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Everything posted by benred23

  1. Which I have... I Love Kings Island, but there down 4 Gold passes this year because we didnt renew. That may be just a splash in the Pan, but the more people they Tick off, the more they might wanna do something to change...
  2. Why should the people that pay more for passes not be able to take a faster route? Pay the price for the pass, get through the line faster. It's their decision to spend money on the passes, and if trying to get through the park quickly or not wanting to wait in line, can come in handy. The people who spend their hard earned money to get into the park can also use their hard earned money to purchase a fast pass and, while it might not seem fair, it's their money they're spending. Thats Not the Point! While it may be the Choice of the Consumer whether to or to not buy a WhinePass, It Penilizes the ones who didnt buy it by making them stand in line Longer! I stood in line an Extra (Estimated) 30-45 minutes Longer on WindSeeker because by the Time the Ride Ops let the WhinePassers on, there was only room for 5-7 people out of the Original Que. For someone who Already Paid 50 bucks for a General Admission pass, Thats BS..
  3. While I totally, Utterly, 100% agree with you on this one, Cedar Fair has already decided they can capitolize on the Whiner Crowd out there that dont wanna wait in line, so its not going anywhere. I would have rather paid an Extra 5 bucks for my Gold pas and had them impliment a FastPass system like they have a Disneyworld..
  4. Hmm Lets see here,,, 1. Repave the Parking Lot 2. Repaint The Racer and bring back the recaR 3. Better theming and working Fog and Water Splashdown on BLSC 4. Bring back the fog on Adventure Express 5. Put the Water Pool back in around The Beast. (Would never be done, but I can dream. ) 6. Bring back the Parking Lot Trams! 7. Do Something with the old Paramount Story 8. Have a Guided tour on what once was at Kings Island (Ex. Antique cars were here, this is the Site of the Screamin Deamin, The Bats que was the same as Vortex, Stuff like that) 9. Do something with The Crypt 10. Bring Back Winterfest!!!
  5. <a href=" title="flightdeck by bigdaddyandman433, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6234/6312750721_773bd35ef4.jpg" width="500" height="282" alt="flightdeck"></a> figured it out...
  6. Thats a good question. I didnt get a chance to goto haunt this year So I didnt see if they Removed it earlier or not.. Just thought it was kinda weird. Not that I think Flight Deck is Going anywhere, Just thought it was kinda weird they'd remove a sign to a Rollercoaster before the park was closed for the year... I actually snapped a pic of it but not sure how to post it in a reply..
  7. Was at Kings Island on final day of operation Sunday and found it kinda weird that they removed the sign for Flight Deck before the park actually closed... Anyone else see this?
  8. All in All, Me and the Family had a Good Year at Kings Island. WindSeeker was a nice addition to Coney Mall and Just Coney in general looks much nicer with the Pavers and all. Dinosaurs Alive was a Waste IMO and Fast Lane, Well, I'll just leave that alone. I dont wanna have to raise my blood pressure Meds again. Actually kinda looking forward to Soak City next year. And Still........Still.........Still........Waiting to see whats going to happen with that big pile of wood over in Action Zone that According to park maps, dosent exist.
  9. Bottom Line, Kings Island Tells people the passes are "Very Limited" To give people the idea that there will be no wait, when in all actuality, They'll sell as many of them as they can because $$$ means more than anything... ...And Yes, Im a Fast Lane Hater and always will be. Its not Fair to the ones who cant afford it and does nothing more than make wait times longer for the Core group of Park guests and Lower Customer Service even more..
  10. Really hate to be Crass, But fast forward to 2:40 on this link? Was it kinda like this? http://fliiby.com/fi...v6e6575mx4.html
  11. Far left-hand tombstone reads Screechin' Eagle. Oh thank you. I'd completely forgotten the Americana name they gave it. I didn't see that tombstone. I wasnt aware that that coaster had any other name than The Screechin Eagle. When it was Americana or Lesourdsville Lake....
  12. Yeah, They could call it "Dips and Drops"
  13. Im 5'11" 320 lbs. 44 inch waist. The only ride at KI I cant ride is Drop Tower. Which is actually kinda weird because I rode it last year, no problem, and I was the same size last year as I am this year. I Promise theres seats where the Middle Belt is shorter. I was a good 3 inches from buckling that belt. Very weird!
  14. Looking at the Webcams today, there is a Big GE Banner on the Eiffel Tower, So Im guessling GE is either this weekend or was last weekend. So we can rule them out..
  15. Sounds Like an Off Duty Dippin Dots Guy to me.
  16. Ya Know, I was young when I rode the Eagle.. It being my first "Big" Coaster that I had ever ridden. As I watched this POV of it, I noticed when it pulled back into the station that the seat back on the Last car was higher and I wandered about that was all about. Wow! Thanks for the info on that..
  17. Well, How many hours ya got? He Bought the Land, promising to keep in operation, "The Great American Amusement Park" Yet instead, He operated it for a half a Year and shut it down. Also, His unwillingness to sell that portion of Land to another buyer so they could upkeep and Reopen the Park. He basically is holding it hostage. He Drained the Lake and Destroyed this once loved park... Thats just the tip of the Iceberg...
  18. http://vodpod.com/watch/5148582-coasters-at-lesourdsville-lake Never seen a POV of The Screeching Eagle before and Figured I would Share. What a Great Old Coaster. So Sad to see it sitting and basically falling apart.. Thanks for all the Promises Jerry Couch.. Jerk..
  19. If i'm not mistaken, havent they had the better part of 2 years to redesign and reconfigure?
  20. No Land Clearing Needed if the Land has already been cleared and the Structure has already been built... -Andy, Holding out hope for his Beloved Worlds tallest wooden roller coaster....
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