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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. Thats hillarious. Nice work once again. That is really good. Speaking of the DB marathon, are you allowed to run to the line, or will you get in trouble? Also, what do you think would be the best route to get to DB the quickest: go down International Street and turn right at the fudge shop and then turn left at Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle OR go down International Street and turn right at International Showplace and then left at Central Grill? *** The first person to give a good answer (Terpy, don't say 'Yes') recieves a brownie point Thanks everyone!
  2. Ha ha. If not in the middle of the train, where do you suggest is the best?
  3. Uh, two things: a. It is quite possible to eat at any of those places and lose weight. It's all in choices. Not one of those places is holding a gun to your head and making you purchase fattening things. Even at Kings Island, half way decent healthy choices can be found, though it is way too hard to do so. Why, for instance, can I not buy a banana in the park? An apple? Some grapes? An orange? b. Not all of are fat. Some of us used to be, and after a long, dedicated effort, no longer are. Others are not YET fat...still others never will be. Like most generalizations, saying restaurants are trying to make us all fatTER is an unfair generalization, Some people, God bless them, can seemingly eat anything without gaining an ounce. And some of them want badly to gain, and can't. Terpy, just sayin' (and who was thrilled when, about ten days ago, in the strangest of settings, was referred to as "that little man on that table over there." I was so happy I almost forgot entirely where I was and why! I know, I know. There was a story on the Today Show this morning about eating healty while eating fast food. I have never paid any attention, but that is strange that you can't buy fruit at KI. I mean, I would think people would certainly buy it, I know I would. And congratulations on being called "that little man on that table over there."
  4. It mostly depends on personal opinion. I would say, in terms of 'big kid rides': Adventure Express, Racer, Back Lot Stunt Coaster, Top Gun, Vortex, Flight of Fear, Diamondback, The Beast, Invertigo, Firehawk, Son of Beast. Now these would change depending if he/ she would be totally objected to loops. If so, take out: Vortex, Flight of Fear, Invertigo, and Firehawk. Hope this helps! Edit: Reading Big Red Dice's post, I got thinking, "Wait, they're only 8. Maybe he means little roller coasters. So I would say Little Bills Giggle Coaster, Fairly Odd Coaster, Runaway Reptar, and then start with the list I made above. But, as Big Red Dice said, they may want to ride Diamondback. It doesn't have any loops, so it is just tall and fast. Tell them to close their eyes if they're afraid of heights, and just to imagine they are flying.
  5. I think you should aim for quality, not just quantity, but... . j/k But I'm not too far behind, and some of my posts were deleted for a reason beyond me. Dang it! Here is a post to add to quantity, not quality. Oh well.
  6. Yes. In reality, like on all metro bus systems, the buses may indeed be used on other routes than normally assigned to as may be necessary. In your heart, you knew he would. But yes, I think they probably will switch around the bus routes so the new buses allow more people to see them. Like they will have some of the more popular routes.
  7. You really did create this topic! But I like playing the midway games but I'm not good at any of them ! Do a lot of people win the 'guessing game' that Big Red Dice referred to? I always think to myself, 'That game has to be rigged so very few people win. I mean, the park doesn't want a lot of people to win, do they?' Obviously not everyone would win because the workers would get lucky with the guesses sometimes...
  8. What coaster would you be referring to? I plan on going to KI a dozen times and riding DB a LOT!!!
  9. I plan on going to KI a dozen times and riding DB a LOT!!!
  10. Do the workers at the guessing games usually guess correctly or do a lot of people win. I've always wondered "The game has to be rigged or nearly everyone would win"?
  11. they say that those two colors is what stimulates our appitites and i beleive so cause major chain resturants use one of those colors if not both{ex.mcy.d's,burger king, k.f.c., l.j.s., wendys, rallys,dominoes, pizza hut, pappa johns, skyline chilli, subway, dairy queen, applebee's, bob evans, dennys, chick-filla, taco bell, ect.,ect.,ect.} i could go on with that list all day, needless to say they are tryin to make us all FAT. I think you mean they are trying to make us FATTER, not FAT.
  12. Yeah, I think the 2008 Vortex picture that Beast so kindly provided looks REALLY good. But up close last year you could see it needed a paint job. I'm sure the paint will look MUCH better in person.
  13. Asking TB that is like asking Tiger Woods how to hit a drive or LeBron how to make a 360 dunk...it's just pure gift that can't be explained!! Well, asking Tiger Woods how to hit a drive is easy. Doing it how he does it is the hard part. Asking LeBron James how to make a 360 dunk is easy... doing it is hard.
  14. I was born February 15, 1994 and Action Theater opened that year.
  15. First off, welcome to KICentral. I would get her to wait in line with you and then hopefully she would change her mind. Just tell her to close her eyes like what tigellinus said when you're going up so she doesn't know how high you are.
  16. I believe that what tigellinus said is correct, that if you are getting in with a season pass (which I assume you are), then you can save the ticket and give it away. BTW, gigacoaster, what bid number are you on the bid board. P.S. Only about 349 hours until KI officially opens for the season at 10 am on April 18. Oh yeah, I can't wait .
  17. GUILTYyouve caught me red handed Did you do a good job and was it realistic, or was is a bad attempt? Also, KIC works very well on my iPod Touch, it is just slow to type posts on.
  18. What is the building that is just to the right of the DB que and the building just above that one. Also, what is the building at the bottome right of this photo. Edit: Can someone tell me how to put me last three posts into one post. I have been going through the last few pages and have been replying to posts as I see them. I forgot that I could quote several posts and then reply when I was done?
  19. I do like the lamp posts in the link you provided. It is something different and more decorative than the big 'box' lights. Also, I does appear they may be planning on hanging banners on the light posts.
  20. It also looks like they have planted some grass seed because it appears they have spread some hay. I am disapointed with the covering style they have chosen for the que line. Granted, I am happy to have some covering, but I wish they had chosen something different.
  21. This is my favorite picture on here so far. I just think it looks REALLY cool and the way you got all of Invertigo in the photo... It just looks amazing. Great Job
  22. Yeah, I agree. Sea World has something like that and it is very useful. It would be nice if KI got one, but only if they kept it updated.
  23. What a coincidence, tangents are what we have been and are talking about in math for the past week. As to the food being so cheap and/or free, I wish KI was like that sometimes. That would save me some money.
  24. Wait, which part are you not expecting: The Beast Backstage Tour at Ride Warriors Weekend, or the trimless ERT rides on The Beast? *P.S. I Don't need a 'Yes,' nor a 'No' from you Terpy
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