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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Ah! I didn't think it lasted to long, but I thought it lasted longer than a few weeks. Interesting. Thank you for the information.
  2. Relax. I am sure they just haven't processed your application yet.
  3. 16. But warning to the wise, working for KI isn't always what it's cracked up to be....
  4. The Beast, FOF and then SOB pre- neutered.
  5. I haven't been to many parks... but here is mine: 1. Universial- Islands of Adventure 2. Cedar Point 3. Universal- Studios 4. KI
  6. My Father and I used to go to KI only on Father's Day so once a year, on the way up to the park and on the way back we'd listen to 007 music from all the movies. So all of those songs make me think of KI and my dad....
  7. Well for TG ride the front row always! Best seat in the park in my opinion. The same is true for The Beast, and FOF. If you need someone to go with you came to the right place.
  8. Okay there may be a painfully obvious answer to this painfully stupid question BUT, how does that tunnel not fill with water? I assume there are some sort of drains to prevent it but you know I was just wondering.
  9. Well that's a stretch don't you think?
  10. Don't you just wish life was like RCT? Just delete section of track and then build it back and everyone will think it's a new roller coaster and will completely forget about the accident that just happened on the ride....
  11. What about those that really don't know which ride it is?
  12. Very Interesting....very very interesting....didn't someone once post her that they're friend was working on The Crypt this summer...interesting indeed.
  13. Blue...Blue and Yellow to match the other one that frequents KI's adds Oh wait...that's Yellow and Blue...hmmm either way I think it will be a nice color scheme!
  14. So it's a magic show? They did have a show quite a few years ago called Forbidden Magic, it was really good! Of course with today's technology perhaps there will be even more tricks that will excite the audience...
  15. Okay Cody...I need to go. This time i have to go...
  16. Well it is almost Feb. which also means that the Park will soone be hiring and will have already told those that are coming back. Perhaps he knows someone who will be working at The Crypt this season...
  17. The sun made it hard to see the curb The man didn't see how CP could let another person use the go kart... Sigh...
  18. Snowman, that wasn't towards you! Sorry, I was talking to alsoran17...
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