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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. I don't have the best camera, I hope I get one for Christmas. Of course, you have to have a pic of The Beast The Vortex is so Photogenic. I rode the SoB for the first time this year. It was an awesome experience. The Racer was my first real coaster, and I think that's a good view of it. Happy Holidays, Here comes 2008!
  2. You can upload a photo you have onto a host site such as Photobucket or Imageshack. Once uploaded when posting a reply in a topic press the Button located above text area. A pop up asking for a URL will apper, put in the URL of the image you uploaded. Easy as pie huh? I just signed up onto photobucket, I get it now! Thanks!
  3. never mind http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg96/co...pg?t=1198292201 this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year That is an amazing picture! I can't wait to go to CP!
  4. exactly. just because it has a name doesn't mean it's under naming rights.
  5. He's right. There's another topic about this.
  6. KI opened at 10:00 and KD opened at 10:30, so one of them could hold the record.
  7. Yes, the OUTER LIMITS: Flight of Fear name was changed when Paramount lost naming rights to the t.v. show.
  8. I know that, Wiki is not credible. But they do have their moments.
  9. JacksonPKI

    eek! Top gun!

    If the next block isn't clear, the train stops. That I know. I don't know for sure, but i think that the chain works like a light bulb. It takes a lot of energy to start up, but once it gets going, its not as hard.
  10. Either way, I think the guy who posted it new what he was talking about, but felt ashamed after he saw the reaction.
  11. Exactly. I think Wiki knows something...
  12. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? http://coneyisland.KICentral.com/ Kings Island was BORN From Coney Island Cincy!
  13. For the time being, Mind you, To Continuely renew the naming rights, Cedar Fair will have to continue to give money to Viacom. Each time they do, Viacom will want MORE money. Raincheck! Cedar Fair is Debt up to it's Chin!
  15. I remember that. Batman Knight Flight didn't even change colors. Steel Venom? Like that already hasn't been used a thousand times! When it comes to naming rides, I always imagine a little boy telling his parents he want's to ride "Fill in the blank" next. Can you imagine, "Hey mom, I want to ride Backlot Stunt Coaster!"? Terrible. Not only are they crappy names, but don't just use every name over and over again!
  16. JacksonPKI

    eek! Top gun!

    No, I mean, It tries to start up and goes up about a foot then stops, then goes up again, then stops, then goes up again.
  17. REALLY? No, I believe the new coaster will go near The Beast
  18. I don't think it's as funny anymore. Sounds VERY Familier.
  19. Exactly. No Need to run an empty train.
  20. JacksonPKI

    eek! Top gun!

    Yea, I feel that too sometimes. Top Gun needs some SIRIOUS TLC.
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