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Everything posted by KIfan1980

  1. I guess it must depend upon what time of the day you show up. I've had to show my pass to an attendant every time I've been this year (including opening day, last weekend, and yesterday) and have seen cars being turned around by the attendant twice. Now I'm not there all day, so it might be inconsistent, but I've also been able to find good parking in there no matter what time I arrive.
  2. A couple of observations on this thread: - Always make the time to visit a local park in a city you are visiting if possible. Case in point, my recent visit to Branson/Silver Dollar City, which I'd have skipped if I'd listened to "most" of the trip reports I found on this and other sites, but went to and really enjoyed. You get to make the choice and will often find something you like at almost any amusement/theme park - Did anyone else read the words "without a midcourse brake" and just KNOW that Dare-to-Fly would be the next post - I second the Casa Rio reco
  3. Both Racers going up the hill at approximately the same time! Oh, you probably meant the picture below this one.
  4. But wait, he did already Seriously, thanks to the site for running the contest and to all that submitted a design - whether I liked your design or voted for yours or not, I'm glad you all took the time and effort to create and send something in. Congrats to the winners! I hope to meet a few of you at the park wearing one of them.
  5. At the end of a night ride on SoB on opening day, a guy in the car ahead of me said "Wow, I couldn't feel the loop at all". His ride partner replied "Neither did I. Did they take it out?" My first thought was that it was two of y'all just trying to see if I or someone else would post it here.
  6. Provided said hill has steps or some other evacuation method, and preferably a lift system. Some years back (in 1998), Six Flags Great America's Demon got stuck. In the loop. At the top. With 23 riders upside down. For about three hours! Can you say cherrypicker? Ahh, but isn't the top of a loop just an inverted valley?
  7. Always better to be stuck on a hill than in a valley.
  8. So do you have to test each time or do they believe you when you tell them you've ridden already?
  9. There goes my reading comprehension grade!
  10. Here's a case where Six Flags is actually doing what's right and making the right business choice. Think of the options they had: - Default on the lease (worst outcome of this option is they get sued and have to pay the lease off, but would likely have been settled for less) - Try to re-open (yeah right, this would be like building a new park - not a good business decision) - Do what they did. Pay the lease, but shutter the place. Life may not be fair, but lots of things change following natural disasters.
  11. Thanks - I think your answers prove I was drastically overthinking it
  12. As I read this, it almost sounds like you line jumped on Firehawk. Needless to say, I'm hoping that isn't the case.
  13. I hear you and hope that is the case for both CF and the industry as a whole. Does CF/KI ever share that kind of data (opening day or first weekend attendance)? I guess the flip side of it for me though is what seems to be ridiculously short waits for Diamondback. I know it is a line hog (and the crew has been doing an amazing job getting cars loaded and out), but I was expecting to be in line for hours. The only really long line seen so far was opening morning.
  14. Having gone on both opening day and today, I've been amazed at the length of lines for coasters other than DB this year, especially when you look at the relatively short DB queue (today was about ~30 in main, ~15 in Single Rider). I was thinking DB would open up the other lines, but Beast, Vortex, BLSC, and Firehawk have all had fairly long waits.
  15. A couple of thoughts and a question: - I would never "force" someone to ride if they are scared, convincing and enticing (bribing) are ok, but you want this to be something they "want" to do - Agree with the Flight Deck starting point others have pointed out, but Reptar is a good option also if fear level is high - First Wooden coaster recommendation for me is the Fairly Odd Coaster before Racer or AE. It will teach them the feeling Question: - Interpreter, you and others often suggest that the ride in the middle seat or a three seat car (or front seat of a two seat car) is smoother than the back seat of any given car. The engineer in me is trying to understand this - can anyone explain why these would be any smoother?
  16. For beautiful views there are some nice state parks. For Kings Island, I'm happy with the progress and new ride. That said, I hope that the area around DB is allowed to grow back up a little, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. In 1970, the whole place had was wooded.
  17. A random question inspired by this trip report. Is Mr. Cowpie the same show that replaced Dora during the fall weekends last year?
  18. 5:45 Webcam update and the line is still non-existant and all three trains are out of the storage shed.
  19. Gator - there are others on these boards who tend to be confined to Nick U as well due to kids. My 5 year old is still upset that I went to opening day on my own - I'll be making it up to him on Saturday! Maybe I'll come across you one day standing at Swippers Sweepers while looking toward D-back.
  20. Ok, that may be the first time I went to an Interpreter started topic and was left wondering what value it brought to the site.
  21. Yeah, while there is room for expansion - don't see it happening in the next 5 years. Some nice upgrades would be: - Electronic Wait times located throughout the park (wouldn't you like to choose between Rivertown and X-Base based on wait time when leaving Action Zone?). I've never understood the wait time board at the ride entrance - most of the time you can see/calculate - A personal item for me and my family would be readily available and accurate Food Allergy information (could even be on the web site!) so we know what is safe to eat or not.
  22. - Kings Island: home park advantage - EPCOT: some great rides and so much more - WDW Magic Kingdom: disney theming plus a few fun rides - Cedar Point: king of coasters - Silver Dollar City: maybe its just fresh in my mind from last week, but a few good coasters, great theming, and some good family rides
  23. Just don't do it in the Diamondback temporary lines if you want to be a Single Rider!
  24. Well, in that case, change my vote to whatever keeps season pass prices at the same level they are. Seriously, I thought we were talking about what we wanted it to be (and I think the NickU theme is awesome), but wouldn't want the park to be held ransom for the theme. You'd think that this would be beneficial to both KI and Viacom so the rights fees wouldn't be too exorbitant (but then again, that's too logical).
  25. ...there are SO many old props the park could auction off but just decide to leave rusting away in the Boneyard. Namely all the old props that used to reside in the Paramount Story I wonder how much money they could raise just for auctioning off the Enterprise starship or Forrest's bench... I believe you would find the terms of Cedar Fair's acquisition agreement required that they turn over to CBS/Viacom those props, and that should CBS/Viacom not take them for any reason, the park does NOT have the right to sell them to others, nor to use them after a time certain, which may or may not have already expired. Even if they can't use the old Paramount props, there still has to be things that people would spend money on. How about some of the Diamondback promotional stuff that came out at the end of last year? Or at the end of this year, auction off some of the banners hanging in Rivertown?
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