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Everything posted by thunderbeast1968

  1. Is Leap the Dips the oldest operating roller coaster in the U.S.?
  2. I am the one who also posted a forum on visiting Six Flags over Georgia. I received a lot of great feedback, My wife and I are trying to figure out our best possibilities of a trip that would include at least a "side trip" to an amusement park. Not the main focus of our trip. Thanks
  3. Thank you very much. We are also considering Six Flags over Atlanta. We live in Southen Ohio (3hrs from KI) A drive down thru Tennessee, Georgia and so, on. We thought about Ruby Falls, Rock City on the way thru. Thanks again, and if you think of any other tips, let me know. Much appreciated.
  4. My wife and I are trying to figure out our summer vacation plans. I would love trip tips, where to stay and or not stay. Is there a surrounding town to stay (safely) in, to maybe save a few dollars? Other attractions to visit, can't miss restaurants? Any tips and advice would be appreciated. We are probably visiting the park during the first week of June. Tues, Wed, or Thurs.
  5. This is only my dream. Bring back some classic flat rides 1. Rotor 2. Beyern Curve 3.Cuddle up/ Tumble bug
  6. I noticed, thanks for the information. Is there a way to delete the account of someone (or thing) that is putting this junk on the websight?
  7. I am Thunderbeast1968, there is a spam on my topic of trip tips to Six Flags over Georgia. Please don't click on the spam. It is a virus, and will destroy your computer. I wish there was a way to rid and delete this crap. Please be careful.
  8. You might be a PKI addict if... You are home on a Saturday night, posting on KIC, instead of being out with your friends!! P.S. I can do that because I am Married and old. LOL
  9. Why is the restraint system like that? Could they have made it more like Millennium Force, with the seat belt and lap bar?
  10. I know there were problems with I305, after the first season. What I heard was, the riders were either "graying out" and I have heard a rumor of a few guests blacking out. During the last off-season, adjustments were made. Does anyone know what all was done, and is there any photos of the before and after track work? I have not made it back to Kings Dominion (track was in parking lot) since the build. Any info would be appreciated.
  11. I agree, Son of Beast is a good coaster, and I too get the same reaction. BTW, I also agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it may not make it right. HAPPY NEW YEAR (Totally random)
  12. Thanks for the information. I knew I heard something like that somewhere. I know HW, didn't want a copy of The Beast, but just it running thru the wood with a fast pace (something like The Beast). I also think I remember that this was one of her first projects. If it was, nice job done!!
  13. Amazing video. The narrator really is a great story teller, he puts excitement into this piece. I never got to visit Coney Island, but I did get to visit Kings Island early on in the parks history. What year did Coney Island close?
  14. Does anyone have any information on this? I recall a friend telling that the designer (I guess, lead designer?) was the daughter of the, man who designed and created The Beast at KI? Maybe, some other family member, or relative, to someone who had a big part of The Beast?? Not even sure where I read, or heard this? When designing The Raven, they wanted a (smaller) and similar ride experience to Kings Island's coaster? They way it runs thru the trees, and what not. Please message me, if anyone knows, or has heard a story like this. P.S. I could be really just misinformed (LOL) Thanks
  15. I do like the idea of a B&M floorless, with more inversion than any other. Maybe, a "Wing Walker" like Dollywood.
  16. I do miss the old park, but with the changing of times, the park has moved forward.(not always to my liking) The beautiful landscape, is what I remember most. Some of it has been lost over the years. What happened to the tunnel walk-way? What year was it removed? I just couldn't quite remember. I used to enjoy the train ride also, but the cowboy/ indian theme was lost and it is now like CP's RR, mainly for transportation, and not a relaxing ride.
  17. I hope that something is decided soon, the "not knowing" kills me. LOL Happy Holidays KIC
  18. Boy, am I slow...The photo of the front cover of the booklet, is on KIC home page. Sorry. LOL
  19. I had a park map/booklet that had a lot of drawings(instead of photos) and a description of the themed areas. It also mentioned the "well-trained" staff, ready to help you in any way that they can (what happened to this feature?) LOL I am guessing that the photo renderings were because the park was not complete to take real pictures? If I recall, the front cover had two cartoon characters riding Enchanted Voyage, which was a real picture not an artist's drawings. Wish I could locate it. Would this have been from the first year of operation?
  20. All I can say is WOW. I remember the "good ol' days of Kings Island. My memory is having to drive up Rt. 52 to the park, and we could see the Eiffel Tower a few miles down the road (4 hr drive, is now cut to about 3hrs) Upon arrival we would get a Larossa's pizza. That is still a tradition with my family. Racers were the big attraction among others. Rides I remember most were Rotor, Magic Carpets, Tumble Bug, Bavarian Beetle, and the Bayern Curve. That was the ride that prepared me for coasters, with the high speed and g-force. Man, I wish KI would (and could) bring back some of these classic rides. Now back to reality, I still love visiting the park, and sharing the park with my son, like my parents did with me. P.S. I heard a funny rumor. When I was 11 or 12, a kid in line tried to tell me, that The Rotor floor "raised" back up and caught the back feel of another rider. (pretty funny???) I think that it scared me just a little, and I payed close attention when riding that attraction. I would love to see more old photos of the park. THANKS
  21. Very well said. I know that Mean Streak does that same screech on the turns. I wonder what the cost of tearing down SOB would be? (I do not want this to happen) Only reason that I am asking is, 20 million to build plus the cost of a teardown, plus the cost of a possible "new" attraction, wouldn't it be more cost effective just to fix what they already have?? Sorry, that I just turned this into a SOB discussion, instead of the original topic that I started.
  22. TombRaiderFTW, I would love to ride The Voyage with the "new trains" heck, I would even be happy to ride it at all. My wife is not a fan of rollercoasters and my good friend, who used to go with me to the parks just recently had back surgery and doctors suggested no coasters ever again. I guess that I need to find another coaster friend.
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