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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. Both parks had all of their new attractions operating on opening weekend, so they're already ahead of Hartland. Plus, I don't think we'll be seeing an article in the Sandusky Register about "hundreds" coming out to opening day at Cedar Point, so they have that going for them too.
  2. Unless I have a rental car and a bodyguard, my roller coaster plans don't involve Apocalypse, or anything else at the park in which it is located.
  3. No, because last year they sent out new passes via good old Snail Mail to the address you have when getting your pass. Wrong ZIP code, pass never arrives, guest never visits.
  4. If you want eerie, try riding Thunder Run at Kentucky Kingdom while a plane is coming in for a landing. I could practically see faces in the windows of the plane!
  5. It seems crazy to me that a hotel would entirely shut down for maintenance. I would think that they would stagger and do sections of the hotel in stages. Then again, I am not a hotel manager. And it is entirely possible that there's a good reason for that.
  6. A Luigi's Mansion dark ride would have all of the pieces in place to be just like Phantom Theater. Although, while Phantom Theater was great for a regional, seasonal park, I'd expect at a park like Universal to get something more along the lines of DarKastle
  7. Another thought: should they desire to expand beyond kid's rides, the theme still works incredibly well. Imagine a coaster using the Star Fox license. I just hope it begins with a launch so you can "use the boost to get through!" It had also better "do a barrel roll" at some point. Or possibly "try a somersault". And preferably at the end of the coaster, it will "use the brakes!" I think a ride that combines all of those elements would really be pushing the Outer Limits of what a modern coaster is capable of. Oh, also, F-Zero themed Strata coaster with each car painted to look like a different one of the F-Zero machines from the games. I'm sure the line for the Blue Falcon will be always be ridiculous, but I'll stick with the Fire Stingray because Samurai Goroh > CRAPtain Falcon. Other possible attraction ideas include a Donkey Kong mine train coaster, a Loftwing-themed Wing coaster, Mario Kart go-kart track... And GYK, I expand on your Mario & Luigi dark ride idea and submit for your approval the idea of a Luigi's Mansion dark ride instead (with no Mario). They could even have a Metroid-themed attraction (an indoor, dark Top Spin, perhaps?). The themeing writes itself. Absolutely perfect license for a theme park. I have waited a very, very long time for this, and if it comes to fruition, a trip (or heck, even a MOVE) to Orlando may very well be in my future. Nintendo literally influenced my life in a profound way. I would not be in the career I am in if not for them, my circle of friends would be entirely different, and I probably wouldn't even like roller coasters and therefore wouldn't be posting on this site right now (I grew up playing the SNES version of SimCity, which caused me to want to play RollerCoaster Tycoon, which is a big part of why I love the things so much today). With all that in mind, visiting a Nintendo theme park, even if it's just a small section inside of a bigger park, is literally one of my wildest dreams come true. I would hope for an attraction based on the Mother series, but I'm far too jaded to expect Nintendo of America to give fans of that series even the tiniest hat tip. I have little doubt that if Nintendo of America could have completely removed Ness from the new Smash Bros. game, they would have in an instant... Honestly, as far as multigenerational appeal goes, Nintendo is the best idea I can think of besides Looney Tunes, and even then, Looney Tunes aren't on TV as often as the used to be. And what great timing. The first American kids to grow up with Nintendo are raising kids of their own now. Nintendo is smart. Very smart. People think they're struggling, but they aren't at all. Their business is much more multi-faceted than people realize. They just entered the incredibly lucrative smartphone gaming arena. They have IPs that are worth millions, if not billions of dollars. Now they are licensing out their characters for theme park attractions. Heck, their North American subsidiary even owns a Major League Baseball team (remember Ken Griffey, Jr. Baseball on the N64?). And that's only scratching the surface. Oh, and unlike the other manufacturers of gaming hardware, they don't have to initially sell their consoles at a loss to keep the prices reasonable...
  8. ^ Nintendo's IPs are VERY recognizable to today's youngins. And - perhaps even more importantly - to those in their mid to late 20s, conveniently the demographic most likely to bring small children to an amusement park.
  9. I see a "Flying Ace Aerial Chase", but that's not the ride mentioned in the newscast...
  10. I'm confused, which ride is "Flying Aerial Chase"? My Carowinds park map from March doesn't seem to have that one...
  11. Vortex: 7-1. All day every day. I really don't get the 5-1 hype. 7-1 is every bit as smooth if not moreso, and is infinitely more thrilling because of the airtime on the first drop. Beast: Second to last row in the train, or either of the first two rows. Racer: 1-3. It comes with some... turbulence... but the airtime is incredible. Same is true of Maggie at Cedar Point (Though the worst seat on Maggie is better than the best seat on any other coaster except Vortex) Flight of Fear: The very back seat. OH WAIT Invertigo: If I must ride it, I'll stay near the middle. Diamondback: It's almost thrilling if I sit in 8-2. Almost. Banshee: Front row for the view, back row for the thrills Adventure Express: Second row of the train Backlot: Near the back. Or better yet, the driver's seat of my real car, which has more comfortable seats and restraints, accelerates from 0-35 faster, and has working on-board audio and LFE... The Bat: Front seat. All day, every day. By FAR the best seat on this one. Firehawk: doesn't matter, but I far prefer it at night when there is rarely a line.
  12. Perhaps they are considering Soak City in that equation, too? Unless I'm mistaken, their Soak City has a separate gate and a separate price of admission...
  13. I think I have some spares from 2011 forward.
  14. I tried to do just that at Reds Hall of Fame Grille and was unable to get a stable enough connection to even locate a server.The servers in the restaurant, however, were very responsive as always.
  15. Wi-Fi SSIDs like that are pretty common among people who think they're clever and original. "FBI Surveillance Van" is another popular one... One has to wonder if there are laws against such a thing. I'm all for a witty SSID (if you MUST broadcast it... I prefer to keep mine hidden), but those have always annoyed me, if for no other reason than that it really isn't particularly clever or witty. Even the most technologically impaired people on the planet know better than to honestly believe that any FBI-related entity would just broadcast what it is that openly.
  16. I will be working less than 5 minutes from KI next season, and I have considered the idea of stopping by for a quick lap on a coaster during my lunch break, but my luck, the ride would stop on the lift hill or brake run for an extended amount of time if I try that.
  17. To be fair, I myself have walked into Kings Island at 9:30 specifically for the purpose of getting in a quick Beast night ride and going home...
  18. I saw that firsthand on Saturday. A plane was coming in for landing while I was riding Thunder Run, and WOW was it close! It was actually a little bit scary.
  19. ^ Correction, I also see the Storage forum that Goble mentioned.
  20. This is all coming from the experiences of a frequent parkgoer. I am not employed by Kings Island or Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, and I have no official knowledge of their policies. This is all anecdotal. In my experience, most rides will continue to operate if there is rain but no lightning, including most of the coasters. If rain is expected, I personally would try to ride Flight of Fear during the part of the day when it is not raining, if applicable. On particularly hot or rainy days, crowds will flock to that ride to escape the weather due to its being indoors. However, I will also note that this far out, that forecast is not likely to be accurate. There could be rain. Then again, it could be 70 degrees and sunny. If the weather is expected to be rainy for most of the day, this will typically keep crowds down, which can work to your benefit. A rainy forecast left Holiday World nearly deserted on their opening day, which included the opening of one of the more prominent "New for 2015" attractions in the industry, and a day expected to have lots of rain will generally affect Kings Island in a similar way.
  21. Not sure if there is anything you can do about it, but when using Tapatalk, I can see the namrs of forums that I shouldn't be able to. I cannot see any topics or content inside them but they appear in the list of boards. Namely, "Offseason Blues" and "Staff Backroom". Not a huge thing because they are not actually accessible, just a minor annoyance that inaccessible forums appear in the list.
  22. If only you could have secured the rights to this apropos masterpiece to use as background music: Seriously, though. Awesome job. I had high expectations after Scream Like A Banshee, and you did not disappoint.
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