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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. The name isn't too hot either... it sounds like a rapids ride!
  2. I just know that they're gonna wreck SDatHC. I just know it.
  3. Has this person EVER been to KI? They obviously don't know about the free water. And why isn't "eat at Wendys or Taco Bell!" an option for food?
  4. I know most of the words to those songs, and I'm only a bit older than Jackson! Maybe it has to do with seeing the show too many times?
  5. I don't think a dark ride can get cheesier than Canada's Wonderland's SDatHC. Actually, the cardboard cutouts that pop up in our queue room are pretty... discouraging.
  6. I love how you whine about him, then steal his "signature".
  7. Here's my prediction for next year's SDatHC: The name will simply be changed to "The Haunted Castle". The cars will be repainted to remove the Mystery Machine theming, and the only changes on the ride will be the music and any Scooby/Shaggy/other SD theming cutouts.
  8. And don't even BOTHER trying to use a Worlds of Fun MAXX pass at ValleyFair! or CP. I remember that. Never, never again.
  9. Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but "deciding what to do with it" sounds like a purposely ambiguous statement...
  10. AAAH! I hated the MAXX pass! Don't even utter that word!
  11. I found it rather helpful, since I'm downgrading anyway.
  12. They want people to forget about it... who wants to bet, whether the structure exists or not, it'll be off of the 2010 map like the photoshop I posted a while ago?
  13. I love how they mailed the Gold Pass renewal flyer to Platinum passholders...
  14. Then why wouldn't they just say "We're reopening it, hopefully next year." instead of "We'll decide whether or not to reopen it over the offseason."? Face it, SoB is most likely leaving.
  15. I have had my phone with me on almost every ride on Diamondback. All I've lost is a park map.
  16. "Hey guys: we're tearing down The Crypt and Son of Beast and replacing the US's most popular kids franchise with an old, tired one! Hope you all still buy passes!" Yeah, that wouldn't go over well. Let's all go chain ourselves to NU!
  17. Here's what I posted in this thread (http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19357): But, if you want Gold and have Platinum, you can downgrade your pass as part of the sale if you do not wish to have a Platinum pass next year.
  18. I have never seen any KI rides employee texting on the job. And that makes me very happy. Food and sweepers I have, but that's not a huge deal (to me).
  19. If KI were going to reopen SoB, they would have told us by now. SoB's closure may effect season pass sales, so I'm sure they'd rush out any positive news, for the same reason they're not going to announce Snoopy until after the gold pass sale. (most likely)
  20. You do realize that the whole of SoB has been retracked multiple times, right?
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