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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. To add to this, Parking at Great Wolf Lodge to take pictures is trespassing unless you have their permission to be there, either by paying for a room, or by getting permission from the management.
  2. I just wonder if the header image on that page will ever be updated past 2012...
  3. Like all 245 pages? LolYou mean 367?Probably sent from my iDevice without Cydia. Only on Tapatalk. Tapatalk shows 20 posts per page, the actual site shows 30. EDIT: What Kat said
  4. None, because the park has more than enough room to expand without removing attractions.
  5. For a renewal, you should not need to process. Last year's card should be active.
  6. To the BatCam! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yic7IRO9d6I
  7. If I were spieling for Banshee, I feel like part of it would be "Let me hear you scream like you want it!" -With that spiel on Banshee and a coaster called The Bat, Action Zone could be rethemed to "The Land of Ozz"
  8. That's good to hear. Sometimes circles can be selfish jerks.
  9. I am curious, does this phenomenon occur on Vortex at CW since it is very similar to The Bat, or does the slightly taller lift hill prevent the slowdown from being necessary?
  10. As a non-smoker, I have no objections to the placement of the majority of the smoking areas. I'm not a fan of the placement of the one in the middle of Coney Mall, but that's the only one that sticks out to me. I think the park has done a good job of putting them far enough off the main midway as to keep secondhand smoke from being a big issue, while making them close enough to still be convenient for those who smoke.
  11. Greg Scheid tweeted a photo as well: from: https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/statuses/446323903548239873 I hope it's OK to post this picture. With everything that's been going on lately, I don't even know what's allowed and what isn't anymore :\
  12. If I saw A Flock of Seagulls, I would run so far away...
  13. "Invert" is sort of the informal name used by a lot of the public... err, enthusiasts. The public probably refer to them as "ones that hang under the track"
  14. You last until pass processing hours are posted to get pumped for the season to levels that annoy your friends and family? I'm usually at that point the first weekend after the park closes for the season.
  15. Just realized... Since I'm graduating college, I can enjoy many more coasters in September and October next season.

    1. homestar92


      Computer Science. I have a job offer lined up already in Loveland, too. Conveniently located 5 minutes from KI and it's even on my way home ;)

  16. Well, to be fair, "Six Flags Does Their Due Diligence to Ensure Safety of Wounded Vet" would just be WAY too positive a headline for today's media...
  17. I have a friend who argues coaster type based on support structure. Therefore, to him, The Voyage is steel and Adventure Express is wooden. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I can't help it if he wants to be wrong. My approach? If 50% or more of the composition of the TRACK is steel, it's steel. Otherwise, it's wood. Simple. With topper track, a steel box replaces 4 of the 8 layers of wood. Those 4 layers are also a bit longer because the upstop wheels need a place to... upstop. Therefore, more than 50% steel, it's a steel coaster. This also prevents the thin steel strip that pretty much all wooden coasters ride on from pushing them into the "steel coaster" category. And that's nothing against topper tack coasters. I view them as steel coasters with wooden supports. One of my all-time favorite coasters is a steel coaster with wooden supports.
  18. ^Them's fightin' words. Nobody messes with my Vortex!Also, in other news, it would appear via a map teaser on Carowinds's Facebook page that their Xtreme Skyflyer has been renamed to Ripcord and relocated to a new spot between Nighthawk and Flying Ace Aerial Chase. Not worth a whole thread, so I figured I'd post it as an aside here rather than start a topic in the "Other Parks" board. Between Flight Deck, Xtreme Skyflyer, Jr. Gemini, and The Grove at Kings Dominion, it would appear this is the year of the renames at Cedar Fair. You know everyone wants to see Vortex painted red and yellow just like Diamondback. Sent from my iPhone using Taptalk I really, really hope that was sarcasm...
  19. Does anyone have any pictures of the non-teal train? I'm interested in seeing the other colors. As the park has requested we do not post personal photos, DO NOT post said pictures if you have them. But I don't the the park would be opposed to sharing a color swatch of a similar color.
  20. Huh... You're right. I could have sworn I remember seeing it orange on the webcam... My bad.
  21. To the webcam captures! (I'll have to use DavidW's... I don't think my 10 minute increments and not capturing after dark on my server will suffice...)
  22. ^Them's fightin' words. Nobody messes with my Vortex! Also, in other news, it would appear via a map teaser on Carowinds's Facebook page that their Xtreme Skyflyer has been renamed to Ripcord and relocated to a new spot between Nighthawk and Flying Ace Aerial Chase. Not worth a whole thread, so I figured I'd post it as an aside here rather than start a topic in the "Other Parks" board. Between Flight Deck, Xtreme Skyflyer, Jr. Gemini, and The Grove at Kings Dominion, it would appear this is the year of the renames at Cedar Fair.
  23. I have a question about our Scrambler that perhaps one of our Coney Island Savvy members can answer. Don tweeted this in December: "The Scrambler celebrates its 45th anniversary in 2014. Opened in 1969 at Cincinnati's Coney Island." (from https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/409722066053525504 ) However, Coney Island Central lists in their timeline page here: http://coneyislandcentral.com/timeline.php That the Scrambler debuted at Coney in 1957. I have heard rumors (nothing from a documented source) that the Coney Island Scrambler was replaced in 1969 after an incident. I cannot find anything online to support this, but I'm inclined to believe at very least that it was replaced. Would anyone like to share some insight on this matter? It is very perplexing, and it has thoroughly piqued my interest.
  24. THAT'S AN OPTION?! You, sir, are a genius. I'd give you a cookie, but your browser is probably doing that for me.
  25. Also, if you look at the Bansheecam, it looks like most of the off-camera turnaround is done, so the ride is coming along very quickly.
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