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Everything posted by EssentiallyCoaster

  1. From the Riverside, Ohio area I take RT-4 south to I-75 S, then all the way down to Tylersville Road. That takes me about an hour, unfortunately.
  2. It was the same on Thursday. Absolutely crazy the amount of cars in the parking lot!
  3. Does anyone know if they will be able to stand getting wet?
  4. I upgraded my gold pass a few months ago and I just had to print out another paper. Guess I get to wait in line for another 30 minutes to process my pass!
  5. I feel like the reason Invertigo is being painted is because it's at the front of the park, so it is very visible. Just my thought on it.
  6. Is this online yet? I missed it when it showed on T.V.
  7. It is Zodiac. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_Island#Original_attractions
  8. I don't like the idea of a chain. In my opinion it just seems like it will take too long to get to the top of the ride, but we shall see.
  9. 1) Get rid of the metal detectors. They take up too much room and I've only seen them on one day I went to Haunt. 2)Fix the parking lot, it really is destroyed. 3) Remove all blacktop in the park and replace it with coblestones. 4) More, less expensive food options. I honestly stopped buying food from the park due to their prices when McDonalds is right next door,
  10. I think they could add an indicator as well for the current cost of the paid attractions, and I love the idea of wait times being listed!
  11. Sometimes an event like this make me wonder how someone hasn't fallen off of Zephyr by having some "Great Idea." I think that would be the easiest to do something stupid on.
  12. I know for sure I rode it when it was 36. That was a painful experience.
  13. I heard from one of the KI ride ops for WindSeeker they were just going to add a second set of absorbers to the other side of the arm. Who knows, maybe he just enjoys selling miniature ice cream balls?
  14. I agree. I would cease to go on Saturdays, mostly due to the fact that as a high school student, one day would remove all the spending money I keep from my paycheck for a week.
  15. I was quite disappointed. One of them actually scared me, one just stood there, and a third knocked the guns out of my friends' and I's hands. I told the ride op about the gun incident and all she said was "Oh, that's too bad."
  16. Now this may not be right, but I believe they're there so that track inspection can be accomplished easier. Again, I'm probably not right, just an idea.
  17. That is the big Ruyang Yellow River dino. I saw them putting it together when I was going up the lift hill of Firehawk.
  18. You will soon know I have no experience with trolls......What does "the slowpoke" mean? As a child I always wondered why there was a christmas song about an elderly troll named "Carol" "Troll the ancient yuletide carol, fa la la la la, la la la la" Here ya go: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/slowpoke
  19. He's an obvious troll. You can tell by the slowpoke. And his post of course.
  20. I smell a future McSalsa here...
  21. From these comments, I'm going to guess that the particular train you were on may have needed either one, or a few wheels replaced. Once the wheels get worn down the ride tends to get a tad more bumpy, at least in my experience.
  22. I would, but I need a new light set for my bike. This fog is making my current set really ineffective and I don't want to be hit by a car at 6 am. I hope you reach your goal!
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