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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. My goodness. You could never do something like that now. That is opening yourself up to too many potential lawsuits. If the teacher did do it recently, and the parents ever find out, its his licensure for sure...
  2. once we had a school trip take use to Rumpkee.. No joke... rode around in a school bus and looked at dump.... however I did learn about methane release...
  3. Could the Crypt removal be that as the Crypt out lived its usefulness they saw an opportunity for a haunt attraction and use of the structure without the ride. However, without insider info, anything can be made to fit into anyones logic.....
  4. Low ridership, cost of fuel wouldn't justify it's removal? Since we all are predicting....I predict at least one more removal of something...whether it be building or attraction. I predict the area to be a little bit more open. I personally cannot wait to see what AZ will look like this year. But low ridership and the cost of fuel wouldnt justify plowing the land unless there was a plan. I believe what you say, that it was in the works, maybe, to close the ride, but no real reason to plow the land unless there was a plan. The plan could be 2013/2014/or beyond but things are not torn out when there is no reason. Look at SOB, sat idle for years before being returned to the land.
  5. http://www.thebeachwaterpark.com/ website is up and running... it also has a theme song... come to the beach...
  6. When ever I'm at the park, I always go to Charlie Brown. He always tells me the most accurate information... I prefer the: hes a clown, that charlie brown, hes going to get caught, just you wait and see....
  7. CF does need to take part in the blame, but how much is all a matter of perspective. Sea World was a draw for the area. Without it, the whole area is just another park.
  8. 20 years.... and now I know how my parents feel... I was 7 when this ride opened? I remember being so afraid of the ride that the first time my family rode it, I stepped out and hung out in the little kid waiting area....
  9. the video makes me miss hearing the movie themes when walking into the park...
  10. When does the park start to prepare for the next season and how much time does it take to get the park ready and open? How many people are on these crews? Is it one of those things where there is plenty of time, or do you ever wonder if you will be ready on time? Also, whats your favorite food item, past or current in the park?
  11. Looks similar to the Universal City Scape in Florida...
  12. Ah, Surf Cincinnati's go cart track. That place was sweet! I still remember picking up all of the "speed" by coming over the bridge and going down in the turn... it was awesome!
  13. Well there are some people who do truly believe in certain ideals. They make choices of where there money is spent. For people who truly believe in same sex marriage they would rather spend money at places that support same sex marriage. Everyone has "a hill to die on" and you just have not found yours yet. If a restaurant stated that they are raising money to campaign to put children with special needs in special homes where no one would see them, then I would never eat there. Again its all about the hill to die on...
  14. Supposedly there is a legit Go Cart place off of 275 by Dave and Busters in Tri-County. For anyone who grew up with Surf Cincinnati's Go Cart Track, KI's track seemed like a little kid track.
  15. My question was/is a serious one. I always wonder what makes a person start a hobby they enjoy. Was it the first ride, was it the 15 ride that sparked the interest
  16. Was it always a goal for you to keep ride counts or did you just start counting one day? Did you have spread sheets when you started?
  17. Because people didn't want to dish out money to drive in a circle...... Well I will say that if the TA land was not part of a future investment into the park, they would have left it to at least gain a few dollars.
  18. And thats what I mean. While the AP line has been around the ability for everyone to post pictures and "report" news has increased. Lets just look back 50 years. 50 years ago, a patron at the park gets hurt, emergency vehicles are called for, maybe the local AP reporter gets wind and is able to get to the park moments (maybe within the hour, maybe the next day?) later. Takes some quotes, writes a blurb publishes it to the AP line and its sent out to all subscribers of the AP, who then run it in the afternoon or morning papers. Versus today, wheel falls off of the cart. 5 or more people get their phones out, take pictures, maybe one has a video made. Pictures and video are posted to twitter, facebook, etc. Local people start talking about the story online. Local news organizations get a hold of these pictures, call for witness statements, call the park. Reporter may be able to do the whole store without actually stepping foot in the park... Plus as you have stated before the need to fill 24 hours of news also helps the minor stories become big. Even 15 years ago, this event may have been mentioned once on NBC nightly news or similar. Now it gets at least 30 minutes on a 24 hour station. If that 30 mins gets a ton of views comments, then it will be brought back up more and more...
  19. Because of the way news is easily broadcasted from one coast to the other, I am always wondering if things like this are just happening at an alarming rate, or if it has almost always been this "dangerous" in parks but old media didnt broadcast it as quickly or accurately...
  20. I miss the old look of Swan Lake, I know it is not good to say, but yest I do miss the way Swan Lake looked while waiting in a long line for The Beast. If you want unused space look just beyong the footprint of the park to the land that runs all of the way to the river. That would be unused. But open space is not always a bad thing. A park does not need to push as much stuff in a small area as possible. Some green space is nice...
  21. As a model railroader myself, I want to get out there and walk through and see EJ. Im just afraid of what it will cause me to do in my own basement.
  22. I hope this was caused by a faulty piece, a freak accident. I hope this was not improper maintence or just being "signed off." A faulty piece I can take. Sort of a once in a lifetime breaks.
  23. Where is the anger of Jet's OL Nick Mangold not having any arms in that picture. Is that subtle statement on how he cant block?
  24. But then again, previous management has cancelled it. Not current. So if they are looking at ways, maybe everything is on and off of the table. If you are to look at how profitable or not profitable a winter event can be, one only has to look at the Cincy Zoo. Where KI may have an advantage is the ability to have stage shows both indoors and out.
  25. I am so sorry for your loss. I too experienced losing a friend at a young age, and many questions pop into your brain with sadly no real answers. I am so sorry for her friends and family. My heart is heavy for everyone. Too many tragedies lately. Please take a moment and make plans with your friends and family. A tragedy like this shows that when our time is up, it is up and sometimes it comes at a time we may not understand. Please use this experience to cherish every moment.
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