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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. Actually, no. I'd ride that again if bribed enough. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I'd do it. It's the infernal SLC next to it that I refuse to touch for any reason. Which is odd considering that just two days prior, I rode and somewhat enjoyed Darien Lake's Mind Eraser, which is of an identical make, model, and track layout...
  2. Likewise, it's almost inconceivable to me that somebody could find Mean Streak rough at all. I never rode it prior to these changes that occurred to make it smoother. I have no knowledge of how it ran in the past. All I know is that I went in my first time expecting (due to people's descriptions of it) horrible pain that would have me bedridden for weeks. What I received was an enjoyable and glass smooth ride on a thrilling and dynamic woodie. I've ridden many wooden coasters that are FAR rougher than Mean Streak. Maybe I'm just lucky. I found the Carowinds Hurler to be smooth and enjoyable too. Want a wooden coaster that's rough? Go ride The Legend, or Darien Lake's Predator. I love those rides to death, but both of them actually left me mildly sore, something that has only happened on Mean Streak one time when some idiot in the seat next to me kept punching me in the arm... Or, heck, if you want rough, you don't need to ride a woodie at all. Canada's Wonderland has two steel coasters right next to each other in their Action Zone that are the textbook definition of rough. One of those two happens to be the one and only coaster I've ever ridden that I can firmly say I refuse to ever ride again.
  3. I have always seen them use a scoop, and hold it above the rim of the cup so as to not touch the cup itself.
  4. I believe that this is also the first coaster to be retired in the history of Canada's Wonderland. I'm thrilled that I had a chance to ride it.
  5. Everyone prepare your torches and pitchforks, because I'm sure this post is probably going to rustle some jimmies. But I've never been one to hold back my opinions just because they're unpopular. Cedar Point has a fun, dynamic, and thrilling Dinn woodie with good length, a beautiful lattice structure that looks phenomenal on the skyline, intimidating heights and speeds, and relatively short lines even on busy days. Beast is a solid woodie, but throwing aside nostalgia, historical importance, and classic status, and judging the ride purely on the merits of the ride itself as it stands today with no regard for historical significance, I think Mean Streak is a vastly more fun and thrilling ride with far better pacing. And The Beast has given me many rides that are far, FAR rougher than ANYTHING I've ever experienced on Mean Streak. It needs new lube on the rails because it shrieks like a Banshee the entire cycle, but it really isn't nearly as rough as people like to claim. Honestly, every time I've ridden it, I've found it to be smooth and pleasant. The same cannot be said about The Beast, not by a long shot. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE The Beast. It is one of my all time favorite coasters. But there are better woodies out there, and in my opinion, there are actually three superior woodies in Ohio alone.
  6. I hope Snoopy doesn't leave Cedar Fair. Looney Tunes is at SIX parks, and would likely not be obtainable for any reasonable amount of money. Same with DC Comics. Disney owns the rights to itsown characters, Marvel comics, and Star Wars. Hanna Barbera, as much as we would love to get it back for the nostalgia, is simply not relevant to today's youth. Nickelodeon isn't what it once was. So what worthwhile licenses does that leave for a kids area? All I can think of other than Snoopy is Nintendo characters, but I'm not sure they'd license their IPs for cheap and even that might be too esoteric of a theme. Of course, you don't actually NEED recognizable mascots, as they do not always make things better. For evidence of that claim, I direct your attention to an Old Mill in West Mifflin, PA.
  7. The Star Wars Trilogy Arcade machine that was released in 1998...
  8. So I've seen this topic title several times, and I think my response needs to be immortalized in a post. What's up with Shake Rattle & Roll? Certainly not its rider counts! I'll be here all week!
  9. Such a fun set of scooters. A good time was had by all. Except the girl in the one behind me. I think I scared her
  10. Perhaps it's time to resurrect my #BringTheEaglesHome hashtag... Even though I know fully well it won't help anything and Kinzel has nothing to do with those being gone... But with new management comes new hopes and possibilities, right? Right?
  11. But it has the most coasters? That's what makes a park good isn't it? (I hope I've been around here long enough that nobody thought I was being serious...)
  12. If I could meet 'em, I could get 'em, but yet I haven't met 'em. That's how I'm in the state I'm in...

  13. ^ Even if he did, I've already named a computer Maverick. This reminds me, I have a set of recently resurrected Gateway computers that I need to name. They are the same make and model, came from the same production run, and they sat broken for a while before finally being fixed, so I'm thinking Stella and Lola might work for their names.
  14. I would love a Chance Morgan Giga... But somehow, I just don't see that happening...
  15. I was hopeful a couple months ago when I RODE it... Seeing the sign removed literally ruined my day... And it was going so well...
  16. ^But keep in mind, links being removed is certainly not a good omen, at least not for the foreseeable future. If it is to return, it will almost certainly be out quite a while. Just because the website is sitting on the server means nothing. Thunder Alley's page remained on the server long after the attraction was demolished.
  17. That would depend on what the meaning of the word "removed" is. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/rides/Family-Rides/Shake-Rattle-Roll It is still there, just not linked to from anywhere.
  18. ^ I see what you did there. And I approve.
  19. He did not perform at Worlds of Fun in the regular season this year, and yet...
  20. http://edalonzo.com/schedule/ I am a sad panda. I hope we at least get to keep Cirque. I love Cirque and it gets better and better each time I see it, but I really miss me some Psycho Circus. Bye, Ed... :'(
  21. Vortex in 7-1 Best airtime in Ohio. That is all. *Note that these are my opinions and mine alone. Most of you will probably disagree with me. And that's OK, you're allowed to be wrong.
  22. Seconded. Or even 7-2 if you have short legs.
  23. Somehow an eyewitness report of the Texas Giant incident claiming that the victim's lapbar "only clicked once" comes to mind...
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