the special benefits of gold or platinum, not to mention that CP and KI's food and merchandise prices are much higher than HW's.
  20. File this under inconsiderate things guests do...my wife's nephew was recently riding beast when he put his wallet in one of the cubbies, only to find it gone upon returning..the park will replace hsi season pass, which was inside for free, but he's out the rest of it. Just a reminder that if you have anything of value, I'd keep it on you during the ride. I only enter the park with some cash, credit card and season pass so I don't have to put them in the cubbies.
  21. Angie-- did you say a season pass at HW is normally 140 bucks??? If so, that's insane!
  22. I would hedge my bets that Nick isn't leaving. What else to replace it with? Peanuts like at CP? I love snoopy, but that industry died with Charles Schultz. Wouldn't it be easier to modify the Nick rides to reflect the shows currently airing on Nick? That would certainly be cheaper. Avatar, Dora, FOP and Sb stay; e-thing else just gets new names and props. I would think Viacom would like that arrangement as well, since it would give them broad exposure to their new cartoons.
  23. Given the theatre's resurgence as a terrific Haunt attraction, I doubt it goes away. CF can always stick another 3d movie in there during the summer months..there are plenty out there to choose from.
  24. It's all Mr. Six's fault! while I loved the commercials a couple yrs ago, I'm sure the premise fell flat "Hey we're all bored, but look! A creepy old guy in a vintage bus just pulled up and is motioning for us to get on the bus! I think we can totally trust this complete stranger that he'll take us somewhere fun!!"
  25. agreed that the parent should have known better. Luckily for both, all coasters are designed for extra allowances in height/body size. Thus, as others have mentioned, it's CF that sets height limits, not the ride designers, though I still see a number of people not being able to ride DB due to the 3 clicks rule..most can get two easily, but that third one is troublesome...I didn't see the clear box on my trip two wknds ago, so I'll def look for it when I go again on Sat.
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