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Everything posted by thatbandguy8807

  1. I KNOW IT WAS CRAZY...they ended up loosing my application and prescreening papers so i had to do all of that over again, as for my entertainer position, they didnt have any more spots open for trombone so i didnt get that, but I got ride associate! my two rides are Adventure Express and viking furry i got there at 9 am and didnt get done until 4 pm...
  2. k thanks for the info...well, only a matter of so many minutes before i leave...wish me luck all!
  3. im wondering about that with my audition as well lol..with the interview i think they will tell us by either email or phone, but i could be wrong. im not sure either
  4. I know what you mean..it does the exact same thing to me. that would be hilarious....i dont run as it is....you are lucky if you see me over a jog for a few seconds at the park.. I wouldnt say that too loud, they may hear you and will determine that it will need seatbelts lol this is true...ohio has some really weird weather...one minute nice warm and sunny and then the very next day if not just a few hours it could be snowing...
  5. well i know i dont have that type of money lol
  6. please dont tell me you heard that in another topic on this forum lol....there is a reason why
  7. another thing you could do food wise is bring a cooler and bring your food and leave it in the car, like PB&J or something like that. then just make sure to get your hand stamped when you go out to the parking lot to eat
  8. well first off welcome!!! as far as best coaster, they all are great in my opinion... i would say you could try the new coaster this year, but i dont blame you not wanting to wait in line for 4 hrs or so. this is an awesome park. most will agree with me when i say there is just something wonderful feeling about this park that others dont have. one of my favorite coasters however is Flight of Fear. its great, fast, short, but great fun...as for flat rides, people argue over delirum and Drop Tower i think its called now. used to be drop zone. the park is making many new changes this year and it is supposed to be one of the best seasons for the park in a while. im sure you will love the park. as for getting to know some facts, this site is one of the best places to get all the info you would ever want. take a special look at the history page as well..very great and intersting things in there...once again welcome. i know others will put in info that i have forgotten to put in here..
  9. thanks for the advice!!! i will remember that for when i go to the interview on sat
  10. no problem...I know how some things when you try to describe makes you sound snobbish any way you put it when you dont even mean to...and thanks im excited about it
  11. lol no problem goofy...I wasnt sure exactly what the technical name was....and you didnt really, you were just trying to make sure I knew the proper name of the position lol...I dont find it offensive at all..
  12. I too have a interview this weekend for ride operator, plus im going to audition as a musician too to double my chances of trying to get a job there I would rather be playing the trombone so im hoping I get that job...but I guess I will settle for ride operator if I have to
  13. ^Thats what im hoping for....this way i dont have to wait in such a long line
  14. ^ now that is an awesome site!!!that is the main one I use for myself. the only downside is its a roller coaster data base..it doesnt have anything else but roller coasters. but that site is put together perfectly imo lol.
  15. I'm not saying that's the only reason for the problem, so you can use any excuse you want! English is not everyone's strong point. Which is odd since we speak it...strange. Yes, oh well. Shouldn't is a contraction and needs an apostrophe. There's one last one for the road. Now then, I think we can just agree that making a good faith effort to use correct spelling, puntuation, capitalization, and etcetera is a good thing for the readers of your posts and is enough for these purposes. No one is perfect, and it would drive you crazy to try to be. I hope something new develops with Diamondback's trains, or this thread will be so far off topic that it will be a train wreck. its hard because of all of the rules is why.....and yes, i think that is all we can really do right now is make an effort on what we really know how to do. plus i know im the FURTHEST thing from perfect unless it comes to medical testing, but that is another story for another time. but no, as for this being a train wreck off and on since it started...but im not going back through to count how many times this has gotten off topic...
  16. this is true...i cant stand any of six flags' sites..i constantly look at sfft's site and hate it..but, its not any better since six flags doesnt own the park anymore
  17. either way, i think that It should be painted...what color I most likely wouldt care, just as long as it gets a fresh new paint job lol...
  18. lol, I was trying to do both at the same time but it just didnt work out completely....guess I shouldt try to mix the two together anymore....oh well
  19. ^ you might be a KI addict if you make a cd full of Kings Island songs and listen to it every day lol thatbandguy, who just had to
  20. last year the ert was in nick u.....and this was only on certain rides
  21. i get to go on feb 14th i have an audition and interview....but unfortunately im not getting to ride anything opening day cant get here soon enough
  22. that i have to agree with...the orange really does show up well....i think there should be blue somewhere on the coaster lol....
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