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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. I actually enjoyed the ride in that seat. If I had known that I were visiting KI on (apparently) SoB's last day ever, I would have ridden it one last time. By the way, I did like the lapbars. I didn't feel squashed in like I do in the PTC trains.
  2. No, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I would guess that back in '06 they decided that if the ride continued to be an issue, it would be closed. After the '07 death and '09 incident, they and their insurance company probably decided to close the ride.
  3. For question #2, if "overhauled" means it was no longer causing blunt-force trauma, then I would be happy if it reopened. If it had the same results as past overhauls, then no, I wouldn't like to see that happen. Smooth or nothing.
  4. Excuse you? Someone doesn't agree with something that is not completely socially acceptable to a good deal of the American population, so you call them dumb and ignorant? I think that reflects on you more than anyone else.
  5. I really like Flight Deck and BLSC. Both are really, really fun.
  6. The "so does disney world" is almost as funny as CP having a clone of FOF.
  7. *coughFirehawk'salternatelinecough*
  8. And yes, I know that he's going to pull the TOS card. I really don't care.
  9. I really wish they had a schedule. I don't think they have them weekdays, last time I went on a weekday the announcements were still going off, but they didn't have the shows. (this was on 8/24)
  10. So now you're mad because you made a stupid assumption and he caught you. It's so tragic that we don't all have a million friends like you. Maybe you should take yourself being on almost everyone's ignore list as a hint. I think I speak for everyone when I say we don't like you starting arguments. So either stop it or get out.
  11. Oh, please, not the whole "IT Z SO UNFAIR THEIR LINE JUMPIN'" thing again...
  12. I really hope that they follow through on the light theming. Maverick never really got all of the rockwork done...
  13. I think the most likely retheme for SDatHC is simply removing "Scooby Doo and" from the name, and just removing all of the Scooby stuff. Why would they buy a new GhostBlasters attraction when they basically have one already? It's not what I'd like to see, but it's what I could see happening.
  14. "Preferred seating is available at this time!"
  15. At the beginning of the season, there was quite a bit of line jumping, free-range smokers, and free-range smoking line jumpers. All three have been GREATLY reduced throughout the season.
  16. I'm not 100% familiar with the location, but it might be for a new ODV stand.
  17. Someone was killed by SoB, by the way. I wonder when that red train will end up on ItalIntl.
  18. Maybe it was an unsafe structure? I heard there's another one on the chopping block...
  19. I do not understand WWK being open. "Hey guys, you can still fork money over to CF if you want!"
  20. It's CP's fault that anyone is diasppointed, they were clearly leading us in the direction that it was a coaster, especially with "You will not get wet!" which was a blatant lie.
  21. I really liked the Spongebob statue that appeared to be praising the Eiffel Tower, I hope they replace it with an equally posed Snoopy statue. (I can see SB BBB being a casulty of the switchover, though...)
  22. Note how they mention getting a locker... why not say "keep it in the car"?
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