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Everything posted by TheCryptRaider

  1. Aw, poo. I just got off the phone with KI. She said she hates you now. Josh, who just had to, and you knew would at some point. Or maybe you didn't know would? But you might've if you're psychic. Or you could've just guessed.
  2. I'm on the far left with my hands up.
  3. Carowinds is a Cedar Fair park in North Carolina. See http://www.carowinds.com
  4. Great idea! I'd love to be able to see when other KICers are at the park, as I've never really hung out with anyone on here at the park..
  5. Personally, I think the POV video does it no justice. The POV video makes it look so slow! EDIT: Post 200! KIC Junky!
  6. That's scary. When I eventually try to get a job at KI I don't want to work the Tower or WWC (Woody).
  7. No, but if somebody died on the Eiffel Tower don't you think the news would record it?
  8. Can I have actual proof? Like as in a newspaper article? I'll check the KI Timeline on here.
  9. Amen sista. Amen. Waaaay better then slapping down $4 to get a soft drink. (It's waaay better then fast food, its Wendy's!) (^sorry, just had to^)
  10. I like this! Thank you for posting, and I agree, Diamondback will be even more amazing (if that's possible) when trees grow around it.
  11. JoshB? I'm Josh B.. O_o

  12. Ohhh okay. Thanks. I'll have my design ready sooner or later. I have some big tests this week.
  13. I may a enter a design. I think I have a good idea. Anyone have a link for the KICentral Store? I tried the one on the homepage but it doesn't work.
  14. My favorite elements were in this order: 1. 2nd Hill (SO MUCH AIRTIME! ) 2. Hammerhead turn (The Light G's made this element) 3. Splashdown (I loved getting misted by it) 4. Helix before MCBR (The speed through here is so amazing) 5. Helix before splashdown (A pretty cool and weird helix)
  15. Niiiice. You're lucky, I got to ride Diamondback once. I think I saw you and Kat at one point.. I just didn't recognize you at the moment.. Looks like you had fun!
  16. I noticed that too! But yesterday, they had the drums and flutes play.
  17. OOH! I'll be there for ERT on Diamondback. Hopefully I'll get a ride during ERT and get back in line before it opens up to the public.
  18. I waited when it wrapped around by The Crypt. The estimate was about 5 hours, but thanks to our big B&M people eater, I waited 2.5 hours.
  19. You might be a KI addict if you couldn't sleep the night of April 17th. You might not be a KI addict if you don't get the last sentence I typed.
  20. Yesterday while on AE, SOB appeared to be stuck before the MCBR.
  21. This park is amazing and beautiful. Powder Keg's launch is very powerful to me. Then once you get over that first hill after the launch, you go flying out of your seat.
  22. I saw you! I didn't recognize you though. The guy with the "I AM MCLOVIN" shirt was one of the many people I saw over and over. I do remember him being with a big group, which was you guys, and then being alone.
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