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Fear the Four

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Everything posted by Fear the Four

  1. I doubt they added trims. I didn't feel it slow down at all when I rode wednesday.
  2. Not to Burst your Bubble but I see many kids from Kings in your Grade Kissing at KI. I see it a lot. I don't really care if people do it but some go over the top with it.
  3. Do it on the second hill on Diamondback that would be a lot better.
  4. Drawings, sketches, and etc. Are never final. You'll see MAJOR differences once real pictures are taken of the trains.
  5. You could easily do it on the long straight sections.
  6. A new B&M prototype to Gardaland. You can see construction photos here.... http://www.gardaland...?id_gallery=314 Have fun translating
  7. Hope you had as much fun as I did. I hope you rode the Voyage more then I did lol Six times. I got on one time. Did you go to it when it opened?
  8. Hope you had as much fun as I did. I hope you rode the Voyage more then I did lol
  9. Weird... I just got back from my first Holiday World trip lol
  10. Flight deck is the best ride at Kings Island besides Diamondback. It's not lame.
  11. The ride ops at the state fair were actually very rude. When I got off the zipper there was another couple on the ride freaking out and screaming once they stopped they were like GET US OFF! But what did the ride op do? Sent them on another ride cycle. The ride closed down after that. The ride ops also smoked while they were operating the rides. They would walk by check your seat and blow a puff of smoke in your face.
  12. I'm not so sure of it's hourly capacity though. Seems to be low. I wish they would replaced it with the Ferris wheel
  13. What's wrong with Adventure Express?

  14. You must have problems if you hate Adventure Express.

  15. I would assume something like this: http://www.sears.com...ku=03415367000P Lights like this are VERY bright, and easy to handle. I remember watching a Discovery or Travel Channel episode years ago on what a miantenance crew goes through to inspect a wooden coaster. They would use a hammer to hit the track and listen for certain sounds (i.e. deep sound=solid, short sound=loose). They also knew what problem areas had loose nuts and areas that need to be inspected closer than others. It was a very intresting show. Sorry I couldn't give you more info. Here's a video on how they inspect a ride...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_oaGXcdWgs
  16. It definitely didn't open everyday at ten either.
  17. I agree with that. Your still getting the same amount of maintenace with a wooden structure in my opinion. The structure won't give as much but the trains will and it will tear up the track like most PTC's do. It's mostly up to the park and what The Gravity Group recommends. Which you probably knew lol
  18. Steel structures are more of a maintenance thing. It's up to what the park chooses if they want a steel structure or a wooden one. It also depends on how the ride interacts with the enviroment.
  19. I was pretty sure your name was Matt and I knew you worked admissions so I just guessed it was you lol

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