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Everything posted by benred23

  1. Just an Observation. I was at KI today and Was looking at WindSeeker really closely. I noticed the water Dummies were all in the interior seats of the ride and also that every seat was Tetherd to the one in front/Back of it. Im pretty sure this wont be permanent as the seats are supposed to swing outward in full rotation. Am I right about this?
  2. Hey, Leave Mr. 6 alone. I thought those commercials were Hilarious!!
  3. Thanks for all the old Pics of KI Top Gun. there all really awesome! If I could make a request, Do you have any good pics from when The Beast had the Lagoon around it and Under it? I thought it added so much so that area and it looked much cooler...
  4. I just wanted to point this out and see if anyone noticed. I know that it has been mentioned that the Cop cars brake lights appear to be illuminated, but did anyone else notice that the Cop Car has its Spotlight on? Look at the Light shadow on the ground by the Drivers side door and how Illuminated the person is standing there. I bet this was a genuine trespasser caught on property..
  5. No offense meant to you whatsoever... put they probably got rid of them 1. b/c the whole SOB thing is getting kind of old. it's demise will come in due time. 2. Its distracting from what they really want you to focus on and that's their ginormous grand dinos True, But you can only ignore something for so long before it rots, falls over, and Kills the poor people riding Flight Deck and Waiting in line for Drop Tower...
  6. I know Im blowing this forum up, but just a funny little side note. When KI Posted on their facebook this morning about the big announcement. I was the first poster mentioning something to the effect of what it is and How there ignoring the "Big Invisible wooden coaster" Over in Action Zone. Several people liked the comment and there was subsequent posting about that after I made mine. I just looked at that Post and , Ironically, All the SOB Posts are now Gone! Magic...
  7. ....But on a serious note, does anyone know if any station will be carrying the press conferance live? On the Internet of what not?
  8. Hey XGaterhead, If there was a like button on here for your previous post, I Would press it.
  9. Just Heard on WLW that the announcement will be made at 2:00 pm tomorrow.
  10. OK, So Great, Grand Wonderful. Theres a 3 story tall T-Rex mounted on a Concrete slab outside the park... But what the Heck do all the other clues mean? The Goose? The Tiretracks? The Mud? The Trees with red ties around them? I'm totally confused!
  11. This would be the reason there are 59(and counting) pages of what are mostly redundant statements with very few new thoughts! It's obvious KI is going to have a FLINTSTONES attraction. Yabba Dabba Doo!!!
  12. Hey Thats kinda interesting... What is that crane popping up and down back there? Then again, That looks like its coming up from back by action theater.. Not to the left of Racer like the Magic red line states.. Hmmm...
  13. Welcome to the Madness darkmarkman.. Yes I agree That would be a freaking awesome thing. And thats my 2nd guess as to whats going to happen since looking at the "Planning" Pic I saw on the facebook page a while back...
  14. Me Too... And I'll be the first one to admit i was Wrong if its nothing to do with SOB..... But IF it is to do with SOB, I'll be about the 1,328th person to say I was right..
  15. Turn Back the clock? The Worlds Largest? (Said Twice) Spectacular outdoor setting? Quite Impressive? Measure more than......feet long? World Class? All Sound like Son of Beast refererences to me...
  16. Ok, I've yet to comment on this Rather Lengthy Subject, But I'm going to throw in my 2 cents.. Although it echos what alot of people have said on here already, Im Going to have to go with a SOB Rehab. My reasoning is as follows.... 1. KI Has a $20 Million dollar structure that has been sitting, basically, abandoned and Unused for the better part of 2 years. They've wiped every reference of it off everything. I remember countless times being there last year and people asking me what that huge roller coaster was over by Delirium. Theres alot of people who dont even know what Son of Beast was/is. Which leads me to.. 2. This would make it the perfect time to retheme/reimagine/reinvent this sleeping giant for a whole new throng of people to discover.. 3. The Texas Giant approach could be applied to this Caster which would make it smooth as silk and more thrilling than it ever was. 4. The Copyrighted name "Stratosaur". which was originally thought to be used for WindSeeker, could be utilized and used in the renaming process for SOB. Stratosaur would be an Awesome name for a Dino themed, super tall wooden roller coaster. Which would go right along with the Teasers and Tidbits of Information on the Website.. ...These are just my opinions. But it seems like a Structure the size of Son of Beast sitting Dormant for basically 2 years and all but forgotten (Or so it seems..) by park management would seem like a perfect fit to me. Maybe I'm Way off here, and Im sure Terpy will come on here and Set me straight.. But Im just thinking out loud here. The shear fact that KI Management have had NOTHING to say about one of the Largest structures in the World has me convinced... Andy......Who calls it like he sees it..
  17. I am guessing this pour might bring the concrete even with the footer of the ride. I think it then would be even with the bolds sticking up. I hope that makes sense. That makes sense and I think that is what they are going to do as well. Wow!!! Ya know, the more and more I look at it, It seems as if they plopped that thing right in the middle of the Midway! I wander where the cue line is gonna run for it. Seems to me I remembered the original plan was to put it off to the side beside Vortex, kinda where all those pop machines are. Anyone else agree that this seems like an Odd Location?!
  18. Not sure if this can help ya or not, but Our Sunday School class at Church uses a Free Website host named Weebly. Check into it. Thanks!! www.weebly.com
  19. "Bend Over and I'll show Ya.." I'm so sorry, That Christmas Vacation quote just fit so well.. Lol! Anyways! Im guessing Prolly around 10 feet or so. That Ladder to the left looks like about an 8-10 foot ladder.. Maybe 30 or 40 feet wide... Huge!
  20. If another incident, even if it's not a park/ design issue (i.e. pre-existing medical condition, some moron looking for a payday claiming an injury etc.), would absolutely kill the "rehab" effort thus the ROI would be totally lost and the park would suffer another black eye in terms of safety. TG, at one time, was considered one of the better wood coasters. The same cannot be said for SoB (although some will vehemently disagree with me). As was mentioned, the bugs caused from the stagnant water were terrible as was the smell from all the garbage people would throw in the water. Disney, for instance, does not have the carnival-type games- and the park is much better off for it. So to answer your question: I would rather have something that costs money to operate as I paid money to enjoy the rides. Totally agree with you on the Disney Point. I noticed there were no Midway games or anything and I Actually enjoyed it! I Do however, Disagree with you on The Beasts water. Stagnent water, like a Pond, is a Bad idea. But as the person said, Shallow, RECIRCULATING water would be an Awesome addition. Or should I say, Re-addition to The Beast area..
  21. Looks Like that coaster will be the worlds tallest, fastest, longest, and coolest "Stood" Coaster.
  22. Oh yeah well, well, I Just Cleared World 4 On Donkey Kong country Returns.. Beat That!
  23. Just a casual observation, but anyone else notice that they removed the 'Arcade games" Sign off the top of the buildings in the background? do they do that every winter or is that just part of the rehab? If I remember correctly, those same Arcade games signs have been there since the park opened..
  24. Correct me if Im wrong here, but I was under the impression that WindSeeker was going to be installed directly to the left of The Vortex station where all those trees are.. Kind of where all those soda machines are
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