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Everything posted by TTD-120-420

  1. Divertical at Mirabilandia Dare Devil Dive: I would bet my life savings it isn't any of these two. I just like to play with Terpy's words.
  2. Flight Deck's line was all the way to the entrance today. I think it is doing just fine.
  3. I doubt Sea World is one of those companies. We got her ticket for 9.99 today. Thanks everyone.
  4. Ahhh, I forgot about the fun perks deal. Thanks.
  5. I have a platinum pass, but I am taking my sister tomorrow who does not have a pass. Are there any bring a friend for 9.99 deals or anything going on right now? I usually don't pay attention to ticket deals since I have a pass.
  6. No. It was a little too chilly outside for that.
  7. New pictures from the blog. https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog-article/online-fun/The-Front-Gate-Update And a screen shot from the yet-to-be-posted POV.
  8. Just wait... We'll soon turn it into a Son of Beast topic.
  9. And revenue is up over 12%. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100690193
  10. These articles seem to come out every year around this time...
  11. From what I have read, Ouimet was not happy with Luminosity. He didn't like the price point, I believe $3 million. That is why the show is being done in house this year and will have major changes. I don't see Luminosity coming to Kings Island or any of the other parks. The point of Luminosity was to keep people in the park for longer periods of time. Kings Island already has fireworks to keep people in the park.
  12. No, but Ouimet never said Kings Island was getting any of those. If you looked closely at the first post Ouimet said changes were coming for the fountains.
  13. Cedar Fair CEO, Matt Ouimet, was recently quoted saying that there would be changes coming to the fountains of the former Paramount parks. He said they would start at Canada's Wonderland. Well, here are the changes: All pictures are from cwmania.com (http://www.cwmania.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=56398#p56398) The bottom has been painted black, and new fountains have been put in place. This will most likely be coming to Kings Island in the coming years. Thoughts?
  14. You mean like this? SOB is left in this picture so you can tell what area the photoshop is in.
  15. A B&M Invert, if done right, would be great dipping in and out of the hills. I don't have a guess as of yet.
  16. He did mean the actual karts themselves. Obviously the track is gone.
  17. What was weird at the Red's HoF Grille was that there were plenty of open tables, but the people said it was a two hour wait. Why?
  18. You made a kid cry? Bad boy. He had help. I'll add my thoughts into this since I was with Caleb the whole day. Season Pass Processing was a nightmare. I expected it to be busy, but the people working in there didn't know what they were doing. We thought we saw Mr. Scheid directing traffic in the morning, which we thought was odd. The teaser signs on the construction site are gonna drive us all crazy this summer. Even if it is super cloudy, I should still wear sunblock. I'm burnt sooooooo bad. Hate being a ginger.
  19. Kind of like the fresh, never frozen hamburgers that were promoted last year. that just got worse over time...
  20. I could sleep with my eyes open in school, but have yet to lucid dream.
  21. Weird question: Has anyone on here attempted lucid dreaming? I have recently been reading up on it and doing some research and I'm curious if anyone here can, or has attempted lucid dreaming.
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