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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. I hope the flashing from the camera isn't too annoying. If it is at all.. I wouldn't imagine it'd be all that bad anyways.
  2. In the world of construction.. nothing is permanent. I vote... lockers.
  3. Do I spy the sign?? "Haunted Hill" looks most probable to me.
  4. I can't make out what the metal arch above the entrance --- What you said ^^ I can't make it out. --- There also appears to be a huge stone-like pillar the the left of the entrance of the first loop, and to the right of the queue entrance walkway, beyond the queue entrance arch.. I can't be more specific.
  5. https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/status/451795471619481600 https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/status/451796833262526464 Also, according to Greg's earlier Tweet, the sign is going to be installed today.
  6. The tarps aren't angled as much as Firehawk's. I approve.
  7. All I know is, Banshee is on that ERT list, and that's all that'll matter for me.
  8. Looks like there were a two more places for shows during those days. Hmm... And things rated R with a black colored box??? *restrooms* It just looks similar
  9. The banner on their site actually showcases a photo taken at Kings Island... I'm assuming from either BLSC or DB..
  10. Hmm.. I like to call them rails.. Just like I prefer "tissue", or "gelatin" Thanks for the, surprisingly, thorough answers, guys!
  11. What are speed rails? I'm wondering if that's what I refer to as switch backs. Meaning the things that close or open different parts of the queue?
  12. Hahaha Don stated it would hardly be noticeable anyways so.. *shrug* Ride On! (Is that a slogan for someone?)
  13. You can hardly notice any difference in the screen.... For now...
  14. Why do smokers get to have a cool area to photograph the new coaster?? *crosses arms like a young child* *joke*
  15. What in the world are they doing with that cement? They don't typically cement access roads. There's a pavement road, but not many.
  16. I have a name that sounds really intense and powerful, deals with a female character too. But it is not very appropriate.. A little gruesome. I'll say Elizabeth.
  17. No theatre is labeled. 2013 Map: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/images/uploads/file/2013%20KI%20Park%20Map.pdf 2014 Map: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/images/uploads/file/2014%20Map.pdf Homestar92 cleared that up already oops.
  18. Do they utilized both pools with the same movie? So to maximize the viewings in actual water without clashing audios.
  19. Oh! I forgot! I'll finally be able to ride a flying eagles type ride for the first time of my memorable life! .... Cool.
  20. Yep. For the ones that will definitely be performing by April 26th.. It merely gives the schedule between the dates.. It doesn't say when the show will open. Keep your eyes peeled... Figuratively. Unless an announcement is made specifying, or Don posts on this thread to clarify that April 26th means April 26th. *clears throat.*
  21. All I know is that my days of having a bag will need to cease. Wallet, keys, and phone, if I'm meeting up with people, will be all I'll need to bring with me. An umbrella will need to be replaced with a poncho. My camera fits in my pocket, and is water proof if I plan on taking photographs.
  22. That definitely looks to be cement that was laid out next to those bushes (or soon to be fully grown trees) though... Interesting. -- And I couldn't make it out before, or it's new, but we now have a wooden or metal gate arch installed over the two stone posts that is located where the entrance to the queue is. Maybe a form of this sort of arch.. but with our grey stone bricks:
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