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Everything posted by thatbandguy8807

  1. grrrr sorry for the double post all....the computer is acting up again
  2. im glad I am one of those who can do both....type a certain way for txt messages and emails but also can type correctly when needed...guess I am just specail though lol
  3. im glad I am one of those who can do both....type a certain way for txt messages and emails but also can type correctly when needed...guess I am just specail though lol
  4. during construction I was wondering if they were going to get rid of it or not......I was hoping they wouldnt but I had no clue...I have thought of it before also
  5. you might be a KI addict if you constantly have dreams about KI and they always feel real...
  6. im thinking its the clown band honestly...but I would also LOVE to see the paw prints back...those were so interesting to me when I was younger..
  7. Totally guilty. But I also have a couple other parks' (CP, HW, etc) opening days marked in there too. You might be a KI addict if you're already working out your game plan (where you'll go and in what order) for April 18th. GUILTY!!!! my whole family is lol. we have been doing this all offseason long.......glad to know im hot the only one lol
  8. ah ok lol my fault....I was just guessing lol..i knew i wasnt too old around the time all of this happened....i didnt know about the webcam then either...
  9. I think it was PKI aswell lol...in the early 90's or so????when I didnt ride coasters but yeah cause they had king cobra pov up also.....
  10. Not just pictures either. I love how Cedar Point's website has POV's of all the coasters to keep you happy in the off-season. I have to resort to youtube for KI videos and there aren't too many on there. i agree....I remember at one time they did have some pov's of some rides on the site to where you could watch them...then one day i noticed that they were not on there anymore...how much I wish they would bring them back glad to know im not the only one out there wishing this..
  11. I think it is the clown band that is returning...main reason why i say this is because why would they be having auditions for instruments like tuba, trombone, trumpet and others like that? they could also be bringing back some sort of parade also which would be logical along with them having people audition as an entertainer who plays instruments....just a thought though....plus I have an audition for KI the 14th playing the trombone....main reason why I think its the clown band
  12. this sounds like a really great idea...im glad they are taking something exciting and putting a twist on it....but its a really good twist...great cause...i wonder if we can see more of this type of thing in the future with rides...
  13. it can be passes for any four people......doesnt have to be in your family if i remember correctly...i looked at that last year and it let me put any name in i wanted and didnt ask anything...so yeah, you should be able to get passes for friends that way if you wanted yes...and at a cheaper price
  14. i would have to say......rides that i can remember.....sunshine turnpike, les taxis, and mc scrappy's farm (even if it wasnt really a ride) but rides that i used to ride that i apparently was also mad when taken out. Lion country safari, and smurf's enchanted voyage.....

  16. i know...Terpy is a master at it..........and im guilty of it sometimes as well...i think everyone is lol...
  17. from what i can see...this seemed to be an awesome event...sad that i had to miss it but im trying my hardest for the ride warriors event....since its on my birthday and all
  18. lol i know how it is aaron...im the same way with music...im studying for music education myself so anything that has to deal with music in any way, i know how the feeling is...
  19. it also depends if there is any money left by the time they get to you and if they can find you at the tower lol...sorry i had to add to it...i guess im in one of those moods tonight also tomkatt7.....
  20. prolly was so they knew who was already checked in and stuff...even though you have your name tag after you check in...i dont know though since i didnt go :'(
  21. Now you really did it. lol i know i did but we could also just laugh and pretty much know where the rumor started and who started it....and then people will start yelling at me for someone believing it...
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