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Everything posted by Dieseltech20

  1. It was beyond crowded, you could barely even walk. HW is too small for the crowd they packed inside yesterday. It was insanity.
  2. Even if the park was dead it wouldn't because of a lack of thrills. Holiday World has ways less thrills and was so darn packed yesterday, it was miserable.
  3. I prefer fountain Pepsi over Coke and vice versa in bottles. I think Mello Yello (good) tastes nothing like Dew (nasty).
  4. Every time I have spoken to a person using Fast Lane they say the same thing about the price. "It is sooooo worth it"
  5. Not to mention the best place to get soaked on a hot day.
  6. ^ Why did you leave out Flight of Fear? Last I knew, it drew quite the crowd.
  7. Best post in this thread. Why get rid of something just because YOU do not like it? There is a reason not just anyone can run a park/business, thank God. On really busy days most every ride in the entire park has a long line.
  8. Firefox and Adblock Plus. What are these "ad" things, I always read so much about?
  9. 1. Goatwhore 2. Lawnmower Deth 3. Adele
  10. I understand why things, such as ADA, exist and support them. I don't understand why so many seem to be so sue happy over every little thing. Sadly, there are just some things that some people cannot do. Just except it and continue to enjoy the things that you can do.
  11. Sadly, most of the coasters stored there were scrapped. I read somewhere that a car from Wabash Cannonball was seen in a park in Europe. I was devastated to find out Opryland had been closed....to build a mall.
  12. Wabash Cannonball at Opryland was my first. 1986 was the year.
  13. Shouldn't be too hard to find someone here that would ride with ya. A forum member was nice enough to help me conquer Drop Tower. I accompanied three 1st timers yesterday evening. I like watching the reactions of someone riding for the first time. One Girl Scout went from tears to smiles
  14. First ride was in August of 09. Since my last coaster ride was 19 years prior, I was nervous. First drop was with eyes closed and heart about to stop. After a couple more drops I relaxed a little and enjoyed the ride. That fear drove me to buy a pass in the spring so that I could conquer it. Since then the fear is long gone and I love riding most everything.
  15. Rode 5-1 yesterday afternoon. Was the usual fun ride for me.
  16. The problem isn't so much from people blatantly pooping in the pool as it is poor hygiene. Doesn't matter how well one wipes, if you have the squirts, germs are left behind. Hop into a warm pool with those germs on your cheeks and they get their very own amusement park.
  17. One of the main reasons for my dislike of waterparks and pools. Too many nasty folks out there that do not wipe properly. How many do think heed the warnings to stay out when sick or experience the day after a meal at Taco Bell?
  18. I stopped reading when they stated that Dimebag was the Vocalist for Pantera. DAC, is cool, from the time when Country Music was just that, Country Music.
  19. My son has been riding The Beast since age 6 with zero problems.
  20. I would be thankful to not have to ride in the front on Vortex.
  21. The first post is actually referring to Air Bags, not Shocks. There is a huge difference. They are controlled by a leveling valve that adjusts for weight on the suspension. They are a finicky setup and prone to problems.
  22. Funny thing, I have lots of tats and have never had trouble getting a job. Most people get them removed because it was a hasty and poorly thought out effort. It's all about what you get and where you get it. Since they are more prevalent nowadays you see inked people working jobs that once shunned them.
  23. ^ I know what he meant just poking a little fun at Terp for his spelling goof.
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