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Everything posted by keiko_coaster

  2. Well, it became the group's collective goal to get you to ride, even though you were lured in under false pretenses. I'm happy you broke down and rode with us. "When something is right, people will see that and correct what has been happening." My boss says that all the time and it was proven true last night. Hah. I still dont know how you guys did it.. The entire time i was walking backwards towards Son of Beast and you guys were all still standing there. And then Kat i guess called Angie to get my cell phone number i found out later. haha
  3. Lol i still think last night was hilarious. We were ALL THE WAY AT Son of Beast and Kat texts me saying come to the Diamondback enterance. I texted her asking, why and what we were doing...... You guys were supposively lazy, Kat didnt wanna split up again ANDDD we were supposed to be riding The Beast.. I wasnt completely convinced that we were riding The Beast so I did figure out a code with my friend if you guys did try to get me on, so that i wouldnt have to ride.. The supervisor, Chris and Gabe were so nice to help that i finally said fine, ill ride it.
  4. I will be going after i get out of school!! 2:15 here we go!!
  5. aww.. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
  6. haha i noticed that.. Friday night at about 9:30 pm on The Beast it said 30 minute wait.. We got up there and it was walk on. hah
  7. I loved The Racer going backwards... Now it is definately rough on the blue side. Really knocks you around bad!!
  8. I went on the last row right seat and didnt work. row 5 right seat did though the first week.
  9. i would definately expect them to be short.. Most schools are still in.. And then its a Thursday....
  10. Ill be there May 28.. Seniors get out that whole week, but otherwsise most schools are still in.
  11. Last night i got to Kings Island at 4:30.. Me and Heather ran all the way to Diamondback to get only a 3 minute line... I was told i couldnt ride it the minute i got in the seat so my friend did. I met up with a couple of my friends from KIC including Angie, Seth and Chase.. At the end of the night i also met up with Robert.. Here are my rides: -Scooby Doo and the Haunted Mansion (NEW HIGH SCORE... Except we were stuck in the same room shooting for about 3 minutes) -Walked to Firehawk and told that there was maintance being done, we waited for about 20 minutes before giving up -Flight of Fear -Adventure Express -Invertigo (2 Times) -Dinner @ Panda Express -Bumpercars -Firehawk (Longest wait of the night but then again they only had one train running about 25 minutes) -Backlot Stunt Coaster -Vortex(VERY NICE PAINT JOB) -The Beast (2 Times) -Flight Deck -Son of Beast(1st time ever! It was so fun with the fireworks)
  12. Ill be there. Ill be in a navy blue jacket that says california with 2 tank tops, one lime green and one with butterflies.. Im also very tall..
  13. Great PTR! It was nice meeting youu on Friday and then again on Saturday!!
  14. haha. i llove your info. BTW.. What about the picture that you said you were going to use... With Diamondback in the background. :D

  15. I will be there this Friday the entire time.
  16. Angie wasnt allowed to NOT text me.. haha. I was stuck at work until 6.. And although i was sent 2 different places, i still managed to find you guys! Hah
  17. I WILL BE THERE!!! I get off school at 12... SO ill be there for ERT too now!
  18. I was in the neon colors.. ahah. I was wearing a neon green jacket with zebras on it and then a bright blue polo from american eagle.
  19. haha. Me and Seth went to get him a gold pass.... And then just walked around and rode The Racer.. I found Kat and Giga later though.
  20. I had so much fun hanging with you... But there is no comparision of my non-existant voice to yours... At least you could talk haha!
  21. yah those clicks were definately annoying... They did it the first time, clicked 2 so they did it again. Then lifted all of the seats up. Said my seat was fine, but the attendent said CHECK SEAT 5 OVER 10 TIMES!!!!!!!!! And soooooooo it had to do it all over.
  22. I will be getting there after work at about 6:15-6:30 PM.
  23. Hah no problem. I checked at 8:31 just for you Ps. Im expecting some rides Saturday when i get there at 6:15 PM. haha!
  24. haha if its good ill be there every day.. Last year it was the Dora Show and Flashback to the 80's everyday!!
  25. I hope to get on Diamondback once... I wont get there until 6:15 pm... haah
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