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Everything posted by BeastForever

  1. I polled no, but I do think it would be cool if they added some more thematic lights and elements in the spaghetti bowl. Although isn't that what we wanted for The Crypt? But we knew that was never going to happen.
  2. Wait, was Son of Beast's loop made of wooden track with steel supports or steel track with steel supports?
  3. Just wondering, does the RCCA even exist anymore? I'd guess not given how terribly AWFUL all of their rollercoasters were. Even before Coaster Express and Son of Beast they built a ride incredibly agonizing as well. The Rattler. Just look at these pictures and you'll see the same crooked tooth pick support structures that Son of Beast and Coaster Express had. (I own none of these pictures) Also like Son of Beast, The Rattler has been drastically modified. One example is the drop in the last picture. It actually used to go down all the way to the water but was modified two years after it opened so that the bottom of the drop was about 45 feet above the water.
  4. Here is my Kings Island collection:
  5. Can't wait to take a Voyage to Holiday World. Although Legend tells it I'll be haunted by a Raven while I'm there.

  6. Now that I know The Beach Waterpark is going to open next summer and will be adding new waterslides I guess I could say I kind of don't care whether Soak City gets a new water slide or not. Although I do feel Soak City really is in need of a new water slide and is due to get one since their latest water slide was built 8 years ago.
  7. The first roller coaster I remember riding was The Beastie. I might've ridden Top Cat's Taxi Jam before that though. But I don't know, I probably was too little to remember. Anyways, my first-time experience on The Beastie to me was so scary! Especially back then when there was a tunnel at the bottom of the first hill. I was so freaked out and in almost tears I was that scared, but I managed to toughen up enough to ride the ride. And you know what, that very instant I experienced that first drop of The Beastie (now Woodstock Express) is the exact moment that I became a coaster fanatic. It's that marvelous, wonderful, extraordinary, astounding, first drop that allowed me to experience the incomprehensible joy that only the thrill of a roller coaster can provide. So anyways, after that ride on The Beastie I became completely hooked on roller coasters. I remember in that same day I ended up riding The Beast, The Racer, Adventure Express, Top Gun (Flight Deck), and Runaway Reptar (Flying Ace) all for the first times too. What a memorable day that was...
  8. Where exactly in line? EDIT: Nevermind No I've never seen it but I'll be sure to look next time I go.
  9. Oh yes, those 27 riders who were sent to the hospital that July afternoon; they were..."sissies".
  10. Double post, well not really a double post. I accidentally replied to my own post when I tried to edit my original post because I forgot to write stuff down in my reply to Voicetek's post.
  11. Yes just about everytime I go. The workers are so freakin SLOW!
  12. Yes there is. Trademark. Lawsuit. Confusion. There's three. Just to start. No Mammoth at Kings Island. Not now or any time soon. Is Mammoth trademarked? I personally don't see how a name like Mammoth can be trademarked. I could see names like Top Thrill Dragster or Intimidator 305 being trademarked but not "Mammoth". The name is to simple. It would be like trademarking the name of a ride "Viper" or "Hurricane".
  13. He didn't have to make such a big deal about. It sounds like he wasted a lot of time trying to get to ride operations manager to complain and then writing a giant article about it on ultimaterollercoaster.com. Who cares? It's not like this article is going to make me never go to a Six Flags park again. I mean it may be because I'm 14 and really don't give a darn about things like customer service and park cleanliness. All I care about are COASTERS, and SF has tons of them!
  14. I don't see what's so bad about SF. I mean I guess they're a poorly run company due to the fact they went bankrupt several years ago but when I went to Six Flags Great Adventure I had a blast; and I didn't even get to ride Kingda Ka!
  15. Probably the only rides at Kings Island I would wait 2 hours for would be The Beast, Diamondback, and maybe Flight of Fear. Although Diamondback's line would have to be pretty far out the door for the wait to be 2 hours considering how quick the lines move on that ride.
  16. According to coastergallery.com it was finally demolished in 2004. http://www.coastergallery.com/2000/cam11.html
  17. Mmmmm, hard to choose... mostly I'd like an Intamin Giga Coaster, but any Intamin would do; whether it be an Blitz like Maverick or a prefab like El Toro. EDIT: Wow, I actually never knew that Maverick is called a "Blitz Coaster". I never really knew what type of coaster Maverick was besides and Intamin. But now I know!
  18. Did anyone else notice that in the show they said that Kings Island had 80 rides?
  19. As I've wanted for years and years, A dive-machine!!!
  20. I totally agree. I miss the theme of Paramount so much. Paramount made the park feel special and not just some place teenagers hang out on the weekend. Great first post by the way!
  21. El Toro is the bomb

  22. Theme, which is the reason Space Mountain is one of my favorite steel coasters. Take away the theme and building from Space Mountain, and I wouldn't even remember I rode it it would be that boring.
  23. Oh well. I went two years ago on a Monday and I didn't too feel slowed up by long lines.
  24. Ok thanks! I'll post a trip report as soon as I get back.
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