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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. What possible satisfaction is there in having the most posts during a certain day? IMO, if someone has something constructive or funny (or even mildly amusing) to add to a discussion, then, by all means, they should post it, but if posts are one word or off the topic or are simply designed to add to someone's numbers, then there is no point in posting. In other words, this isn't a posting contest. --Beatle, stepping down from his soapbox now...
  2. I took my first trip last year. The Voyage is indescribable. The Raven and Legend do not pale in comparison IMO. I loved them all!! Make sure to spend some time in their waterpark. Liberty Launch was a fun little ride, but nothing like Power Tower. And I recommend the chicken and dumplings at Plymouth Rock Cafe.
  3. I started my kids on coasters when they were 7 (actually took them to the park and bought their first passes on Davids 7th birthday in May of 2007) and 8. Started with FOC and Runaway Reptar. I showed them the difference between riding in the front car and the back car and several other things. Then Racer then The Beast. After that we did AE, BLSC, FD, Vortex. After teaching them about coasters on the woodies, the steel coasters were no problem for them at all. By the time SoB reopened on the 4th of July that year, they were ready for it and still love it. Now my youngest will be 9 this year and he will ride anything and everything the height restrictions will permit......
  4. Add me to the list of those who born before Kings Island existed. I was born in the fall of 1968, so I was 3 years old when the park opened and when I first visited. I always say that the park and I grew up together.
  5. "Rigged" is not a word I would use, but they are more difficult than they are made to appear. For example, I played the basketball game once last year, and found the ball to be heavier than a normal basketball, and it was overinflated so that it would bounce further if you hit the rim or the backboard. But lots of people still win that game as evidenced by the large number of basketballs being dribbled around the park. Also, CF buys the prizes in bulk, so you can bet that the vast majority of them cost the company less than the price of the game itself. I generally avoid games like the plague, primarily because I'm bad at them and it would be cheaper to go to a store and buy the prize than it would be for me attempt the game enough times to win one. And, of course, I really don't want to have to carry a prize around with me all day, or make an extra trip to the car.
  6. Our goal is 50 coasters. And possibly a trip to New Jersey in August.
  7. That red roof is not new. I'm looking forward to the new entrance too!!!
  8. I've seen him! He's so cute! And I would HATE if the supports of Vortex were painted black. Needs to stay blue and orange, for sure. ~Ash My kids like him. We've seen him out in the grass as well. And he (or she) is a groundhog.
  9. My kids play baseball at Joyce Park.... I live very close to there, but I've, sadly, seen nothing in the local media about it! Hopefully, I'm just not reading closely enough!
  10. Sadly, it now has gray hair, which is falling out..... lol!
  11. In my experience, people who attempt fowl jokes usually wind up laying an egg.
  12. Trimless rides on The Beast are not possible unless the magnetic trims are removed. But remember, on December 21, 2012, they say the magnetic poles of the Eatrh will reverse themselves.... On opening day of 2013, those trims may speed us up rather than slowing us down........ LOL!!!!
  13. Vortex looked very faded last year, IMO. And remember that they are retracking The Beast, and changing Wings. Obviously, their focus is upon the areas closest to DB!!!
  14. If I hit the powerball this weekend, I will rent the park out for a day and you are all invited....LOL!
  15. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=%22c...a=N&tab=wv# Check out the end of this video. Those magnets can be pretty rough.....
  16. I remember those things being so sickeningly sweet, I couldn't drink them on a hot day. Kind of like Kool Aid with half the water and twice the sugar. Great pics though!!! --Beatle, who graduated from high school in 1987 and remembers those days fondly Edit: and who had big hair and wore parachute pants and, as a result, will absolutely not be looking through boxes in his parents' basement anytime soon. LOL
  17. Its April in Ohio. It could be 75 and sunny, or 35 with a mix of rain and snow..... Or go from one to the other in less than 24 hours!!! I expect short waits on rides other than DB early in the day. Beast, BLSC, Vortex, Racer, AE, FD and SOB should be fairly short waits right at the beginning. At least I hope so!
  18. If you haven't been to Holiday World, you should definitely go. Don't miss a single one of the coasters either. Then you will understand why I insist about dwelling on how much I hate the use of trim brakes at...certain parks. I must agree. And the free drinks and parking, relatively inexpensive food, and the small park atmosphere make it well worth a trip. We went for the first time last year and will absolutely be going back more than once this year.
  19. Bet you weren't in your early 20's! The first inverting coaster I truly enjoyed more than any non-inverting steel coaster was Batman: The Ride at Six Flags Great America. I can still remember my first ride on that as if it were yesterday. I was truly blown away...and it was from this company I had never heard of before...I think they were called B and M. I was barely tall enough to ride. I was 8 years old and scared to death that I would fall out. But for some reason I still waited 2 hours to ride it. But then when King Cobra and Vortex arrived I wasn't afraid of going upside down and loved them both.
  20. Screamin' Demon!!! God I'm old.... LOL!
  21. We went on a Sunday in October last year and had a wonderful day. Light crowds and nice weather. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...+BavarianBeatle I find the same thing at KI. Most people pack the park on Friday and Saturday nights for the Haunt stuff, but Sundays are good days to go.
  22. And remember that "Enjoy park memorabilia" means that they are going to try to sell you something. Sounds like people trying to turn a profit on the stuff they bought at last year's auction. --Beatle, forever the cynic
  23. We rarely eat at the park either. On weekends we pack or drive up to Frich's. But most of our trips are on weeknights and involve "dashboard dining" on the way to the park. Maybe that belongs in the KI addict thread.
  24. This reminds me of the good old days when that wasn't necessary. No seat belts. No head rests. No seat dividers. Just a bar like the ones on FOC. On The Racer, I would get airtime to the point that my thighs would hit the bar. And it used to come off the track and catch on the upstop wheels.
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