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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. Could call it Gravity... Oh wait- no.. nvm. ^FreeFall would be a nicer sounding name.
  2. Ah ha! And that explains why the drop at that area is a straight section of track. Not that trims cannot be on a swoop. But I noticed that snap to a straight track on the animation,
  3. Opening year at Cedar Point???? Wow. You're old! btw- I doubt one could trace the origins of that game for ride attractions. Before MaXair (which I'm assuming you meant), it was done on Viking Fury, which I also wouldn't expect to be the first swinging ride to use such a game.
  4. I've got a good feeling about this week! Looks like there are two lone cars of a train sitting on the final brake run at this time stamp.. Confused.
  5. I personally have only had sharp pains on such wooden like: Son of Beast, Mean Streak, The Predator etc. -- It makes sense to have the pains at the bottoms of hills because you're whole body is being forced downward at around 2-3 times your own body weight average (guesstimate). But with that there are extra, sudden forces upward when the train bounces up momentarily due to the wooden ride being looser in the wheel configuration than steel coasters. That's just the character of wooden rides; they tend to be rougher. For me, though, I don't get pain from The Racer, I lean forward slightly on all wooden coasters, esp. at the bottoms of hills. It gives your body more room to move and to, with your effort, have an air cushion so the movements aren't as aggressive. Instead of one of the walls pushing you, it would more often simply get closer to your body, if you sit with a slight lean. Slight. __ But you probably shouldn't be riding if you have pains for that prolonged period of time.
  6. What do I want for Halloween Haunt? Either higher pay, or to go as a guest. Hahaha The general public get pretty trying after so long each night.
  7. I really hope it doesn't become Peanuts themed. I know I'm not their target audience and all, but it was nice to have a legitimate haunted attraction at Kings Island. Not one that was spooky and cartoony, which, in my opinion makes it less scary and not legitimate. (Though more kid friendly) But even as a kid, I personally loved having a more authentic haunted attraction. I was a kid when it was changed to Scooby Doo, and I was not a fan.
  8. I'm as anxious as everyone else.. But due to my situation, and many others may have the same feeling, it'd be nice for the time not to fly by TOO fast! How does one dress up as a sermon? Diamondback96, who (also) likes to ask questions. I may have made a mistake..
  9. I wonder if the ride ops will be costumed as priests, fathers, sermons, nuns, etc. Probably not. Would be kinda funny though!
  10. As long as there's good music, and varying music, I'll be content. Actually... I'll settle with sufficient shade for the queue.
  11. ..Unless it's during Haloween Haunt; not Fear Fest. fear fest. *Is the latter still registered? Or has it expired?.... --- BTW.. I pretty much forgot who they were(98 degrees).. Didn't know of them during their prime or before. Maybe Kings Island will have a song or two of theirs playing in one of their specific shows.
  12. The only way a theme park will ever get a big name band to perform for an entire season is to have them performing before they become big names. And even then, they probably won't get them for an entire season because at that point, such a band would have already been traveling around trying to expose themselves. Though, Kings Island did at one time have The Jonas Brothers for a week or month long duration? (I forget how long) It was back in 2005 at the International Showplace, and they were coupled with other groups that, although I know one group name, I don't want to specify, for their sake. (they weren't as lucky as The Jonas Brothers were.)
  13. I don't think we really have the right kind of queue layout for that to happen if we base it off of the blue prints from way back when. -- Also, you can't really make much out from here either: http://www.fox19.com/category/208755/fox19-skycam-network-Banshee-cam-at-kings-island-mason other than the fact that something is sitting there... for now.
  14. Yes! This means Justin Timberlake is gonna be at the park, right?
  15. Ah ha! I wasn't wrong. There is some fresh black on there... *this post is in reference to another thread regarding Action Zone's "re theme".
  16. Oh, I was going off of this park map.. for some reason I thought it was a new ride coming in 2016... oops. http://www.kentuckykingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/mapbrochure_page1.jpg
  17. I wish I would've seen the sign-up post for media day before that deadline *facepalm* haha
  18. It is going to be interesting to see how advertisements change once the park reopens T2 and then in '16, unveils their new coaster to replace the area where the Twisted Twins reside.
  19. Oh, so the parts I thought were painted are actually the UN-painted portions.
  20. So... Is it abnormal for Extreme Skyflier to have one of the arms dismantled? Maybe it needed replacing or... EDIT: OH! I think it's been painted black! Awesome! Half the the arch is black or charcoal too!
  21. You placed actual money on this bet??
  22. I can also attest to that. No matter how crowded it was, bathrooms were well kept! Also, not very crowded on the male end
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