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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. ^ In line for Beast, I caught a glimpse of a program called "Cash Coaster" (appeared to be a Cash Cab knockoff). I was on the ramp between the first queue house and the station and unfortunately didn't really get to see or hear any of it.
  2. 8 is a common number of cars for B&Ms, but not the be-all and end-all. Raging Bull has 9. Thunderbird has 5. Now Mako has 7. And I'm sure that there are lots of others with a number != 8.
  3. ^However, during the 2+ hour wait for Goliath at SFGAm last season, I did see several FULL episodes of Looney Tunes. That was a very welcome bit of programming.
  4. I just hope that it's built to be AVALANCHE-resistant.
  5. Though none of the rides mentioned have been relocated since being installed at Kings Island, one of them was once in Rivertown.
  6. A bounce house that is anchored to the ground can, in fact, be uprooted if you try hard enough. I had one in my backyard for my high school graduation party. Turns out they aren't really designed to accommodate 10-15 teenagers at a time. Nobody was hurt, so we had a good laugh about it.
  7. I also know, because this happened to a friend, if you fail to make a payment on your season pass, it becomes void until you have paid up to what you currently owe, and you will not be able to purchase a pass on a payment plan the following year. This was a couple seasons ago, however, and this is purely anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.
  8. Not to be the naysayer here... But Cedar Fair doesn't make impulse purchases. Things are planned out well in advance. And if whatever CF is planning absolutely cannot be done without the removal of Thunder Road, then I hate to say it, but the ride's fate is likely quite sealed, no matter how much the fans lament it. Also remember that rides are machines and machines have a life expectancy. There's no easy decision to remove a ride (well, MAYBE Son of Beast...) because there will ALWAYS be backlash. No matter what you decide to remove, you're removing SOMEBODY'S favorite ride. So let this be a reminder that nothing lasts forever, and sit upright, hold on tight, and enjoy EVERY round on all of your favorite rides. I know that my beloved Vortex won't last forever. The day its removal is announced, I will probably cry myself to sleep that night (and I'm being quite serious). But I know it's coming, so I ride the heck out of it now while I can and enjoy every moment of it like it's the last ride I'll have.
  9. Hey, Seafire! Welcome to KIC! The double posting thing seems to happen from time to time. And sometimes it happens when creating a topic and then boom, you've got two topics. Don't sweat it, the mods here are good. The second topic will likely be taken care of and quietly disappear, no harm done. Oh, one more thing, not trying to come off as rude so forgive me if I do. Your signature is bolded (which is fine) but it looks like you didn't correctly close your bold tag, and it's causing the rest of the posts to be bolded. It's an easy fix though - just edit your signature and replace the second <b> with </b> (those greater than and less than signs might actually be "[" and "]" respectively. If so, just add the slash in the same place) Again, welcome to KIC! Hope to see you become a regular poster here!
  10. ^ And no Arrow flume. Sadly for Ohiocolts, plans changed and we still have it.
  11. Steel flats that are called a coaster? What do you have against Kangaroo?
  12. The Wilds is conveniently located very near to the happiest place on the planet.
  13. As demonstrated, a very slight modification to the quote you heard applies to me as well. And going back to the Mantis discussion... I consider Rougarou to be the same coaster... Because the coaster itself is, physically speaking, the same track and structure, just with new trains (which, as it happens, make the experience different.). There are TOGO coasters in other countries that operate one sit-down and one standup train on the same track, it doesn't become a new coaster every time they dispatch a train. Steel Phantom, The (old) Texas Giant, Rattler, etc, are no longer around because they received substantial changes to the ride structure and layout. AND to the trains, actually (still sit-down trains, but I don't think anyone will argue that a relatively loose lapbar makes for a totally different ride than an Arrow OTSR). That said, it's just enthusiast squabbling at this point. No matter how you slice it, the changes that were made to Mantis make for a totally new EXPERIENCE whether you consider it to be the same coaster or not. And the experience is, in this writer's opinion, a dramatic improvement.
  14. I tend to find that the back is more intense on just about any coaster - though as with anything, there are exceptions. I'll take row 3 on Maggie any time any day.
  15. I just wish said CD player would play recordings of that particular Wurlitzer... Such recordings exist... I have one on an LP...
  16. Not in stock right now, but if you aren't keen on the 3D effect, but would like to enjoy rides such as this, there is a solution. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e9b4/ Basically, the technology is the same as 3D glasses, but both lenses are polarized the same way, so both eyes will see the same one of the two images being projected (as opposed to each eye seeing a different image)
  17. I consider it to be one. You board a vehicle, and are then hoisted up a hill by a chain lift. Then, following a track, you make your way back to where you started using only gravity to power your vehicle. Ultimately, it doesn't matter because no matter how you slice it, the ride is great. But in my humble opinion, it's a coaster. And if I were in charge at Camden Park, I would market it as such. But that's just me.
  18. Camden Park's Whip ride is an absolute gem. It's easy to become jaded toward small parks when you live so close to the likes of KI and Cedar Point, but in my humble opinion, Camden Park is not to be missed. I wasn't blown away by everything there (despite what their website says about accepting credit cards, bring cash. Trust me.) but Big Dipper is an absolute blast (especially in the back... er, second to last seat... er, whatever you want to consider it) and their Whip is second to none. And great people. Had a great chat with the nice young lady working the cash register at CP Outfitters (she noticed The Vortex shirt I was wearing and commented that it was her favorite coaster, and I advised her to try riding in 7-1 next time she's in the area). Haunted House is also a great ride, and is not to be missed as it may not be long before it's the last of its kind to be in operation.
  19. I'd be OK with something like Viper at SFGAm <3 What a great ride.
  20. It's different in a Saturn

  21. Darien Lake's Mind Eraser isn't too bad either. However, there's a clone just a few hours northwest of there that may just be the worst coaster I've ever ridden. It's a toss-up between that coaster and the one right next to it...
  22. All this sudden love for the best seat on Vortex makes me happy.
  23. ^ You should enter! Imagine the look on their faces if YOU won!
  24. I'd say sounds like someone didn't know what they were talking about. 3 clicks is alot considering I believe 5 is the max. Actually, I believe 4 is the max...
  25. I "shouldn't" like Maggie because from what I'm told, there are better coasters at Cedar Point. I've ridden all of the ones they'll let me on, and I've yet to find it, so unless Wilderness Run is REALLY spectacular, I don't buy into that... Despite the public perception, Maggie is my absolute favorite inversionless coaster (well, definitely so when trimless. With trims, it's a toss-up between that and...) Phantom's Revenge. As a fan of Arrow Loopers, and Toomer designs in general, I'm torn on this one. I hate that it came at the cost of an old Toomer, but it's just so darn good, I can't help but love it. Under normal circumstances, it's my favorite inversionless coaster ever. However, as said above, in the rare case of a trimless ride on Maggie, it does get beat. I love Arrow Loopers more than any other type of coaster. Public perception would indicate that apparently that's not normal. If the public wants to keep my wait times lower by avoiding these rides, more power to them. Dinn coasters in general. I just like them, OK? Mean Streak, Predator, and Thunder Run all sit proudly in my top 5 woodies. Carowinds Hurler. I don't get the hate. I really don't. I've never had a ride on this that was even remotely rough. It is a smooth, enjoyable woodie by my experience. KD's Hurler, however... Vekoma Junior coasters. What? They're fun little rides and at most parks they rarely have a wait. Goliath (SFGAm). It's really popular to hate on RMC. I don't like the notion of butchering classic woodies to build them, but I've got no qualms with original installs. I think it's steel. Some (incorrectly) think it's wooden. But what I DO know for sure is that it's a heck of a ride. Viper at Darien Lake. Occasionally I'll slip up and acknowledge that this is actually my favorite Arrow Looper... Sorry, Vortex :'( Six Flags. I've only been to one of their parks, admittedly, but I really don't get the hate. SFGAm is one of the best parks I've ever been to and has an incredibly diverse coaster lineup with GREAT woodies, awesome B&Ms (besides the Flyer, which is mediocre at best), one of the best Arrow Loopers around, and my favorite non-spinning Mouse. I would complain about the price of parking, but Kings Island is quickly encroaching on them in that regard. Lightning Run. I'm skinny and the restraints don't bother me at all. In fact, it is my all-time favorite steel coaster with a height of less than 150 feet. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some things that I don't particularly care for as much as conventions indicate I should... Millennium Force. I get the "Millennium" part of it, but I've yet to find anything resembling force and I've ridden a lot of different rows... The CP&LERR is a much more exciting ride. The Beast. I have an enormous appreciation for the ride and its history, but in my opinion, long flat straightaways (excluding launch strips and brake runs) are THE cardinal sin in coaster design, and unfortunately, are a sin that The Beast commits in a couple of places. I like the ride, but I'm not going to pretend it's the greatest wooden coaster ever built. Not by a LONG shot. See also Ride of Steel at Darien Lake (and SFA, I suppose, though I haven't ridden that one). I enjoy it, but I wish there were something more exciting where those straightaways are. Volcano: The Blast Coaster. Sorry, Terpy. The launches are cool, but I CANNOT STAND slow inversions, and unfortunately, this ride has too many for me. The last inversion on Banshee almost kills that ride for me, too, TBH. I-305. Oh, is blacking out supposed to be fun? Sorry, headaches aren't my cup of tea. And for someone who LOVES Arrow Loopers to complain that a ride gives them a headache, you're doing something VERY wrong. Canada's Wonderland. Beautiful park. Located in a great area. Friendly staff. But they have hands-down the WORST collection of coasters I've ever seen in a major amusement park. Riding the rides there is a literal test of human endurance. And now that Fury 325 exists and outshines Leviathan in every conceivable way, the only coaster that might ever draw me back is Behemoth. And even then, Raging Bull is considerably closer and doesn't require a passport...
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